Wednesday, February 27, 2019

To the President of India... to what prima facie looks like a False Flag contrived plot

To the President of India... to what prima facie looks like a False Flag contrived plot

(( ONE ))

Before starting with writing the contents of this post; expecting the following two articles to be read/ scrutinized at the URLs -

1) Admiral (Rtd) Ramdas urges President Kovind to intervene post-Pulwama

In a letter to the President of India, the former Naval chief urges him to caution leaders and advise Govt to take a unilateral decision to ‘Hold Fire’ to facilitate a political solution to Kashmir

2) Mamata: Modi pretends to be ‘messenger of peace’ while his party secretly trying to create war-like situation

(( TWO ))

Prima facie... the Pulwama incident smacks of being a meticulously planned false flag.

...this had been in the making... and sort of allowed to take place by some sort of 'dubious' lapse.

Or, was it by... "pretending-to-be-alert-but-somehow-caught-unawares"... by design ??

Sort of... this was in the offing to take place... going by all the intelligence inputs already at the disposal of the central and the state government and the intelligence agencies.

Prima facie -
The onus for the failure in preventing the same, no doubt, must rest with the NSA Ajit Doval and the central government leadership.


It is nearing two decades now... but then.. I did observe a false flag then... and within a few days of observation and researching... I knew that it is potentially /actually so !!

(( THREE ))

Over the past few years I have observed that a few set of people -

1) who are part and parcel of the main stream media, and/ or

2) Who are part and parcel of the retired armed forces or defence establishment of the country,

and/ or

( as if they were some great expert... non-paralleled, so to say )

3) Who are ex-diplomats, strategic affairs expert, geo-strategic experts, and/ or

4) Political personalities cutting across political parties, etc.

They have been inciting/ provoking the masses on various/ plethora of issues.

Whether that be -

a) Hindu-Muslim polarisation,

b) Kashmir situation/ issue; Stone pelters.

c) Tackling and solving Pakistan and Pakistan sponsored menace of terrorism;

d) On the issue of patriotism. Hyper nationalism, etc.

Many a times the loose talk tantamount to or laced with a sense of zingoism has an inciting effect on the general masses; mostly by intention. Potentially causing... loss of public harmony.

Even contrived plots.

There could be a overt and/ or covert intents, motive, motivations for the same.

Especially, when this comes from some experts in their specific field.

This is a SERIOUS point... and MUST be noted. Alluding to the same here.

In the current situation.


(( FOUR ))

Whilst this looks like a diplomatic victory that the US President Trump and the US Deep State is seemingly looking like giving the unbridled go-ahead for an Indian response to Pulwama.

No one in India doubts that. But, is that really so ?? I doubt so.

The same sort of attitude and full support seems to be coming from the top leadership of France, UK, the USA, etc. other western countries.

These news are splashed in the media as sort of providing a moral foundation and strength for the Indian leadership/ nation to act.

are we NOT proud of the IAF for the precise strikes they undertook yesterday in order to avenge the 44 CRPF personnel that were killed in the Pulwama incident ?

We sure are !!

From here on... MUST we NOT de-escalate ??

Since... we sort of avenged !!

But, the masses on the either side of the border want blood !! More blood !! And... revenge !!

The collective ongoing narrative on either side demands that records be straightened.

Once and for all !! ASAP !!

Is it not so ? Right ??

With the limited knowledge/ perception/ insight I have... I SAY - WRONG !!

Not sure... if this is the best time to settle scores, once and for all.


Let me suggest why I tell that Pulwama is prima facie a contrived affair... certainly a false flag that needs to be thoroughly investigated before any further ratcheting on either side of the border takes place ?

Put another ways...
There might be potentially DEEP... DEEP... TRAITORS involved, herein.

(( FIVE ))

Whilst it is true that the NDA-1 did a fabulous job during 1999-2004 in implementing the golden quadrilateral project.

At an astronomical sum of INR one lakh crores !! That was a huge figure at that time.

Cut to 2014-2019... one of the major impetus of the current NDA-2 government has been laying out of massive road infrastructures, highways all across the nation.

The current government has expended enormous amount of taxpayer money in creating an energy guzzling infrastructure of mammoth size and proportions, unseen over the past 72 or so years since independence.

All this... in the name of "VIKAS" aka Development born out of of NDA-2 rule.

The serious lacuane in the entire scheme of things is - the Indian nation has NOT ascertained and ensured its' energy security.

Put plainly -

Especially... the source of the hydrocarbon energy - in the form of crude oil and natural gas !!

To those set of idiots/ morons/ dim-wits who are ratcheting the Indo-Pakistan tensions in every which ways... even when there is NO official inquiry that has taken place, over the entire matter ??

WHO takes care of the nation's energy needs down the line ?

1) Do you guys expect the Americans who have already greatly stifled the Iranian oil flow to come to anyone's / our aid ?

The Iran embargo has resulted in the drop in the OPEC daily production of crude oil.

With, REDUCED SUPPLY... and the ever ESCALATING DEMAND for crude oil especially from the Asian countries ( primarily - China and India )... the crude oil prices are bound to shoot up.

This has already happened. The situation is going to get worse down the road.

And, this is going to have a massive negative impact on the Asian economies, going forward.

For, this means that the worldwide DEMAND for the petro-currency ( DOLLAR ) increases.

While the crude supply is designed to be more controlled/ restricted and in fewer hands.

This is a pretty dangerous situation to be in !!

2) The US has been planning since years... and is ALMOST on the verge of invading Venezuela.

The idea is plain, simple and clear - topple the patriotic Maduro government at the helms of governance in Venezuela.

Then... install a puppet government.

And, therefore by proxy, control ALL the oil resources of the Venezuelan nation.

For those not in the know...
Venezuela happens to be the MOST OIL RICH nation in the entire world, cut to today.

The Zionists want to control THIS !!

The deep state in the US intends to control the demand/ supply paradigm of the crude oil denominated in the petro-Dollars... to be BACK in the game.

And... these guys might be needing an urgently created diversion to get along and ON with their game plan.


Any India-Pakistan limited scale engagement serves as a much needed diversion for their nefarious designs.

And... serves as a win-win of sorts.

It sure is a win for the Zionists sitting in the US.

Who in India wins... no one has to guess... in a election year 2019 !!

3) It is vitally important for the Chinese and the Russians to defuse the Indo-Pakistan tension, in every which ways.

But, apparently... they seem to be numbed down.

Nevertheless my thoughts on this matter - the Indian and Chinese leadership ( as also the Russian ) MUST ensure that the Venezuelan government headed by Maduro is NOT toppled in the oncoming years.

I would NOT expect the Modi led government to ensure that.

But, any/ all people MUST take note.

Perhaps, the Russian-Chinese set of leadership must ensure that the Venezuelan oil remains FREE for the world; its' supply is NOT restricted/ controlled by any dubious means.

With the Iranian oil embargo and the Venezuealan oil falling in wrong hands... we are staring at the face of major energy crisis within NO TIME !!


Truly analyzing !!

This entire potentially satge-managed war-mongering/ ratcheting MUST be stopped !!

At once !!

4) Again, Israel is salivating on their ever-present hidden agenda of Greater Israel.

This happens once Iran is smothered/ knocked off, per their plan.

They might plan doing so... sooner or later.

First Venezuela... then goes... Iran ?? in that order ??

So... any (c)overt Israeli support to us Indians, sure factors that ultimate scenario.

(( SIX ))





By covert subterfuge and nefarious designs.

