Wednesday, May 10, 2017

On the greatest problem we face since 1947

Few thoughts on the greatest problem we face since 1947

Ever since we became independent of the direct imperial British rule... to a 'dominion' state of the 'common wealth'...

We got the Kashmir problem... that remains a serious problem for the Indian nation.

Based on few facts, let's draw some logical and practical inferences...

In one of her posts ( perhaps on the URL of the Swarajya Magazine ), writer Madhu P. Kishwar has stated that our first PM of India delayed accession of the princely state of Jammu & Kashmir by THREE... very crucial days. As he, as a prerequisite, wanted his blood brother ( assuming that all Kashmiris are somehow related ? ) Sheikh Abdullah to be anointed the 'first PM' of the state of J&K. And, since Sheikh Abdullah was jailed at that instance of time... by the then... the princely state of J&K, it took quite some precious time and efforts to effect the same pre-conditionality. Finally... Sheikh Abdullah was successfully anointed as the 'first PM' of the state of J&K, as a pre-requisite of the merger of J&K, ostensibly at the behest of the first PM of India.

Albeit... this wasteful latency of time and the delayed effort had an underlying heavy cost on us.

This gave the Pakistanis a certain time leverage to carry out their unprovoked expedition, under quite some guile.

Further, the writer stated that... though the one-time 'accession' of the princely state of J&K with the rest of the Indian union was binding and complete.

Yet... the requisite 'merger' with the union of India was not effectively effected at that instance of time. Even... till this date.

Article 370 remains the link to this... merger.


Perhaps strongman Sardar Patel might have effected the needful. Unfortunately... he passed away in 1948. I think that same year Mahatama Gandhi passed away !!

What an ill coincidence, this.

Importantly -
Around, since those times... the family of the late Sheikh Abdullah ( Son Farooq and grandson Omar ) is almost calling the shots and at the helm of affairs of the Indian state of J&K.


Currently the J&K CM is headed by the PDP-BJP coalition.

PDP was commanded by the late CM of J&K - Mufti Maohammed Syed. Now the current PDP CM is his daughter- Mehbooba Mufti Syed .

Whilst the coalition partner is headed by the BJP politicain Nirmal Singh as the deputy CM.

Now... few points to ponder...


It is said by knowledgeable persons that the entire Kashmir valley is being run by a specific set of extremely clannish people.

This same stock is that of - the Syeds, the Sheikhs, the Dars ( their forefather were Dhar pandits ), the Butts ( their forefather were Bhatt pandits/ brahmins ), etc. etc. ( the list remains grossly incomplete )

The Syeds and the Sheikhs are said to be the exactly same racial stock as the Hindu priestly class. As a rule, they intermarry within themseleves. And... NOT with other racial/ ethnic groups within the Islamic society. Someone claims.

They might be constituting no more then 5 % - 7 % - 9 % - 12 % ( I have NIL idea ) of the population of the state of J&K... yet these guys occupy almost all the important positions of - power, position, pelf. Would not be surprised in case- these guys occupy even the opposition ranks ?

Whether it be the police, intel agencies, judiciary, key admin/ executive Govt. positions, etc. - these guys call the shots... and are pretty well entrenched... compared to the vast majority of the other folks.

Whether we consider any of - the National Conference, PDP or even the Hurriyat top leadership... these guys rule the roost.

Perhaps ( controlled opposition ) in the opposite camp as well ?


Considering that the current population of the Kashmir valley is 69-70 lakhs. Since, this happens to be a muslim dominated society.

We assume that the average family size is 7-10 . This might include a family constituting -
a) grand-parents ( 2 ),
b) parents ( 2  ); and
c) their offsprings ( 3-6 in numbers ).

So, assuming that nearly 10 % ( say ) of the population of the Kashmir valley is made up of - Syeds, Sheikhs, Dars, Butts, etc. ( of the same or similar kind )... then at best we got no more than 80,000 to 110,000 of the same families currently residing there. And, no more... of the same stock.

This is circa 2017.

Can one imagine that such a motley group of people are able to keep an entire nation of 120 + crores of people on the tenterhooks since almost 3-7 decades ( past 1947 ? )... backed by hostile elements from a country across the border ?

if we were to revert back to circa 1947... then none can deny that these numbers might have been NO MORE than 10,000 - 14,000 families of the 'priestly class racial stock' turned Islamic ( throughout the entire stretch of the Kashmir valley ).

Note -
Btw the Bangladesh PM is also a Sheikh !! ( => the 'priestly class racial stock' turned Islamic or Muslim )

And, do such set of motley crowd is keeping the nation thoroughly pre-occupied since the past 3-7 decades ?

