Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Dangerous Habit/ Addiction

Dangerous Habit/ Addiction

Since the times of the Britishers... many of us have got accustomed to drinking tea or coffee the first thing in the morning.

For many Indians...
Drinking tea in the morning, at some point in life, becomes a habit. And... it is NOT easy to come out of this habit, so easily.

There are chances that this early morning ritual becomes an addiction. Perhaps a lifelong one ?

One gets strange head-aches if one tries to get out of this addiction/ habit. With the end result that the addict once again starts consuming tea/ coffee in the morning, sooner or later. And, his/ her plans of letting go this habit comes to nought.

Many people take up this habit for diverse reasons. For some, reasons could be -
a) force of habit, owing to the company one keeps,
b) to stave off early morning drowsiness, etc.
c) for some others... this is a sure shot method to kick start one's bowel movement, at the start of the day.

etc., etc.

this habit/ addiction can prove really dangerous to one's overall health/ well-being.

Especially if one is short of time in the morning hours ( say one has to commute long distances to work, etc. ) then one is inclined to drink the tea/ coffee in a manner of... hurry. To beat time and timelines !! ??

One will drink tea for sure... for... one is habituated or addicted to the same.

And,it does NOT matter how much time one has at hand... if one is addicted to a certain ( whatever, say 100/ 200/ 250 ml ) quantity of tea... and even if this happens to be scalding hot... even then one's going to drink this stuff... trying to beat time/ timelines in the process.


Drinking a hot liquid ( here - tea ) hurriedly... to save on time... as one might be required or accustomed to... rush to work... is quite a dangerous thing to do.

Especially... if one is accustomed to drinking piping or scalding hot tea/ coffee... there are chances that this might ( on several occasions ) -

a) scald or burn one's mouth causing oral sores( esp. and generally below the lower lips ),

b) scald/ burn the esophageal lining on many diverse occasions,

c) there are chances indeed that forceful ingestion ( owing to hurry to beat time/ timelines ? ) of scalding hot tea surely scalds and disturbs the esophageal sphincter muscle. Thereby the chances of sores and ulcers cropping up... thereby impacting the oesophagal spinchter ( and roundabout locales ) increases manifold... to the extent that this becomes a certainity.

d) the Situation c) above obviously leads to the stomach gastric juices to bypass the sphincter or reflux onto the food pipe... this gradually results in the inner lining of the esophageal passage to be gradually 'eaten' or disgested by the gastric acidic juice.

Thereby leading to the formation of esophageal or food pipe ulcers ( around and above the esophageal spinchter ).

This medical situation is labeled as Reflux Oesophagi-tis. ( Can be graded as either of - A, B, C, D, etc. based on the severity of scale. )

e) There are chances that this may ballon onto become cancerous, over a period of decades. As this Reflux Oesophagi-tis condition does NOT heal so easily. And,there are always the chances of a relapse. Even decades down the line.

the frontal teeth and gums are gradually weakened over a period of time, if one were continue with the same addiction to hot tea/ coffee/ liquid.

And, frequent ingestion of sugar laced tea/ coffee might increase the chances of disturbing the bodily metabolic cycles... that might eventually lead to diabetes.

Btw... there are almost 15 types of diabetes or 'prameha' as per Ayurveda. Based on the causative factor being any of - vaat, pit or kaf. Allopathy has NO idea about all these types. And, no fool-proof diagnosis or specified treatment for the varied types.


Notably - the Reflux Oesophagi-tis problem is much compounded if one were to -

1) Partake of non-veg food, &/ or

2) One is overweight then the acid reflux effect is certainly magnified, &/ or

3) On over-eating - there is a sure-shot chance of stomach acid refluxing back to the food pipe and corroding the inner epithelial lining of the food pipe wall... thereby causing food pipe ulcers, &/ or

4) Gorging on food just before going to sleep - the chances of acid reflux and formation of ulcers are much magnified, &/ or

5) Staying in a polluted or smoky environment ( even active or passive smoke or smoking ) aggravates the risk of acid reflux manifolds.

6) Any sort of moderate or extreme physical activity after full meals leads to food being half digested. And, the resultant acidity in the stomach might reflux back onto the food pipe thereby corroding the soft epithelial linings of the esophagus - causing sore or ulcers.


Esophageal sphincter malfunction/ Food pipe ulcer / Reflux Oesophagitis 'potential' test ?

- If one munches on a bitter chilly and if this causes hiccups on occasions ( whilst this never was the case ever earlier ) then... can one be assured that one or more of the above situation might be holding true ??

Maybe. Perhaps.

after having meals if there is any discomfort or burning sensation in the stomach... then one may be assured that there is a definite problem that needs to be addressed ASAP.

More so... in case this is a recurring norm.


I do affirm that this one 'seemingly harmless habit/ addiction' can have pretty serious short/ medium/ long term health effects ( that impacts one's profession / work efficiency/ peace of mind, etc. and therefore indirectly ones's family and social life. )... that... it ain't that easy to revert to normalcy anytime soon.

Perhaps Baba Ramdev will suggest KapalBhati yogic pranayama as a remedy for this. And... perhaps this might be a sure shot cure. But then, this might entail 1-3 months diligent pursuit of this yogic kriya, on empty stomach.

Not that easy for majority of the patients... for there are no isible signs of the progress. And one may be confused as regards the progress made.


Take Away -
Learn from others's experience. Be fore-warned.... if you or anyone you know of... are in the habit of drinking early morning 'piping hot' tea or coffee.

Make some amends... before it is too late.... and... lest one somehow unwittingly ends in soup.

This addiction is sort of a "hidden enemy". Slow poison.

And... it might be too late to identify this 'hidden' enemy.

I suggest that many people would NOT be in a position to identify the root cause and then go on to correct the same. In order to arrive at a lasting remedy.

It is only after quite some while that one will know that there's something terribly wrong. By that time damage might have been pretty well done.

Addenda / Caution -
Avoid consuming baking soda laden rice that one gets in most of the road-side restaurants. This is rather an important cue. This considerably adds to the acid reflux problem... and, worsens the same.

One Reference -

चाय पीना याने जीवन सर्वनाश करना

< EoP >

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