(( SEVEN ))

Considering some of these same facts...

the hon'ble President of India MUST heed Admiral (Rtd) Ramdas's call, alluded to earlier.

As the head of state and the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces... it is time for the President to display his qualities of "rajas", suiting someone on the throne.

Authorized to ACT in times of distress and crisis.

And... he MUST see/ foresee the good of the entire lot of people and nation.

Who all have suffered the tyrannies of centuries of imperial Mughal and British rule !!

The President MUST not allow the Neo-imperialists to run amok over the Indian nation, again, in another guise.

As the son of the soil... the President is requested and expected to initiate corrective measures immediately. To rise to the occassion of leadership.

He MUST NOT display owing any allegiance to BJP or RSS, whilst undertaking his duties.

The nation first, Please Sir !!



1) All the serving, retired, semi-retired, would-be or aspirant -

a) Civil Servants ( mainly IFS, IRS, IPS, IAS officers ); and 

b) Armed Forces Officers; and

c) From all the Indian Intelligence agencies; and

2) Those in the Government; and all the politicians cutting across party lines.

< EndOfPost >

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Outlook... Going Forward

Outlook... Going Forward

Please take note of the following critical facts... that tells of the deep thinking/ strategies/  motivations/ designs, etc. of those folks who would have set me up.


As we approach the run upto the Lok Sabha polls, 2019.

Almost all the major and minor political parties have done their pre-polls alliance. Almost, the seat sharing and finalizing on each and every seat is in the last stages of the political parties / stalwarts.

That means that major parties like the INC and BJP might have decided and finalized on the list of their candidates for majority of the constituencies around the entire country.

The parties might have their own set of agenda/ plank on which they are going to contest the elections.

Whilst doing so... in the process they have no reason to shove me in the public domain. These guys don't want that. Never want that.

Lest that creates some sort of unwanted or veiled threat of any sorts for them, in any which ways.


The date 20th February, 2019 is critical for the BJP state Government of Jharkhand.

Today the speaker of the state legislative assembly, Mr Dinesh Oraon is going to hear or perhaps might give verdict on the FOUR year old ongoing case as regards the legality of the SIX legislators 
who all crossed over from Jharkhand Vikas Morcha ( JVM ), headed by ex-CM Babulal Marandi to join the BJP government. That enabled BJP to form the government in the state of Jharkhand.

I understand, at least three or four of them JVM absconding MLAs are heavyweight ministers.  

Now, the speaker Dinesh Oraon is from BJP party and there is this view that this entire hearing or the legal process/ procedure has been unduly prolonged with certain clear cut motive, objective.

I believe that the timing of the final decision could be NOW... i.e. today.

There is 100 % chance that the speaker might render the cross-over of the six JVM legislators to BJP, as of ILLEGAL nature. This might disqualify them legislators as legit MLAs.

And, there are chances that this might be a ruse for the Jharkhand BJP government to be "self toppled". And, thereby necessitating either President's rule and subsequently there might be fresh 
polls required to be held, in the state of Jharkhand.

So, instead of the scheduled November-December, 2019 state legislative assembly poll ( at the completion of the five year term ) the election might be pre-poned, by clear cut ruse/ design, to  coincide with the Lok Sabha polls.

Chances are... this might certainly happen... going forward.

Question to ask is -
Why would the BJP/ RSS top strategists want to give up on the nearly NINE months of their remaining rule ( till December, 2019 ) to go in for fresh polls in the state of Jharkhand ?

Say... by April or May, 2019 to coincide with the Lok Sabha polls ?

What is the catch ? What might be the core strategy / thinking ??

ANSWERS, might be -

1) The top BJP/ RSS strategists might have preemptively perceived that there might be potential advantage to be gained during the oncoming LS polls owing to the general public sentiment.

But then... how ?

The thought that crosses the mind is... owing to some geo-political moves/ gains/ accruals that might be in the offing. Perhaps, causative or originating as a response out of the Pulwama 
tragedy... is an answer that pops out of nowhere.

There are possibilities that the central BJP government might have an ace up their sleeve... a media hyped winner of sorts... as far as the BJP central Govt. policy actualization goes wrt the Pulwama tragedy and/ or the Kashmir problem.

Whatever they might do... could be a populist measure keeping in view their electoral prospects for LS polls, 2019... playing to the masses !! That's it !!

As we have seen in the case of Uri and the surgical strike.

2) There are possibilities that once the seat sharing is finally over these diverse political party ( joined at the hips ) stalwarts might try putting me in the public domain... the motives and motivations will be all theirs. That's the reason they are delaying putting the spotlight on me, lest it harms their political ambitions/ aims/ objectives, etc. in any which ways.

But then... they might want me to play to the masses.


I see that the NSA Ajit Doval is scheduled to visit my place tomorrow, on some pretext.

This person lacks in moral character and accountability for the tragedy for the Pulwama massacre. 
If that were so... he should have quit his position as the NSA owing to dereliction of duty tantamount to criminal negligence on his part.

Again... it is his failure as also the failure of the home ministry for the muscular policy they have unleashed in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. That has whole scale alienated the local populace.

I see that has simply been done for... clear cut political motives and motivations.

I sense that this enabled them to put heat on my kinsmen/ caste men in the state of Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

In the state of Jharkhand... one may easily make out that my relative MLAs have been wickedly used and then marginalized by certain people belonging to potentially certain specific dominant castes, that owe allegiance to the ruling party; at the same time they are also pretty well entrenched in other parties, as well.

This is a big win for the same political strategists.

The psychological implications are immense. I repeat IMMENSE. They have sort of routed us at the mental, psychological plane. Sort of... mentally subdued the entire set of people/ caste group.


Whilst... there also remains this possibility that I might raise rather ticklish, sharp questions that they must cumulatively suppress by what-so-ever means possible.

And... sure, they will.

But then... raising such questions and once my kinsmen come to know the dire situation we people are exposed to ( they certainly will come to know by October of 2019 )... then the political  outlook / chances of quite many of the smarties might bite the dust.

There are chances that them smarties might be routed at the hustings. For sure.

There are these chances that the public sentiment might seek some basic political changes. So that politically weaker set of people get better representation.

And... this is something that the smarties do not want to happen. This might spell the endgame for them.

That might EXACTLY explain the potential preponing of the Jharkhand state legislative assembly elections.


A) Gravity of the matter can be made out from the fact that even after nearly FIVE years... none of my family members are aware as to how their overall privacy has seen the most serious / heinous breach by the state and/ or central intelligence agencies.

This tells that we as a community remain as... sort of a sitting duck for the endless shenanigans and games of the others.
Why... that must be so ??

B) We note that there are at best FIVE pretty strong lobbies in the state of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand.

And they are - SC/ST, brahmin, rajput, bhumihar and kayastha lobbies.

Again, in the states Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, etc. there are THREE very dominant lobbies; viz. - brahmin, rajput and SC/ST.

There have been several instances of (c)overt tie-ups between them.

Off and on... for special, specific motives and motivations.

There is NO OBC lobby.

Avarna hindu OBC groups account for nearly 54 % and above of the entirety of the population of India.

C) One must note that BSP supremo Mayavati is representative of the SC/ST's ( mainly dominated by Jatavs in her party the BSP ) and then there is the Brahmin lobby by covert hand duly represented by Satish Chandra Mishra.

Of course, there is this hook on BSP supremo as regards the Tajmahal issue. Few set of people in the police, judiciary might have a hidden ace up their sleeve acting as a hidden hook as regards
managing the BSP supremo goes. Something akin to controlled opposition ??