With... mammoth losses of/ to -

a) human lives,

b) forex accruing to the tourism industry in the state of J&K,

c) a plausible flash-point with an adjoining hostile country.

(THREE) Why ?

The GoI, since 1947, allowed the article 370 to persist. Perhaps, the underlying reasons remains unknown or unclear to us.

Meanwhile, this same article 370 has clearly and markedly allowed these same stock of people to firmly entrench themselves in the entirety of the Kashmir landscape.

Had the GoI annulled this article 370... then a host of the populace/ people from around the country and the world ( see the same scenario in the case of Pondicherry and Goa ) would have certainly settled down there. There are 100 % chances that the demographic profile and as also - the lands, properties ownership, etc. might have seen a marked redistribution. For sure.

Assuredly... the result of the economic boom owing to the tourism and hospitality sector might have resulted in the state of J&K to become the wealthiest state of the entire Indian union, in terms of the per capita income.

Why the subsequent union Govts. refrained from annulling article 370 of the Indian constitution, remains totally unclear to us.

But what is evident is... this has enabled a closeted set of elitist 'priestly class racial stock' turned Islamists... to deeply entrench in the Kashmiriyat landscape. All the form, format and scales.

Someone was mentioning this somewhere.

Meanwhile - do the Jammu, etc. locales are actually falling under the gradual complete sway of another set of the the elitist groups ?? This time from the Hindu portfolio ??

Can anyone NOT unmistakably glean all this ?

( All these are NOT my thoughts. Lest for the 'invasion of privacy' - I would never be writing this post. And, 60 % - 70 % - 80 % - 98 % of other posts attributable to myself. )


There are the -
- peripheral... extremist elements,
- unseen... moderate elements... and
- the 'deep state' elements , etc.

in the same stock/ flock of entities.

Much akin to the... multi-layered onion rings.

Core of this... is the 'deep state' rooted in some sort of millennials old ideologies/ agendas/ plans ??

Does this ring some bell ?

The 'deep state' ones hardly ever come in the picture ? These almost millennial-old think tanks ?

Their leverage is Goebbels-style propaganda unleashed by the MSM and a slew of other means.


One of the important ways to defuse the entire situation in the Kashmir valley might/ would be -

a) to thoroughly seal the entire adjoining border with Pakistan. No matter how; and, no matter what.

b) repeal article 370.

Perhaps allow the following stock of people ( from around the country ) to settle around the key locales in and around the valley - Khatiks, Yadavs, Jatts, etc. from the Hindu/ Sikh community.

c) Making use of the long or medium term Indian prison convicts in the Kashmir landscape. See the point (SIX) belows - for elaboration on this.


The GoI should have/ must consider making use of the services of those Indian prison convicts marked for life or long term imprisonment ( 7-10-15-20-25-30-35 years, etc. of imprisonment ); or, even death penalty. In case they choose to volunteer in a win-win situation for us.

There is a definitive cost to the nation... imprisoning people for some crimes and feeding them their entire lives at the expense of the state.

And protecting them in walled forts, by paid sentries.

This hardly ever reforms or rehabilitates majority of these folks. Even, their mode of thinking.

But... all this costs... quite a lot of Govt. money... as wasteful expenditure.

There are chances that quite a few of these convicts might be very energetic and patriotic.

The GoI must mull to have a handshake agreement with quite many of these hardened and plausibly useful folks. Actually, it may be vice-versa. A win-win choice.

These volunteering convicts can be trained to be helpful in some -

a) stealth border protection and patrol wing of the armed forces. Unofficially - they might comprise the first/ second/ third line of border defense at the point of infiltrations. and,

b) internal patrolling. Perhaps around crucial armed forces camps.

These volunteering convicts cannot run away; for there may be put an electronic anklet &/ or wrist lock. That accurately gives their geographical co-ordinates in some periodic or real-time manner to the monitoring armed forces HQ.

These trained set of people may be effectively used to check border infiltrations ?

For any cross-border infiltrator claimed dead or caught alive by them - there MUST be encouraging rewards for them. Like - immediate freedom. By the President of India's decree ?

They may be used to act as front-line guardsmen to the armed forces barracks and other key Govt. installations. Providing layered, round the clock protection to any installation or camp site.

Meanwhile - acting as whistle blowers in case of any terrorist/ jihadi attack or infiltration attempt. Which might alert the key armed forces personnel... just in time.

There may be many uses for such retrained long-term convicts languishing in the Indian jails. Some long-term under-trials prisoners ( who are under some serious charges ) too, may volunteer.

One plausible payoff for any successes by them in checking or bringing down infiltration from across the border might be -

- these guys be allowed to settle down in some distant locales ( say living a free life under the sky... perhaps in some island of Andaman and Nicobar group, served by the Indian Navy ).

