Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Yugas... and 'Yuga-Anta-Kari' Events

Yugas... and 'Yuga-Anta-Kari' Events

An alternately more pertinent line to the concept of Kali Yuga being as = 4,32,000 human-being years span, goes here.

The lunar months having a paksha of 15 days. Sukla and Krishna paksha each equals = 15 days.

So, in a month we have = 15 + 15 = 30 days. So, 12 months in lunar year equals = 12 x 15 = 360 days.

The Adhik ( means = more or additional, in Hindi ) or Purush-Ottama masas ( = months ) takes care of the remainder of 5-6 days per year ( as in a solar year ). So, every 4-5 years we get the Adhik masas.

We see that the purported Kali Yuga ( as = 4,32,000 years )... when divided by the number of days in a lunar ( man ) year ( = 360 days ) = 4,32,000/ 360 = 1,200 years.

So, a figure of 1200 years for the Kali Yuga seems highly reasonable. So, Dwapar might be 2400 years and Treta thrice that number = equaling 3600 years. Same way - SatYuga becomes 4x Kali Yuga Span = 4 x 1200 years = 4800 years.

So, sum of them all = ( 1200 + 2400 + 3600 + 4800 ) years = 12,000 years.

This reminds one of the line from Hanuman Chalisa which states "Yug Sahastra Yojan par Bhanu..." as implying the distance between earth and SUN.

Btw -

One Yojana = 8 miles = 8 x 1.6 km = 12.8 km

Sahastra = 1000

Bhanu = SUN.

Someone correctly used this formula to derive the number of man years in a Yuga system; or alternately...

with Yugas a quantified and known number... the same is used to calculate the distance between the SUN and earth.

Using the formula -

Net distance between SUN and earth = Number of man years in a Yuga System x Sahastra Yojan = Number of man years in a Yuga x 1000 x 12.8 km = 1280 x Number of man years in a Yuga km

So... knowing one... the other can be easily calculated.

Net distance between SUN and earth is a known scientific fact.

Hence... this may be used to derive the number of man years in a Yuga system.

Or, the Captain's concept of spiraling times that adds up to something like 25,000 or so years is more in line ?

Frankly... have no idea which of the following SIX lines is the correct one -

1) Kali Yuga = 4,32,000 years;

2) Kali Yuga = 1,200 years;

3) Using the authentic line from Hanuman Chalisa to calculate the span of the Yuga system;

4) Captain's blog telling the Yuga System as some spiraling bhortex ( vortex ) of time... totaling around 25,000 years approx.

5) Sri Yukteswara Giri's ( the Guru of Paramhamsa YogaNanda ) line of thinking on the Yuga System. And per him -now we are past the Kali Yuga ( the dark ages ) and into the Dwapar Yuga.

6) The Jain line of thinking on the Yuga system.

And... have NIL intention of getting into clarifying or confirming the truth in any of these above theories.


Now, other religions do NOT have this concept of the Yuga system, barring only Jainism.

And, Jainism is quite an old religion of India. Some may consider Jainism older than the Sanatana Dharma.

The erstwhile Vidhya-Dharas were almost all Jains.

Btw- Sanatana Dharma claims Jainism as a part and a parcel of Hinduism ?

Point alluded to, here is -

1) Please refer to the Jain concept of their own Yuga system.

I recall, I chanced on the same on the blog -

2) Most importantly... there cannot be two universal truths that are in variance to each other. One has to be true. If all the above six claims are to be taken as true... then the likelihood of any of them coming out as erroneous ... cannot and must not be ruled out.

So... what if we choose to decide... to believe in neither of these... theories.


Herewithal... we consider another concept...

In the Hindi language there is a term - 'Yuga-Anta-Kari GhatNa' and 'Yuga PraVartak'.

This is... something or someone, who basically, marks an epoch.

A breakup of the words/ terminology follows -

Yuga - A certain span of time. Epoch. Perhaps - Aeons.

Anta - end; ending; termination.

Kari - causing; causative of... something

Ghatna - an event; a sequence of... happenings or events; etc.

So... 'Yuga-Anta-Kari GhatNa' basically refers to an Epoch. A certain span/ aeons/ eon of time... that is marked by the occurrence/ happening/ termination, etc. of a certain event.

In this context... we look at the following three-four crucial examples -


The times of the 'Satya-vadi' Raja Harish Chandra ( of Ayodhya ? )  is oftentimes referred to as Sat or Satya Yuga.

So, is it that 'Satya-vaadi' Raja Harish Chandra epitomized this epoch of time... and the same was referred to as SatyaYuga ? is a thought that confronts.