D) Same is seen in the case of Akhilesh Yadav of SP. Seems like rajputs have lot of influence in the SP fiefdom.

Starting with the influence of Amar Singh and Dimple Singh, etc.

E) As regards RJD... the only person to be able to suitably challenge PM Modi and BJP/ RSS has always been the ex CM Laloo Prasad Yadav.

Incidentally, he is kept behind bars on the charges of "Chara Ghotala" or the Fodder Scam.

Interesting to note that the BJP central minister Giriraj Singh ( who is an upper caste bhumihar ) relative perhaps his co-brother happened to be the special CBI judge who pronounced the jail term
to Laloo Prasad Yadav, and sent him to imprisonment.

Apparently... cut to today, Laloo Yadav is languishing in the Ranchi prison. And, instead of being heavily involved in the party politicking and preparing the ground to ouster PM Modi; he has been made to be out of the entire picture.

Quite possibly... he could be easily compromised while he is in confinement.

Finding mutually agreeable terms to find the least gain with those who might have conspired to put him there, in the first place.

So... he might at best be presented forth at the last minute... as a controlled opposition.

I sese that the section of these five lobbies might have reached a covert agreement / consensus in playing around with their political/ social aims and objectives. This looks like plain and clear.


After the demonetization posts on the 6th and the 14th of this month... I probably stand out as a REAL whistle blower... NOW !!

And, the Indian state MUST ensure my protection and well being as well as that of my family members.

Again... I hereby declare...

if by any chance I or any of my family members are harmed in any which ways.

Per my belief and suspicion -
The same must be construed as coming from any or a combinations of these set of people in the following order, as of today -

1) Mohan Bhagwat ( the RSS supremo ),

2) Rajnath Singh ( the Home minister ),

3) Ajit Doval    ( the current NSA ),

4) Prashant Kishore ( the master political strategist of the BJP, RSS ).

I see them as a combination of those people cutting across political party affiliations and belonging to the specific caste group of : brahmin + rajput + bhumihar. From around the country.

The Home Minister/ Ministry and the NSA MUST ensure the safety and well being of myself and my family members.

Putting plain and clear.

I suspect that there might be a stage managed attempt to eliminate/ silence me at this or a future stage.

Because I sense that I may no longer serve the purpose of those who have actually set me up, in any which ways, in the first place.

Fact is - I could be toxic to them, in all due probability.

Secondly, if the Jharkhand assembly is dissolved in the near future then my relative MLAs utility is as good as over for them !!

They can always give the ticket to someone else and get a new set of legislators.


Few days back there was perhaps a stage managed game played out at the top levels or helm of the CBI.

Why I suggest stage managed ?

Well... I have this repetitive feeling that those top officers who could have been have involved in any which ways in UTILIZING me and my relative MLAs for political objectives of BJP/ RSS... have sort of eased themselves out of their top notch slots, by whatever ruse.

So that the focus and accountability does not reach them, at this stage.

This potentially looks like an entirely stage managed plot.

Why I suggest so is - till date no law enforcement agencies ever approached me.

But then, few days back I received a call while sleeping around 01:20 AM.

I picked up the call. No one spoke from the other end. This lasted for 15 seconds. Then I hung up.

The next day, on TrueCaller I checked that the number is registered as "CBI Inspector, New Delhi"

How base these set of people are going to be ?

This is really way too pathetic.

Catch hold of Sneh Chandel... who knows… his connections might certainly covertly reach till Rajnath Singh and Ajit Doval. Who knows - even Mohan Bhagwat and RSS ??

Who knows - even Prashant Kishore too ?? These are the thoughts that confront me.


Looking at quite a few of these situations and scenarios, if in the case that -

1) Jharkhand assembly polls are pre-poned to coincide with the LS polls,

2) If I or any of my family members are harmed in any which ways.

3) Even if both these things do not happen... in the near future.

Since the potential collusion of the people belonging to certain well defined lobbies predominate the security agencies /intelligence services at the state and/ or central level.

And, these people have been watching me and keeping and storing videos of all the facets of my live as also that of my family members.

More specifically even the female members of the entire family.

I make a sincere appeal/request to all the Kalchuri Kalars, Kalwars and Kalwars alos the hindu avarna OBC groups to consider the manifesto of the RJD supremo -

"The hindu avarna OBCs MUST get total reservation and political representation, as per their actual population numbers. Percentage wise."

They MUST fight for the same and ensure it.

The key point is - if SC/ STs are getting the same since the last 80-90 years then why NOT the hindu avarna OBCs ? As, RJD leader Tejashvi Yadav has been holding out !!

This makes best sense.

Let the 2019 polls be all about SOCIAL JUSTICE !!

I hope the message reaches all the people from these 6000+ caste groups that belong to avarna OBCs, ASAP.

Someone... please ensure that this reaches them, well in time.

And, sure... the REGIONAL PARTIES might throw up gems of leaders at the central stage.


1) The nation MUST NOT be swayed by BJP/ RSS / PM Modi's response to Pulwama as also any policy change on the status of Kashmir !!

The BJP/ RSS duo stand answerable to the entire nation for - DEMONETIZATION they unleashed on the Indian economy.

That was factually...the 09/11 of 2016 !! on the Indian economy.

2) Again...  ask for your share in the SOCIAL JUSTICE plank... and ye ALL OBC folks shall know whether your enemies are indeed any of muslims or Kashmiris or Pakistanis or the Chinese ??

Immediately you will come to know and FEEL the HEAT !! Way too... goody good !!

Satya Vachan !!

Why NOT demand this avarna OBC folks !!

Especially from the erstwhile BIMARU states.

The states of - Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, West Bengal, Orissa, Uttarkhand, etc. OBCs MUST DEMAND and get their requisite share that is eaten by other folks.

Seek NORMALIZATION ASAP. Within the civil services and judiciary and all aspects / facets wherein due representation may be required !!


< EndOfPost >

Please DO take Note !!

Please DO take Note !!



Aftermath of the India-Pakistan war that lead to the creation of the nation of Bangladesh in  December of 1971.

The succeeding election in 1972 saw Indira Gandhi return with thumping majority as a powerful  figure at the national level.

Preceding that, her political situation was shaky, sort of not really all too bright.


Preceding the Kargil war in the summers of 1999, the BJP and associates were on a rather weak  political footing.

But, owing to the nationalistic fervor/ pitch generated in the aftermath of the Kargil war that  cost us upwards of 1200 lives... the subsequent election was a cakewalk for BJP and their close associates / allies.

They emerged stronger and pretty well entrenched in the LOK Sabha polls and thence on went on to rule comfortably, with clear majority, till the year 2004.


Godhra incident in the last week of February, 2002 saw an entire train bogey torched.

And the around 70 passengers or more were burned alive.

Some sort of conspiracy... that ??

Cannot judge !!

But then...
Subsequently, there was large scale Hindu-muslim riots in the state of Gujarat.

Now... in the subsequent Gujarat state legislative elections the very same year 2002... BJP beat the competition to emerge out as the largest party.

BJP was able to firmly entrench on the Gujarat electoral politics.

It resulted in the most unlikely demise of ( the remnants of ) tried and tested electoral formula of FOUR times Gujarat CM Madhav Sinh Solanki... that of KHAM ( Kshatriya-Harijan-Adivasi-Muslim ) !!

The INC powerful boss had used KHAM to stay at the helm of power for nearly two decades, in Gujarat. KHAM went phut.