These volunteering convicts/ under-trial prisoners may be deployed for a fixed or a variable term. Based on their services, these convicts may be partially or fully pardoned.

And, the GoI must decide whether and how they are to interact with the rest of the population.

And, as to how and where these guys must be resettled. With what all checks and bounds to their liberty, if any ?

Here - One is reminded of Australia.


The special package for Bihar, as promised by PM NaDa Modi... did NOT materialise.

Yet... we see that a special package for the state of J&K to the tune of INR 80,000 crores is allocated by the GoI = NDA-2.

Currently, the BJP-PDP alliance is ruling in the state of J&K. With the PDP being led by the current CM ( who is the late CM Mufti Mohammad Sayed's daughter - Mehbooba Mufti Syed ).

And, BJP is led by the Dy CM - Nirmal Singh. Perhaps, is it that even Dr Jitendar Singh liases at the central scope of things for the governance, etc. of J&K ?


And... one can be easily reminded of the comment made by one of our former PMs'... late Rajiv Gandhi - on the expenditure pattern of the central Govt. funds allocated and marked for developmental efforts to the states.

That nearly - 90 % of the funds are gobbled up by the certain set of corrupt elements of the bureaucracy, politicians and the works contractors.

Therefore... hardly 10 % of the ear-marked funds reaches the masses... in the form of some viable funds/ works.

So... who is calling the shots... in this context...? for the people to interpret.


Btw... with the Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine Board and the Katra economy ( read, Jammu economy ) seeing an annual footfall of tens of lakhs of pilgrims and their gross cumulative spendings in the local Jammu economy.

Which in itself might account for almost more than INR 10,000 - 25,000 - 50,000 crores ( and, no less ) on an annualized basis.

With so much of influx of continual country's wealth in the entire J&K economy... where is the point of special package for the state of J&K ? What or who warrants this ?

Why... ?

For a motley 70 lakh populace of the kashmir valley alone ?

So... in that same way is... Bihar ( with 8-9 crore population ) NOT entitled to INR 8-10 lakh crores package ?

Similarly, UP ( with almost 19 crores population ) might have a need for INR 20 lakh crores special package ?

In case one indulges in purely some sort of gross numerical analysis.

Btw - have NIL idea why and how the special package was earmarked... and is to be spent.

Am NOT questioning the wisdom behind the same. Yet... a pointer is to set of the underlying/ undercurrent beneficiaries.


But, curiously I was reading few days back in the newsprint... some retired Brigadier ( last name - Singh. Perhaps a Rajput from Bihar or UP ) espousing what might be a military rule in the state of J&K. And... placing some ex- Lt General Syed Ata Hasnain at the helm of affairs and charge of the state of J&K.

Btw - ex Lt General Syed Ata Hasnain is incidentally a part of the Vivekanand Institute. This is a think-tank body headed by the NSA Ajit Doval.

And, our current NSA Ajit Doval happens to be BJP politician cum defence minister Arun Jaitley's pick for the post of NSA.

Again - Arun jaitley might be RSSs' consensus choice as parts of the entire hindutva brigade ( = the real joint family of the Sanatana Dharma = certain key caste groups "within the Hindutva fraternity". Please infer on your own. ).

If these guys considered me their own - they would never be invading my privacy, on some flimsy / stupid pretexts - my take.


Is it that the Kashmir problem is used as a ruse by a certain vested elements in the establishment to further their own hidden/ underlying agenda ?


Is it that when ( if at all )... down the road... the article 370 is repealed... by that time... there might not be much of real estate/ properties remaining for the rest of Indians, etc. to make purchase, possess and take hold of.

And, the remnants that go around... might be so expensive that the real estate prices sky rocket.


Might that see the elitist elements having fully and deeply entrenching themselves, by that time, in the state of J&K ?

Considering the gradual population growth, maximal outreach and ensuing entrenchment of certain set or class of the elitist populace ( clearly implied in this post ).


In which case... would the Govt. land records throw some light on the land holding pattern in the state of J&K, over the last 30-70-100 years ?

Maybe. Perhaps. For sure.


Why NOT address the chink in the armor. i.e. stop the infiltration altogether. This solves quite some problem.


The J&K state Govt. and the central NDA-2 must try to send one family member from the Kashmir valley to a job in the rest of the Indian territories, that is to a certain extent - gainful/ lucrative by J&K standards ?

Rather than these guys being paid INR 500 or 1000/- for the stone pelting effort, as reported in the press.

Is that some of these guys are paid more in case they are killed ? is a natural logical question that comes to one's mind.

This log-jam must end.

< EoP >

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