Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Expected... from the new UP Government

Expected... from the new... UP Government

Is this NOT true that...
one of the greatest problem/ challenges presently faced by humankind is the ever galloping population.

This challenge is the result of the population explosion witnessed throughout the entire world, this past century.

Especially so... in the Asian countries.

This immense growth in human population poses immense challenges to the overall sustenance of human growth, evolvement story- over the much wider global spectrum.


And... in this regards... near at home... I am reminded of the following two factual incidences... to cite here -

a) I learn of an individual ( perhaps aged around 30 years old ) in my vicinity who are altogether TEN brothers.

Can anyone imagine - someone fathering and bringing up ten ( only sons... and... nil daughters ) in the current times ?

Yet... I gather that this guy, employed in some small time job, has TEN siblings ( = own brothers ), altogether !!

b) Another individual, again - employed in yet another small time job, is 9 to 11 siblings strong. In this case - this person has around 4-5 sisters and almost an equal ( = 5-6 ) number of brothers.

In both the above instances -
I am not aware if these individuals have a step mother, as well. Or, whether their father have had multiple marriages, with other wives also bearing kids.


Above two... are but a few instances that I know of. There might be millions of such instances abounding around this country... and the much wider world.

Notably... in both these cases... the concerned individuals belong to a specific religion.

Seems like that both their parents do NOT believe in family planning.

And... some people seem like NOT practicing family planning, at all.


Most importantly-

We got scant resources in the country and around the world... for the vast... mushrooming human numbers.


I guess that there are many people who are similarily engaged... years on years... in inflating their family size... on years on years basis.

This... in the overall scheme of things.

Some of these guys might NOT have any well-paying jobs.

Even many of those guys procreating off-springs by the hordes might have very limited means... even to -
- feed,
- clothe,
- shelter,
- educate,
- provide adequate health-care/ medications, etc. for... them kids... etc. etc.

So... there are chances that...
most of these kids might end, growing up... sans a proper education and value system... and a sense of proper aim and direction in life.

Some of these kind of young people ( since they might have lesser linkage to their parents... owing to the abounding numbers of their own siblings. This implies that the parents have lesser and lesser time for ay one of them, all-in-all. ) ... might be easily enticed and channelized into wrongful/ harmful/ anti-national/ criminal/ terrorist, etc. activities.

GoI must do a reality check... on this... belows ( with adequate profiling ) -

Most of the so called self-annihilating guys who either masquerade as naxals /terrorists/ jihadis/ stone pelters in the Kashmir valley, etc. ... perhaps belonged to a large family ? With lots and lots of siblings abounding ?

And, this might imply that the quality of life might be very shallow for quite a number of these guys. And, many of these guys might be leading a worthless, inhuman, etc. existence.

Somehow... making do... to meet their ends/ existence.

( With the result that the parents had NO proper focus/ time for all their off-springs' well-being. )

So, even if one of these guys chooses to go down... ( say ) for the sake of others in the family or extended family or for the sake of some incitations based totally or crudely on some misplaced - cause/ lure for money/ religion, etc.

Now... do some of these misplaced guys take this 'act' as some sort of a God-sent privilege ?

And... quite a few of such and similar guys... under any/ all of -

a) bad influence,
b) deceptive incitation,
c) stimuli of an agent provocateur; etc. ... get on to become 'free radicals'.

Quite a menace to the society, the country and the entire world. And... a challenge too.

That certainly ( 100 % sure ) might NOT have been the case if these guys were, at best, 1-2-3 in numbers... of the overall siblings... born of a single parent. Especially... born off some well-to-do parents.

In that case - the parents had more time, energy, resources, etc. to guide, manage and bring up the kids. Rather than leaving a plethora of their offsprings/ kids in the company of ( say ) street urchins.


This is an extremely serious issue...

Many people around the country are apprehensive that... in the oncoming times... the rapid population explosion and agglomeration might endanger their very own existence.

Now NOT going into any further expositions and elaborations...

The point is...

In the state of Uttar Pradesh... we got a Hindutva-vadi Govt. coming in at the helm... with RSS+BJP backed CM Aditya Nath.

So... is it NOT time that the UP Govt. MUST promulgate a TWO child ( MAX. ) policy... for the residents of UP.



In this context, a few rules + regulations are to be promulgated ASAP; something like -

1) Any third kid born off either biological parents would be denied - all the Govt. entitled grants and rights applicable to a citizen... this might include -

a) the right to vote,
b) own a driving license,
c) get a ration card,
d) access to health-care services, insurance, etc. etc.

In effect such an individual effectively becomes a person non-grata in the society/ state/ country.

Such Govt. enforced schemes/ legislations might deter certain individuals to put a full stop to their domestic kids manufacturing enterprises.

This is a MUST DO for the UP Govt.

This is an apt metrics to judge the current UP Govt.

And, this ought to be a far cry from the RSS' call for Hindus to procreate 5 kids in each family, which obviously won't work.

Population explosion poses a serious national security issue, in the near future- say, another 7-12-20 years' time frame.

For - everyone will be in the race to outstrip others in numbers. With the result that an external stimuli might trigger  acrimonious/ bitter/ bloody in-figting between different closeted groupings. This might prove disastrous, for the entire country.

Most Important -

The success of this effort by the UP Govt. might be a trend-setter for the other state Govts. to follow suit. 

Perhaps even the central Govt. ?

And... going forwards... this might be the norm around the country.

Some sort of legislations/ promulgations... are vitally URGENT... for the country to forge ahead... in such challenging times, as these.

< EoP >

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