BJP is able to form a government in the state of Jharkhand in the year Dec, 2014.

No one thought that they could so easily do so. Yet that was rather surprising.

The caste groups - brahmin, rajput, bhumihar and kayastha form at best 6 % of the state population... yet these folks are pretty well entrenched in the administration, police, judiciary, etc. of 
the entire state mechanism of Jharkhand.

And, these people have got altogether 6-7 MLAs out of a total count of 81 MLAs in Jharkhand.

Still... they have got nearly FOUR or more heavyweight ministries in the current BJP government.

At the same time, it seems most plausible and apparent that these same folks might have politically cut down / downsized and,or perhaps utilized my relatives/ caste men MLAs; in order to furthen their own political might and mettle. This is the pressing question that arises recurrently; especially to me.

My kinsmen in the state assembly who number 4+2=6 total !! Say !!

That's not really a bad number.

When, politician Arun Jaitley poured out on the TV on/ around the 7th of January, 2015... then I knew immediately... some political folks might have had myself hooked up for their selfish, sinister motives/ agenda !!

Hardly matters whether they were from the BJP or Congress.


Cut to the first week July of 2016 ( perhaps the 7th of July, 2106 )... I had made a post on this same blogger site.

And... the very next day one upcoming Kashmiri separatist Burhan Wani was gunned down on the 8th of July, 2016.

This certainly might not have been mere coincidence.

What about say... some sort of reciprocation... to that same post ??

But... why my post ? still eludes me.

Subsequently... there was heavy unrest in the entirety of Kashmir valley that lasted for several months... up to the UP state assembly elections in January / February 2017.

The stone pelting incidents and the sporadic usage of pellet gun by the security personnel lasted several months, but somehow they tapered off with the onset of the UP state assembly elections in 
January / February 2017.


Mean-while there was this Uri terrorist attack that occurred on the 18th of September, 2016.

Wherein around 18 Indian soldiers were martyred by a rampaging set of terrorists.

Lots of questions remain unanswered to the day, as regards this entire Uri plot.

Things appear way too dicey.

Subsequently, the Indian army conducted a surgical strike on the 28th or 29th of September.

The media kept on gloating about this surgical strike as if it is the BJP Govt.'s achievement.

They even made a movie - URI.


Meanwhile PM Modi announced demonetization of high denomination currency notes on the 8th of  November, 2016.

I put out a post on the 3rd of December, 2016 opposing demonetization.

The very next day or the day after... Selvi J Jayalalitha is spuriously dead.


In the UP elections, the BJP portrayed and projected the face of OBC heavyweight Keshav Maurya for the post of CM.

But, then once the BJP government is formed... they install Ajay Singh Bisht "Yogi" as the CM.
During whose rule there are innumerable extra judicial police encounters that have happened.

And, after decades... the brahimn, bhumihar and rajput folks have come to rule the roost... at the helm of affairs of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Just see the transfer/ posting of these caste folks and decide the truth.

That might surely serve as an eye opener as to who actually rules in the name of BJP/ RSS.

Investigate / look at the caste wise intake ( especially of - brahmins and rajputs ) at these places -

1) Judicial officers at the Lucknow High Court,

2) Judicial officers at the Allahabad High Court,

3) Professors appointed in the Gorakhpur University.

That figure serves SURELY as an eye opener.


(i)   The ratcheted stone pelting incidents and sporadic usage of pellet guns by the security personnel,

(ii)  the Uri terror attack that was followed by the Indian army's surgical strike; as also

(iii) the demonetization ( note-bandi ) and its' after effects.

... effectively helped some crooked political fellows to successfully create -

a) a Hindu-Muslim divide narrative,

b) Bring to focus the Kashmir issue and the issue of Pakistan,

c) Black money eradication, etc. drive was tom-tommed that basically served to remove the liquid capital from the hands of anti-BJP front ( SP, BSP, INC, etc. parties / fronts ) to effectively gather resources to fight the UP state election.

They anti-BJP factions might have succumbed to these cascading machinations.

The resultant cumulative outcome is... BJP won and formed government in the state of UP.

More importantly - the brahmin, bhumihar, rajput, etc. folks have certainly come back to occupy the ruling chair after nearly two decades. With unbridled power at their disposal.



No sooner did I put out the post on demonetization on the 6th of Feb, 2019; please notice the following -

a) I observe that a heavyweight minister from Jharkhand goes to Delhi and meets important people. 
Then, within 1-2 days another rather heavy weight central minister goes to Patna and meets a set of  another heavy weight folks.

Now... this might have led to the scuttling of the "... Adhikar Mahasammelan" that my caste men planned to organize on the 17th of this month, after perhaps decades, at Patna.

Lots of work and energies by innumerable people had gone into it. All that ultimately amounted to nought. Someone tells that - the venue was cancelled by the state government, at the last moment.

b) One national spokesperson of BJP holds a mammoth meeting some few hundred meters from my residence.

They organize an immense brain-storming and strategy session, accompanied by several district and state level BJP/ RSS leaders.

I see that posters of certain two MPs hoard the roads.

That gives the impression that the entire session was actually organized by these two folks only.

Caste-wise - one of them is bhumihar MP another is rajput MP !!

While the national spokesperson perhaps happens to be brahmin !!

This is data.


No sooner did I put out the addenda post on demonetization on the 14th of Feb, 2019 around the noon time ( the article date shows as 13th February. Perhaps the US Pacific Time. Not sure if someone 
changed it. Means someone might have access to my account - username and password !! I would not be surprised if that is really so. )...

please notice the following -

Within few hours we see this horrendous / gruesome Pulwama tragedy.

Apparently... the focus on the Demonetization fiasco is totally cut short !!

Now...who has time to focus on the Demonetization posts ??

Who does a root cause analysis and investigates this Demonetization ??

The entire context and the running narrative has been made to be changed !!

Discussion on a vitally serious issue is scuttled, somehow !!

A section of intelligentsia must have got a - thought reset.

I suggest - please do focus on the Demonetization fiasco as well !!

Lots of "stuff" might tumble out... and the future events/ motives/ motivations, etc. of certain set of people may appear rather pretty much predictable !!


Please look up the references part...

Ostensibly... the incident at Pulwama looks like a pretty thick plot.

Lot of questions need to be answered. But those who are liable to answer these they want to parry or deflect these straight queries and reset the nation's focus onto something else... as if an underlying agenda already sits at their hands... been at the back of their minds... since a while ??

... is the impression one gets.


There are folks surmising / saying... an insider job or Whatever !!

Apparently, the intelligence agencies failed.

Therefore the onus and heat MUST be on the NSA Ajit Doval.

Who else is liable to be answerable ?

For that please refer the Reference URLs below.

Plainly said...
The government officials and the government of the day must remain accountable to the people that have put them on the ruling seat.

There seems to be none of that accountability.

Rather... there seems to be unbridled haughtiness and a don't care attitude.

Intent on resetting the entire focus somewhere else.

This is not good for the future health of BJP or even the RSS and as also the nation.

The government officials must remain answerable and accountable to the people who voted them to seats of power.

But, I sense that instead of being accountable the NSA Ajit Doval is gloating over the "dangled unseen carrots" that he sees coming from the US NSA John Bolton.

My take...
US NSA John Bolton is NOT there to help NSA Ajit Doval... or Modi!!

But he is out to seize the first opportunity to insert the US toe ( thereby to get a toehold ) in domains where the US has had little or no say or influence in our own sphere of influence.

