Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Of animals and birds ?

Of animals and birds

Question - What's in a name ?

Pragmatic and wise (wo)men ought to consider the following case scenarios -

< One >

We go back to the lores of the epic MahaBharata...

During the 18 day long mega war... DharmaRaj Yudhistara won the day for the Pandavas... owing to one single lie he uttered during the entire course of his existence.

This had to do with Ashwa-Thama.

On being questioned by his Guru, DharmaRaj Yudhistara affirmed wrongly ( given the implied context ) that Ashwa-Thama was indeed dead. Then, in a rather inaudible tone added that he was in fact referring to the elephant Ashwa-Thama. That info. or news, later added by DharmaRaj Yudhistara, was drowned in the cacophony of the war field and the ensuing victory clamor ( all engineered ? ).

Point being - that here an animal ( elephant ) was given the name of a person.

It is always the case that animals are given certain names, by us human beings.


Even Maharana Pratap's ( of Mewar ) war horse was famously known as Chetak.

< Two >

Lets' revert to the recent times...

Some 7-12 years back I had chanced on this news...

The president of a very powerful nation had a pet dog ( or, was it a bitch ? ) while he was in office.

Curiously, incidentally and outrageously this pet dog ( or, bitch ? ) was given the name of a country by the same President ( I do NOT clearly recall which country. And, in the case I do... even then in that case I would NOT want to put forth the same name here-withal.  )

Apparently, this certain powerful President of a powerful country had a certain liking or love for his pet dog ( or, bitch ? ).

He named the pet out of fondness or contempt is anyone's guess.

Or, was it the case of utter/ crass/ brazen contempt for the country so named by him. And... perhaps even country-men ?

Be your own judge !

Btw - most of us earthlings might find this extremely obnoxious and outrageous.


Not sure how people of that country ( whose name was mapped on the pet dog/ bitch ) took it... whether they took it as down-right contemptuous... else they took it as a matter of ceratin pride and honor for their entire country... is for those in the know of this CONTEXT... to answer in the public domain ?

Guru Ji Captain ?? The Samurai Chief practicing Bushido. Your answer please ??


As far as any patriotic individual of the country is concerned - that should have been a pretty serious matter that should have meted full/ thorough/ proper attention... to the last detail.

As to why... ? and... hows ? The root cause ?


Paradoxically/ interestingly/ curiously , etc. when this nutty President visited this very same country ( I am NOT sure whether he had also brought along his pet dog/ bitch to give him company ? ) then witness what followed -

a) the entire set of parliamentarians of the host country... bent over and stooped to the very lowest levels ( ? ) to appease him and his troupe. Engaging in endless chicaneries ( ? ), boot-licking, endless ego-massaging, etc. - the list might be endless;

b) The entire set of the MSM went ga-ga ( thereby bending over backwards ? ) covering each and every aspects of this President's official visit - from cover to cover. Preceding... and succeeding his visit.

Apparently... things were in high pitched ecstatic motions;

c) Those 'clump of the patriotic (wo)men in the armed forces, intel agencies and police' provided him the guard of honor and protected the entire visiting guest body, round the clock in a highly effective and efficient manner.

For these guys a "guest is a guest" always holds true !! ??

Actually- were these set of pusillanimous ( or, shall I say - almost fallow ? ) guys are too pea-brained to ever notice a slight. And... the way it is delivered.

Especially when it comes from a heavy-weight personality.

But then, these same guys do certainly engage in endless games/ NAUTANKIS whence they have to nail an innocent individual for some ulterior motives /motivations/ intentions ? ... shall we deduce so... then ?

d) Almost the entire country welcomed him like... he were a regent.

Well... the Americans have sure sold the American dream quite swell... throughout the entire world. Is that not so ?


So... we see that animals sure have certain names that has close congruence or simply maps onto a country's name.

Any questions on that ?

< Three >

So... who is the retard or those set of retards who says or opines that even birds do not have names given to them by human beings.

The name given might map on to a country's name ? Surely and certainly.

I guess only a set of vamp-ire(s)/ demon(s)/ Count Dracula/ (sin)ister guys, etc. can make such a mistake ?? Or, blunder ?

And... then proceed onto roll out... endless Goebbels like propaganda.


So... did I jog your memory swell enough ?

Can anyone tell...what is the name of that specific pet dog/ bitch ( named fondly so after a country ) by that certain President of a country ?

Or, for that manner... that specific President ?

Hey !! Captain... enlighten please ?? Will you ? Won't you ?

Your perceptive thoughts on that... please ??

And... ASAP too.

Cue -

I am still OUT-RAGED !!

< EoP >

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