In the Treta Yuga - we got three avatars of Lord Narayana -

a) Poorna - Lord Rama with 12 kalas,

b) Sesha Avatar - Lord Rama's younger brother, Lakshmana

c) Anshik - Sudarshana Chakra Avatara Lord RajRajeshwara SahastraBahu KartaVeerya Arjuna,

But, then...
Catapulted ( to... 'avtara-hood' ? ) - Sage ParasuRama ( The same one who killed even pregnant HaiHey Kshatriya women folks. Sage ParasuRama and his chosen army... killed the HaiHey Kshatriyas and those all with whom they were matrimonially, etc. related to... 21 times... around most of the regions of central, east central, west central, north central, south central regions of India. Covering almost 60 % -70 % of the land masses of the present country. NOTE THIS PLEASE. How come Sage ParasuRama failed to go the the southern-most reaches of Tamil Nadu and Sri Lanka ? What about Sri Lanka, Tibet, Burma, Bhutan and China ? )

Any plausible answers ?

And how come -
the Arab + Persian islamic invaders and the Mughals ( the Turkish-Persian-Mongloid mixed breed/ race ) did NOT cause our Chiranjeevi Sage to stir from his eternal life to save Sanatana Dharma and his own folks while even dead women were raped by the marauding soldiers of the oncoming islamic armies ?

Yet... sage ParasuRam saw wisdom in utilizing the Lord MahaKaal given Divya-Astra to rout the Haihey Kshatriyas ?

Why was that so ?

I have thought... and thought... but have NOT been able to figure this one out.



Parasu means axe.

And, Persia ( present day Iran ) is called as 'Faaras' in Hindi.

Eg. - the Persian Gulf is referred to as - 'Faaras ki Khaadi' in Hindi.

Btw - 'Faaras' is to much close to 'Farsa'.

In Hindi, 'Farsa' stands for/ implies/ means = an axe.

So... we deduce that... Parasu and Farsa means = axe.

And, Farsa reminds one of Faaras - the ancient Indic name for Persia = present day Iran.


Naturally, this thought arises... did Sage ParasuRam belonged to the Persian part of the Aryavarta ? ( that extended till the ancient Persia and even beyonds... in days of yore ? )

If there is ever a theory as regards this...then I am certainly inclined to believe that to be the truth.

So... what must have caused the chiranjeevi ( = eternal living ) sage ParasuRam to stay silent whilst the Islamic forces did run riot and destroyed almost all the Buddhists and the Jains Kings and their respective kingdoms during most parts of the medieval ages* ?
Also quite many ancient Hindu kings and kingdoms. Whilst new Hindu king/ kingdoms and newer royal lineages came up.

( Medieval ages : A period between 7th-8th-9th century AD to almost around 18th century AD )

The question arises -
Is it that the invading external forces were of the same racial stock as Sage Parasuram... and therefore his blood brothers ?

Else - what explains his keeping low all this while... while the Sanatana Dharma faced the gravest heat ? is a question that finds no answer.


Is it NOT true that the Buddhists have almost vanished from the face of India... wherever the Islamic Sultanate invaders went and later on the Mughals went on to occupy and ensconce themselves.

( Btw - the SC caste Mahars are supposed to be erst-while Buddhists. Some set of Kammas from of AP+Telengana claim or theorize to be erst-while Buddhist people. The SC caste  Paswans from Bihar, Jharkhand, eastern UP, etc. regions might have been erst-while Buddhists folks. )

And, the Jains who numbered almost 400 millions world-wide - almost 2200 years back have been so much exterminated or else converted to 'low' Hindu castes that their numbers today stands at near 7 millions around the world.

From 400 millions to 7 millions... mostly over a great part of Sultanate/ Mughal rule.

And... Goa was a fully Jain kingdom almost five centuries back. Almost a great part of the Konkan region, Maharashtra and Karnataka too ?

St Xaviers' got killed 20,000 Jains each day in the Goa region... some 4-5 centuries back. Massive extermination of the native populace ensued.

Please check this up with the real old Jain lineages. They are actually the ancient races of India... mostly of the ancient Kshatriya origin.

Reference - the pdf magazine from "Jain Jaiswal Jagriti"; April-May, 2016 issue. Page # 24 .


Btw - is this not greatly surprising that... all this while... notwithstanding all the said Islamic atrocities... we Hindus have still managed to mushroom in numbers ( though no ways comparable to the Islamic numbers ) ?

Esp. the priestly class and some of the Hindu Kings from the north-west India and their own folks - during the Mughal period ( starting with the golden period rule ? of... "Akbar the GREAT" ) and thence on... later days British rule. Even through this days.


Whilst the Jains and Buddhists might have been decimated countless times over or converted faith to Islam or to Hinduism ?

Would any living Jain and Buddhist voluntarily choose to do so in the present day India ? Hardly. So, what makes one think that they might have done the same in bygone days ?

Be rational ?



1) How come Lord Narayana has to take avatara as Lord Rama to kill a Brahmin King Ravana ?