This is gut feeling. An alternative thinking.

In the process he might intend to exact his own pound of flesh... as is always the American wont and always the covert design.

Who knows... this could be the typical cabal's construct. Let two sides fight out... and the third set of parties makes profit out of the entire situation.


Let's see how the BJP responds to the Pulwama tragedy ?

The Uri way ?? Or, by way of rescinding Article 370 and or 35 A ?

Either as a prelude winner of sorts to the LS polls ?

Or, do they have some other hidden ace up their sleeve ??

Whatever these people do... I hope the nations wins.

No matter what... these people must not fail. That would be really sad.

Some contextual news worth referencing, off the web -


Pulwama attack: Punitive action by India must begin at home – against negligent officials

Sanjiv Krishan Sood -

Sanjiv Krishan Sood is a former Additional Director General of the Border Security Force who retired after 38 years in service.


There is absolutely no doubt that the political leadership and policy makers in New Delhi, and police and security officials on the ground – all of whom allowed this massive tragedy to happen 
under their watch – are guilty of criminal negligence.


...these leaders are not up to the task entrusted to them and must be sacked.


Additionally, militants do not operate out of despair. They operate whenever they find that security forces have let down their guard. They attack security forces at their weakest point after meticulous planning and preparation. This is why security forces in Kashmir cannot afford to let their guard down even for a moment.



Pulwama attack: What was the national security adviser doing, asks Mamata Banerjee


West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Friday said the terror attack in J&K on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama which claimed 40 lives was due to “intelligence failure” and demanded that there be three-day nationwide mourning to show respect to the slain jawans.



Pulwama Attack: Why Nobody Is Questioning The Intelligence Failure?


The responsibility should not be left to just the officers in charge. Remember J & K is under Governor’s rule. Home minister Rajnath Singh is directly responsible for this intelligence failure. 

So is National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, Ajit Doval. Ultimately Prime Minister Narendra Modi is responsible for this intelligence failure. The Modi government should answer these questions, take responsibility and Modi should resign.


Dr. P.S. Sahni
February 17, 2019 at 11:38 am

Since the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir has admitted to intelligence failure, the Supreme Court of  India could suo motu initiate an enquiry through a duly constituted SIT to pinpoint the guilty persons howsoever highly placed.



Pulwama: CRPF Wanted Air Transit For Attacked Convoy, Was Ignored


Intelligence Had Inputs on ‘Use of IEDs’ 6 days before Attack


Retired IGP, CRPF VPS Panwar, who had been a convoy commander in the Valley, told The Quint that an attack like this shows complete security failure and that it seems the senior officials ignored intelligence inputs.


Transporting the jawans by air will not only solve the above security loopholes and be faster, “it is also cost-effective although it shouldn’t be a concern for the government”, said the senior CRPF 



Veterans point to Intelligence agencies failure in Pulwama terror attack


Lieutenant General Mohan Bhandari (Retd.), who has served in the Valley during the insurgency, said that about 3-4 hours before the CRPF convoy is scheduled to move, a road opening party clears the path.

Led by a senior-rank officer, the road opening party looks for landmines, instals jammers and sanitises the zone. That apart, there are umpteen check posts and soldiers who guard the convoy.


Former director-general of CRPF and ex-DGP of Punjab Julio Francis Ribeiro, who was in service during the Punjab insurgency, said, “Suicide bombers are considered the worst terrorists, they are 
difficult to stop. But how can explosives be ferried across the border with a militant when infiltration has been tightened. Usually, intel agencies on the ground are razor sharp. How did they fail? How did they go blind in the entire preparation.”



Pulwama attack exposes intelligence failure: Uddhav


Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Friday questioned the effectiveness of intelligence agencies as they failed to prevent the Pulwama terror attack, which cost the lives of 40 CRPF personnel on Thursday.

“All the citizens have only one demand: instead of issuing verbal threats, a final solution has to be reached. This is not only a terror attack; the intelligence agencies have been blown to smithereens. If they could not gather the intelligence about this attack beforehand, then one has to question what work were they doing?” Mr. Thackeray asked.



Pulwama Terror Attack is India's biggest failure of intelligence since 26/11


Pulwama attack raises questions on Kashmir’s intelligence and security structure


Jammu & Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik said Friday that intelligence failure was partly responsible for the attack



Pulwama attack: Intelligence failure… we are at fault also, admits Governor


“The fact that we did not know that there was a fidayeen among them is also part of the intelligence failure. I can admit that.



Pulwama attack due to intelligence failure : Mamata Banerjee


KOLKATA: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday said the terror attack in J&K on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama which claimed 40 lives was due to "intelligence failure" and demanded that there be three-day nationwide mourning to show respect to the slain jawans.

She questioned why the Centre was not declaring national mourning for the CRPF jawans and said "Will mourning take place only when political leaders die?"

"I demand 72 hours mourning for the ultimate sacrifice of the soldiers. At least for national respect. Only one flag is not enough for it," she told reporters after returning from New Delhi.

Banerjee said that the government as well as all the political parties should put a stop to all  scheduled programme in view of the terror attack.

"I am sorry to see that the prime minister inaugurated one project today. After any serious incident takes place, we should avoid political programmes and government programmes. Why have they
(Centre) not declared a three-day mourning?

Describing the attack as "the biggest" one after the Uri terror attack in 2016 and said that people should not do politics with it.




Contributor to several liberal media outlets and a TEDx speaker and Fellow, Sanjukta Basu, went to the extent of suggesting that the terrorist attack was a conspiracy hatched by...

    Could this be a conspiracy? The man can do anything.

    — Sanjukta Basu (@sanjukta) February 14, 2019

The insinuations made in the tweet are horrible. Basu wants people to believe that the Indian armed forces murdered their own soldiers at the behest of Narendra Modi.



The only worthwhile TAKEAWAY from this URL is below -

He said PM Modi is using five techniques in his election campaign i.e. to escalate tension on Pak-India border, create a war like situation, instigate Muslim-Hindu clashes, create impressions of  surgical strikes and to do few Pulwama like attacks.



Information minister of a neighboring hostile country -


"If this [attack] is orchestrated, then we need to see who benefited from it and that appears to be Modi who is contesting elections and losing. It seems that he is desperate to create a conflict,"  the information minister added.



Jammu and Kashmir: The Political Consequences of the Pulwama Attack

By Andrew Korybko



This is the only article / author that casts BJP's electoral prospects in a gloomy light.

Factually, this is not agreeable.

Seems like... this person lacks understanding of the Indian political system, which is unlike the Western or developed nations.


< EndOfPost >

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Addenda to the Dicey Stuff... This !! Post


A MUST FOR THE EYES ( And brains, thinking, reasoning, evaluation, assimilation, etc. ) OF -

1) All the serving, retired, semi-retired, would-be or aspirant -

a) Civil Servants ( mainly IFS, IRS, IPS, IAS officers ); and 

b) Armed Forces Officers; and

c) Supreme Court and High Court Judges and Lawyers; and

d) From all the Indian Intelligence agencies; and

e) Intelligentsia in the Education domain - teachers, mentors, professors, researchers, etc.

2) Those having deep insight as regards the working of the Capital markets, Currency markets, World Trade, International Finance, Economics and Economic Activities. National Finances.
Working of the Federal Reserve of the USA, Central Banks, etc. must evaluate this post.

3) Technical Experts specializing in IT Security and Crypto Currencies. Blockchain development.

