Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Energy Security - one approach

Energy Security. One approach - the right way ?

An apt example ? -

How the Guru ji CapTain incites people, an example follows -

In one of his blog posts... Captain talks of health concerns attributable to the inherently present/ produced nano carbon from LPG and attributes the same to a slew of breathing/ lungs, etc. health related problems. And... as to how... LPG poses a serious problem for all our well being.

( Btw - if we Indians altogether stop using LPG then a considerable amount of forex exchange will be saved. )

But then... do we start cooking using fire woods in our kitchen ? In that case... the massive Indian population will totally utilize the remnants of the forests/ green cover in the country within 4-7 years.

And all this deforestation might lead to massive terrestrial warming, failure of monsoons, turning the cultivable soil into wastelands ( = desert ) down the road. Result might be dropping off of the water table levels drastically; and... famines.

So... what the Guru Ji Captain suggests is NOT tenable.

And, in case if any dimwit of his avid followers were to be incited and voice his/ her opinion in favor of Cap Ten's line ( Again - this is therefore against the Union Govt.'s policy of providing LPG in every household )... then... is the ill-informed/ misled/ incited/ provoked person... to be in the Cap Ten's or GoI's 'watch-list' dragnet ? Owing to - breach of some laws ? Perhaps, some decrepit and useless British time laws ?

I guess - YES. True.

In any case - be your own judge.


There is yet other side of the coin....

CapTen... if someone points one finger at someone else. Then three fingers fold back... and points back at you and mates... albeit supported by the thumb. And...

the thumb-rule holds good in each and every context.

And... what might be the thumb rule ?



By the way... reference the magazine URLs - ; and

One can easily infer ( backed by the IIT Delhi research report ) that Bio Gas or Gobar Gas ( CBG = methane ? ) that can be easily obtained from our cattle wealth can easily meet all our power requirements in this country for the next at least 1-2 thousands of year !! In fact - we would not be needing nuclear energy, as such.

So... move over nuclear energy ?

Now... this is coming from IIT-Delhi research.

Can anyone believe this ?

What has the NDA-2 Govt. done to realize this inherent potential in our cattle wealth - cows, oxens and buffaloes ? In fact, contrarily - the beef export industry has seen an upsurge since the NDA-2 Govt. took over. Surprising all and sundry.

Is that the way to go forward ?

Hardly !


So, here on, we might briefly outline belows ( adding to the cues, in-line with the above mentioned URLs ) a scheme that solves quite a lot of our energy woes and potentially saves us cumulative forex that runs into hundreds of billions of USDs over a decades's time...

that we got nearly SIX lakhs villages in our country wherein the resident population may range from 50-100-500-1000-2000-4000-7000 in any of these villages.

In 90% - 95 % of these villages there might NOT be any dearth of cattles - cows, oxen, buffaloes, etc.

So, it makes the best possible sense for the respective state Govts. to have small or medium scale BIO-GAS plants that utilises the cattle ( cow + oxen + buffalo ) dungs as the input raw materials and provides the output ( for multiple purposes ) like -

a) production and bottling of CBG or Gobar gas for localized distribution ( say - for household use ),

b) generation of distribution of moderate amounts of electricity to meet most of the localized needs,

c) production of organic manures and compost.

d) Localized employment generation on this count.


if any small/ medium CBG plant requires a capital investments/ costs of INR 05-10-20-30-40-50 lakhs per such plant. Then assuming that for six / twelve lakh such plant in mostly rural areas - we might be in the need of capital investment of nearly -

@ Six Lakhs :

INR 05-10-20-30-40-50 lakhs x 6 lakhs = INR 30,000- 60,000- 120,000- 180,000- 240,000- 300,000 Crores

@ Twelve Lakhs :

INR 05-10-20-30-40-50 lakhs x 12 lakhs = INR 60,000- 120,000- 240,000- 360,000- 480,000- 600,000 Crores

ONLY. And... no more.

Btw - USD 1 Billion = INR 6700 Crores. So, USD 100 Billions = INR 670,000 Crores.

So... the net investment here ( this is hardly expenditure ) hardly crosses USD 100 Billions.

Do these one-time investments/ expenditures can be effected in a graded manner per state or UT, over a 5-7-9 years time frame ? !

All... this solves a colossal of our energy requirements/ problems.

This might also see the expenses that deplete our forex reserves on the head of hydrocarbon imports ( esp. gaseous nature. Say - LPG ), to be significantly capped. Perhaps to the tune of couple of USD hundred of billions over a decade's time frame.

This might definitely help in gradually welling up of the forex reserves on year-to-year basis.

But then - we must be simultaneously prepared for the loss of forex on account of trickling down of the beef exports.

Actually... that might not be much/ of a problem.

< EoP >

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