Why could Lord Narayana not have delegated this task to his amsa-avatar Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna ?

After all - Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna had thoroughly vanquished Ravana near the Narmada river bank. And, had kept Ravana in captivity for almost six months. Proving that HE was indeed more powerful than Ravana.

Apparently... it seems like that... Lord Narayana or Hari is certainly NOT 'trikaal-darshi' to have known or anticipated that rakshasa king Ravana will go awry down the line  ?

Considering that Lord Narayana is NOT 'trikaal-darshi', then what might have stopped HIM from consulting Lord Shiva who is avowedly known to be 'trikaal-darshi' ?

Now, when... Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna might have been allowed to kill Ravana... then what was the point of letting Ravana off ?

Thereby necessitating the incarnation as an Avatara.

And... having a full fledged avatar- Lord Rama ( though of only 12 kalas ) to incarnate to kill Ravana and destroy his folks.

Effectively, Lord Rama wisely used the scheme of 'kaante se kaanta' nikala.

Using the Vana-Naras or the Matang race ( residing around KishKindha / RishyaMukha parvata in present day Andhra, Karnataka regions ) to exterminate the race of Rakshasa King Ravana mostly residing in Sri Lanka ??

Lord Rama went thru' Tamil Nadu to Rameshwaram. Did he went thru' Kerala as well ?

2) We see that Treta Yuga had three avatars. So Tre-Ta Yuga ? Btw - 'Tre' implies 'three'. Is that the reason for naming the Yuga so ?

3) Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna is said to have got 1000 arms as a boon from Lord Datta-Treya or Dutt-Atreya.

This is 100 % fallacious projection. No human being can have comfortable existence even with more than two arms. Forget eight or ten hands. So, a 1000 armed human being sounds 100 % ridiculous line of thinking.


Perhaps, HE had the strength of a thousand human beings...

Again... someone suggested that he could fight 1000 of the best of the wrestlers ( 'malla yuddha' ) all at the same time.

Again... he had 500 wives and had 500 mighty and valorous children out of these wives.

Again... being ever surrounded by 500 best body guards having 1000 arms, altogether.

4) There is a distinct possibility that Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna and his kinsmen had matrimonial alliances with kings and regents in the territories to the south of river Narmada... and extending till deep South.

Perhaps Sage JamadAgni and Vashistha disapproved of this... inter-breeding amongst races ?

Was that the reason HE was treacherously culled out as numerous texts profess and proclaim ?

But my own understanding tells... he merged into Lord Shiva at Maheshwar, MP.

So... being killed by Sage Parasuram might be something of a story one may take with a pinch of salt ?

Perhaps so.

5) If I am NOT mistaken then Sudarshana Chakra Avatar Raj Rajeshwara ShastraBahu Arjuna's mother was none other then the daughter ( Padmini Devi ) of SatyaVadi Raja Harish Chandra !!

See here - there is an overlap between the Sat Yuga and the Treta Yuga characters.


In the Dwa-Par Yuga -

Dwa - implies 'two' in Hindi.

During the course of the Dwa-par Yuga, TWO 'active' avataras incarnated on the eartly plane -

1) Poorna Avtara - Lord Krishna ( complete with 16 kalas )

2) Amsha Avtara - the Shesha Avatar - LORD BALARAMA

And, no sooner had these avataras left the earthly plane... the dark age of Kali Yuga started that very moment.

Even, Lord Krishna's and Lord Balrama's earthly sojourn and passage from the earthly plane was a... 'Yuga-Anta-Kari Ghatna' in many ways !!

Recalling that...
'Yuga-Anta-Kari Ghatna' basically refers to an Epoch. A certain span/ aeons/ eon of time... that is marked by the occurence/ happening/ termination, etc. of a certain events.

Ending of an event/ time/ cycle of time.


In Kali Yuga... till now we have not seen any full-fledged or poorna avatara. Though many amsa avataras come and go.

So... till now we seem to be living in a Khali ( = empty ) epoch.

Of course... till the arrival of the much awaited Kal-Ki avatar.

My own personal belief is... that time is near at hand ?


In the book "Autobiography of a Yogi" Paramhamsa Yogananda's Guru Ji... Sri Yukteswara Giri Ji Maharaj's book is referred to.

In which he talks of/ refers to the Yuga system... of Kali Yuga having been passed over... way back... in the 18th century. After which we are in the first few stages of the Dwapara Yuga.

From the 'age of darkness' towards... the age of light...

Does this sounds plausible. And, I am highly inclined to buy into this line.

Btw - I have never questioned whatever our sacred texts have stated. Always taken them as the base truth. Yet there seems to be too many contradictions. That confuses and creates diverse thoughts, sometimes.

This post seeks some clear guidance in this context, rather than be stuck up with a set of contradictory narratives.

< EoP >

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