4) Better enlightened souls from the IITs, NITs and other such engineering colleges, R&D  institutions and diverse scientific organizations - in the country and around the globe.

5) Religious leaders. Head of socio-religious, socio-spiritual, spiritual Organizations. This  includes all the pro-BJP and pro-RSS Hindutva factions, as well.

6) Followers of late Rajiv Dixit. Bharat Swabhimaan Trust Nyas members. Baba Ramdev and his associates.

7) Those in the Government; and all the politicians cutting across party lines.

If you have got to this post. Please circulate this one around, as also the previous one on the  Demonetization.

(( ONE ))

Notwithstanding WHATEVER the intent, motive, motivations, design the NDA-2 Govt. headed by PM Modi and his close knit set of coterie might have had the fact remains that owing to the 'well designed' effects of the demonetization by some pretty smart alecks, there certainly undeniably was-

1) Creation of MASSIVE deficiency in the SUPPLY of liquid capital in the form of currency notes in  the entirety of the Indian subcontinent, to the extent of upwards of 86 % !! Say 90 % !!

2) Creation of MASSIVE DEMAND for alternative fiat currencies - especially the Foreign Currencies and MOST specifically we do sense and conclude that the demand FULFILLMENT is majorly effected by the GBP Sterling Pound originating from with the Indian subcontinent ( India, Nepal,  Bangladesh, etc. ) economy;

Implying, MASSIVE flight of capital from the country to offshore locations. Especially UK and UK friendly or affiliated territories.

3) Creation of MASSIVE DEMAND for alternative/ pseudo or crypto currencies that are basically of the nature of stock/ scrips that are effectively backed by nothing ( rather by the most canny subterfuge of unduly created media hype and the theory of demand and supply. Born out of or breeding Greed, profit motive and speculation, etc. ) -

Especially these crypto currencies - BITCOIN, RIPPLE, ETHEREUM, LITECOIN, etc. There might be countless other crypto currencies that remain in the covert sphere.

To the extent that the valuation of these pseudo stocks falsely portrayed as some sort of crypto currency ( in the form of digital blockchain etc.; and which is MOST dubiously ill secured )went to

at least up to a HUNDRED and at best a few HUNDRED TIMES all within a span of 3-4 years.

In this time frame2014-2017 !!

Especially, during the year 2017 !!

4) Severe setback to the entire "India Story".

The entirety of the Global Capital lost confidence in the India story. There was a massive element of fear, anxiety, betrayal, lack of future vision, etc. that kept on lingering for several months.

The Govt. of India headed by RSS/ BJP stallwarts by means of the demonetization unleashed a sense of massive distrust in the Foreign Investors - Institutional, FII and Direct, FDI; by their irresponsible ( perhaps, by design ? ) mode of running the country /economy.

5) Massive havoc on the actual economic/ GDP numbers.

And, the effect and after effect thereof - creation of massive unemployment, under-employment, etc.

To the extent that, there are allegations even after 27 months that all or almost all the Government numbers are totally fudged up and made up !!

etc. etc.

There are many more points to be considered.

(( TWO ))

Recently, while browsing through one of the websites -

There was a mention of the following web link, in one of the articles -

Charles Savoie’s historical chronology, The Silver Stealers.


Now this happens to be a very comprehensive and elaborately written article.

And, it takes quite a lot of time to thoroughly read this lengthy article.

Yet, some underlying mainstay themes, having a historical precedence with well defined outcome are 

1) Demonetization; its precedents in modern history over the past 100-200 years.

2) Demonetization of silver and gold ( which used to be the reigning currencies at that instance of time; rather than fiat paper currency that is the norm today ),

3) Tweaking/ tinkering with the economic cycle of DEMAND and SUPPLY of precious metals and currencies to unleash havoc/ as also to reap massive gains in another distinct region(s) across the globe.

i.e. one's loss is other's GAIN; conversely someone's gain is another's LOSS.

At the end of the game money and wealth ownership MUST be a zero sum activity. Right !!

But then...
it remains yet another fact that many countries print and circulate their currencies out of thin air; and thereby increase the effective/ cumulative float of their currency in circulation.
Both domestically and globally.

Thereby, diluting the effective nett worth of the same currency held by other external entities ( eg. - consider the FOREX holding of any third world or even developing country or economy ).

4) As a tool for wreaking havoc on the economy of a state/ nation.

Even affecting large swathes of population.

Even as a covert design for gravely affecting the demographic profile of a specific region.

5) As a tool for destroying the naturally growing economy and the populace; inflicting damage to the economy at an unprecedented level. Underlying reason(s) could be one too many / myriad.

etc. etc.

(( THREE ))

Some food for thought based on the following nuggets/ snippets out of the article at that web link -

Charles Savoie’s historical chronology, The Silver Stealers.

Prima facie… cannot verify the data and facts presented on this web link. Would expect that most of it is indeed true.

But, sure they do stand as SERIOUS food for thought.

Perhaps they remain the historical truth.


Britain’s attack on the world’s silver money system, starting in India in 1926 with the decision of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency.


Britain’s attack on gold in September 1931, exacerbating the depression; seizing gold from American citizens in March 1933, and seizing silver in August 1934 to the extent of 113,031,000 silver ounces; driving China off its silver standard as of November 3, 1935 through the Silver Purchase Act of 1934


Demonetization of silver by England was originally worked by a few powerful financiers who saw an opportunity to more than double the value of their personal fortunes if silver could be demonetized in England, Germany and the United States. Backed by those who held mortgages on property throughout the world and who saw in demonetization the opportunity to double the value of their loans, the most powerful system of propaganda ever organized was put in operation.  It involved the reiteration by propagandists unhesitating in their methods, by the exercise of every conceivable form of political and financial pressure.  England’s action was one of combination among A FEW POWERFUL INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE WILLING TO WRECK THE WORLD IF THEY COULD DOUBLE THEIR PRIVATE FORTUNES. There was an immense fall of prices and extreme suffering resulted.”


Walker, who was born in 1847, commented on the bitter hardships forced upon Americans by the Crime of 73, of which he was a victim (silver demonetization in the Coinage Act of 1873) ---


The Gold Standard Adopted by Britain---most of the developed and nearly developed world followed suit in the 1870s.  As a result, vast quantities of demonetized silver flooded the world market, depreciating the currency of India and China, the major nations outside the hegemonic gold bloc.  
Under British domination and the new gold standard, the value of India’s silver standard rupee fell by over one third between 1873 and 1895. The consequent inflation due to silver depreciation 
destroyed peasant savings and pushed peasant households into a usurious credit system. The British tax system took much and gave back little. The planned neglect of irrigation and other  infrastructure by the British was to push Indian farmers into the production of cash crops. This and other similar policies dramatically undermined village and regional economy. It should also be noted that during the period from 1757 to 1947 there was no increase in per capita income.”

HSBC, Britain’s opium bank for China that sucked countless thousands of tons of silver out of the Far East.

( Note : Britain gained foothold in Bengal in the year 1757, Ref - Battle of Plassey and the  Britishers ruled the subcontinent till 1947. Vacuuming massive quantum of wealth out of the entire subcontinent. )


Henry P. Fitzmaurice (1845-1927) the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, who was British Viceroy of India, 1888-1894, closed the Indian mints to the free coinage of silver as of June 26, 1893.

Central banking---creating money from nothing, was understood to be more profitable than silver mining! 


Has many times rendered valuable service to the United States government since the Civil War, notably in flotation of government bonds in 1876, 1877 and 1878 and also 1895, when his firm floated the $62,000,000 gold bonds issued by the Cleveland administration to restore normal Treasury surplus of $100,000,000 AND THEREBY SAVED THE TREASURY FROM A SILVER BASIS.”


By attacking silver and shoving it out of monetary matters, the way was cleared for gold to be attacked!


As was intended from the beginning, the central banking system would militate against the use of precious metals in the payments structure until everything was fiat! Cortelyou became president of Consolidated Gas Company and chairman of the Republican National Committee. Many of these late 19th century to early 20th century Pilgrims Society members were back of the Gold Standard Act of 1900, which facilitated the march towards fiat currency by minimizing silver.


“The Mirrors of Wall Street” (1933), page 45, said of Morgan’s firm---“There is hardly a spot on the globe where civilization has blazed a trail that the firm does not reach for its tithe.”  J.P. Morgan, among a handful of the greatest gold manipulators in history---


Gold Standard Act of 1900, which facilitated the march towards fiat currency by minimizing silver.


Having established background for Charles Conant (above right), let’s consider his actions against silver as money; it’s reasonable to regard him as a Pilgrims Society functionary. Someday when full lists become known his name may appear. Conant was a member of the anti-silver American Economic Association and of President Theodore Roosevelt’s (Pilgrims Society) Commission on International Exchange which "advised" various governments to drop silver and go to a gold only basis the rub being (as we will see later, the same thing happened in British India) that citizens of those nations couldn’t readily exchange their paper notes for hard gold !  Conant "persuaded" the Philippines after the Spanish-American war, to go cold on silver...


A nationalistic Hindu source has this to say about British actions in literally dragging the world away from the use of silver as money at the close of the Napoleonic wars in 1816---

“The Gold Standard Adopted by Britain---most of the developed and nearly developed world followed suit in the 1870s.  As a result, vast quantities of demonetized silver flooded the world market, depreciating the currency of India and China, the major nations outside the hegemonic gold bloc. Under British domination and the new gold standard, the value of India’s silver standard rupee fell by over one third between 1873 and 1895.  The consequent inflation due to silver depreciation destroyed peasant savings and pushed peasant households into a usurious credit system.  The British
tax system took much and gave back little. The planned neglect of irrigation and other infrastructure by the British was to push Indian farmers into the production of cash crops. This and other similar policies dramatically undermined village and regional economy. It should also be noted that during the period from 1757 to 1947 there was no increase in per capita income.”


Let’s look briefly at Charles Arthur Conant (1861-1915), a financial commentator and economist who was a delegate to the Gold Democratic Convention of 1896, organized against the silver movement led by William Jennings Bryan.


Britain’s attack on the world’s silver money system, starting in India in 1926 with the decision of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency; the Crash of 1929, facilitated by Federal Reserve policies; the Great Depression, caused by Britain’s attack on silver; Britain’s attack on gold in September 1931, exacerbating the depression; seizing gold from American citizens in March 1933, and seizing silver in August 1934 to the extent of 113,031,000 silver ounces; driving China off its silver standard as of November 3, 1935 through the Silver Purchase Act of 1934


Walker, who was born in 1847, commented on the bitter hardships forced upon Americans by the Crime of 73, of which he was a victim (silver demonetization in the Coinage Act of 1873) ---

“As if they had been a row of bricks, banks all over the United States fell down.  Immediately those who had been living from hand to mouth began a struggle for existence.  Depredations occurred.  I personally saw a procession of starving workmen---estimated to be 10,000 in number--- tramping along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal begging for food, ready to work for a wage that would barely keep body and soul together.  There were four batteries of artillery sent down from Washington to protect the houses and property of the Baltimore & Ohio Railway.  MEN COMMITTED SUICIDE BY THE THOUSAND.  Everywhere hopelessness and despair settled over the country.  Pressure was exerted by banks upon all who refused to accept England’s single gold standard.  The effect on India and China will never be known in their fullest horror.  The immediate depreciation of their only stock of money, silver, stopped trade and starved whole provinces.  IT CAUSED MILLIONS OF DEATHS.”


(Silver had huge support in France, but not among the corrupted, infiltrated, bought-off leadership. Adverse financial conditions of the period were caused by demonetization of silver. Then the crooks blamed the victim for the crime!)  Yes, any bankers anywhere would be tempted to act against hard money, even had Britain never existed.  It would take another essay to discuss the Latin Monetary Union, which lasted from 1865 to 1927 (when Great Britain’s silver attack intensified).  These nations used silver and gold coins for currency and included Belgium; Italy; Switzerland; Austria; Greece; Bulgaria; Romania; Serbia; Montenegro; Venezuela; San Marino; Vatican State; and France.)


Just after members of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain wrecked the world economy by demonetizing India’s silver and dumping it on world markets and going off the gold standard in September 1931, members of The Pilgrims Society of the United States moved to seize gold and silver from Americans! They additionally conspired to drive China off its centuries old silver standard, badly damaged by Great Britain’s attack against silver, by means of the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, which while helping American mining interests, sucked so much silver out of China that by November 3, 1935, China abandoned silver money. Huge amounts of silver were still widely dispersed in China, later seized by the Communists, and gradually dumped (leased) onto world markets at the behest of these Pilgrims Society members with their control over the offices of the President and the Secretary of State, and helped along by means of front organizations such as the China-America Council of Commerce & Industry (Thomas J. Watson Sr. of IBM and The Pilgrims Society) and successor
organizations including the National Council for U.S./China Trade (William Alexander Hewitt, Pilgrims Society, director Chase Manhattan Bank and A.T. & T. who married into the Deere fortune of agricultural equipment manufacturers) ---

(( FOUR ))

Though I have not read this book yet, that I chanced on the same a few days back only.

Reference Book -

The Big Reverse: How Demonetization Knocked India Out !!

- By

Meera Sanyal

I heard of
Meera Sanyal recently. And, also learnt that she died recently.
RIP to Meera Sanyal. 

I suggest that she might have been exposed to some deadly pathogens that could have caused her some disease that eventually caused her death, eventually.

And this same is highly possible.

TAKEAWAY ( of this Post ) -
We see that demonetization is having a historical precedent as a tool for creating MASSIVE demand and supply situations that was / might have been potentially used by some certain embedded unscrupulous elements to make massive GAINs.

Again... there are endless possibilities for gain and loss.

One may say... this entire things smacks of...

Something sort of a HEIST.

( Never a windfall. A windfall is by luck, by chance... sent by GOD for past good Karma. )

A HEIST is oftentimes the creation of wily, shrewd, sagacious, crafty, vile, evil set of people !!

But know this...
In due course of time the luck of EVIL runs out.

Natural law and justice prevails.

MUST prevail.

...Make hay while the SUN shines.

I see that ALL YOUR time is/ has sort of run out NOW.

It is just a matter of time when this becomes plapable/ crystal clear.

Till then... you ALL may carry ON with your Karma... for which do rest assured you get paid back with compound interest... perhaps so... from the Spiritual Realm !!

< EndOfPost >

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Revisited - Critical, Important tabulASSion Issues & Logs

Revisited - Critical, Important tabulASSion Issues & Logs

<<< ONE >>>

Written with the intent of inviting a suo moto cognizance from the likes of the honorable ex-Chief Justice Shri J. S.Khekhar of the Supreme Court.
And, perhaps other Supreme Court Judges or the High Court Chief Judges.
Who, I humbly request, to take Prima Facie cognizance of the matter presented herewithal and linked and linkaged with this blogger site. i.e. the previous blog posts.
For pursuance of this vital matter, as I see things. And as they might be or are.
In this specific post -
All the points may be standalone ones. Though a few could be related, carrying some underlying narrative.

Reference URL -

Would request the honorable ex-CJI Shri JS Khekar to revisit this specific blog post ( made on the 7th of July 2016 )... for some logically derived gleanings... and time for him to take some suo moto cognizance, looking at the prima facie aspects of certain issues.
And... a apparently what seems definitely like a CONTRIVED PLOT.

<<< TWO >>>

In case if there was/ has ever been any complaints lodged in reference to any of my previous posts or messages through this blogger id ( posted till April or May or June of 2014 ) blogger posts or messages... then the complaint(s) or any set thereof, I BELIEVE AND DO HEREBY ALLEGE, must be construed as belonging to a larger stratagem/ game/ conspiracy by a set of those in authority.
And, those people might be in Government civil or police or armed forces / para-military or judicial services.
In authority, implies -
The individual or concerned people could be part of the ruling party or opposition political party or parties &/ or those in the uniform.

Nature of complaints could be any or more than one of ( source location - from any of the states around the country or from even overseas locales ) -
1) Any police, paramilitary, military complaint against this specific blogger; no matter the nature of the complaint / issue or query.

2) Any complaint arising from the para-military or the regular armed forces against this blogger. Hardly matters the nature of the complaint or the jurisdiction thereof.
Does the complainant or the complaint arising from this quarters have anything to do with military / para-military / AFSPA ?

3) Public Safety Act ( PSA ) of the state of J&K. I keep on hearing this same a lot on the national TV - so mentioning this same here.

4) Any complaint lodged by any native or resident ( whether he or she be in public services or a private citizen ) of India or any overseas location.

Apparently - this is highly possible with 100 % probability that Captain Ajit Vadakayil and his mates ( who knows ? maybe... actually it might be his opponents ) made use of me as a "Bakra"## ... actually a "Cannon Fodder" to claim the political mileage/ gains/ advantages akin to hitting "Bull's Eye" .
Rather than these set of guys had any intention to make use of me as "Bali ka Bakra"####.

## Bakra - Goat.
Can be construed as a meek lamb, alternatively.

#### Bali ka Bakra => Sacrificial goat.
Those who think in terms of lambs, for them - Sacrificial lamb.

Had I been chosen as a sacrificial goat or a lamb then even the Captain and mates had to be coming out of their holes to face the heat in the court rooms and in the public domain.
Apparently - these set of guys ( mostly high ranking IPS officers as also other ranking Officers from the paramilitary, say BSF or the Armed Forces ) MUST have reasoned that let's depress the burden and unladen our prison system by -
- lessening the impact or load of the under trials on the prison system; and
- lessening the budgetary load on the entire prison system; and
- lessening the manpower requirements / allocations for the prison system; and
perhaps a slew of some such considerations might have been used to cook the broth.

Those under trials that are product of / arise out of innocuous / innocent internet posts and comments in the social media.
That are sort of liable to be booked under any acts of the IPC or CrPC. Say - what about Section 66 A ?
So... these guys thought that they hooked me. Little realizing that they are indeed hooked back to me, in terms of pure... legal framework.

Again - this was asked for... by the Captain.
And, had I made the mistake of visiting the Times Of India ( ToI ) wall to oblige the Captain's bidding.
Then... seems like... I would have been done !!
And... is that the reason he might still be reeling under it ?
Though potentially using his FULL energies to brow beat me and keep me down, every which ways.

Let us further tabulASSion, who might be the Captain and who ALL might be on his team...

1) Clearly Captain ain't NO fisherman Chief !!
He remains a Thiyya Chief.
I would NOT expect the Nairs born off the Namboodiris, to be those belonging to the erstwhile mighty Mooshak Vamsha of Kerala.
In fact, the nairs might be Indo-Scythian lot, just like rajputs up north.
It is highly likely that the Thiyyas and the Ezhavas are part and parcel of the Mushak Vamsha of Kerala.
Simbly put.

2) Captain often talks of the White Invader.
Perhaps - he means the Sa-Varnas ( the fair complexioned people or populace ) in North India or any other parts of India.
Perhaps he might be implying - Brahmins, rajputs, bhumihars, marvari vaishya and khatris of north India.

By the way, even according to the north Indian brahmins the Kalchuris were A-Varna people or Kshatriyas.
Kalchuris were never considered Sa-Varna by the priestly class.
As they were NOT the implanted ones on this land.
The Shakas, Huns, Kushans, Yavanas, Mongols, Persians, Afghans, Sindhis, Balochs, Uzbeks, Turks, Kyrgyzs, Cossacks etc. races of people gradually assimilated into the Indian Hindu caste system as Kshatriyas were a different lot.
And, the result of their ever increasing numbers actually led to decimation and destruction of Buddhism and perhaps Jainism too, from this land. And, of course... those following the same religions.
So... as a matter of fact... were most of the non-savarna Hindu A-Varnas ( the so called Shudra castes of today ) either Buddhist or Jains ? before turning over by force to become Hindus ?
A-Varnas - Meaning dark complexioned. Blackish, Deep brown, cuprous colored or brownish.
The site talks of "Kala Veera".
Are the Kalchuris of / from central India and the Kerala's Mushak Vamsha people the same racial stock, origin or race ?
Perhaps... divided by language, customs, location, etc. in the current times ?

See... Captain !!
It ain't my fault that a button on your calculator turns out to be faulty !!

3) Would NOT expect the Scheduled Tribes to predominate the Captain's team.
In which case - his actions would NOT have rankled and run down the ex CM of Jharkhand Sri Babulal Marandi.

4) Would NOT expect the Scheduled Castes or the Dalits to be influencing the decisions on the Captain's team.
Though there might be quite some influence in decision making.
Since the SC/ STs have 22.5 % reservations in the central civil services. Implies that even amongst IPS officers around 22.5 % ( quite a number here ) are part of the SC/ ST brigade.
At the state level - the SC, ST people get reservation as well as political representation as per their actual population percentage.
So... is that how the SC/ ST lobby got Sri Ram Nath Kovind to be nominated as the President of India ?
Bypassing 100 % likelihood of Shri Lal Krishna Advani becoming the President of India.

5) Would NOT expect the Muslims to be playing a leading role on the Captain's team.
Else he would NOT be exposing the truths on Hindutva or the Sanatana Dharma.

6) Talking deeply on the tenets and principles of Sanatana Dharma has to be... MUST have been done by a team mostly consisting pan-India Brahmins and the castes closely aligned with them.
And, I might have rightly supposed that Brahmins or the priestly class and their closely loyal stooges and associates predominate the Captain's team.
It may be the other way round, as well, considering that Captain has claimed himself to be a Thiyya chief.

<<< THREE >>>

One can safely infer that Captain AV is having the insight of either the military intelligence ( MI ) or the foreign wing of the Indian intelligence agency - RAW.
In fact - BOTH !! Shall we conclude so ?

Based on Captain AV's copious "REVEALATIONS'... any casual blog reader may safely assume that he is part and parcel of the national intelligence agencies' community, the policing agencies, the para-military and the armed forces.
Perhaps ... is he representative of a small subset of them all... rather than their entirety... is the moot question ?

One may be inclined to surmise...
Perhaps his group constitutes a motley sub-set group majorly made out of Kerala, TN, AP, Goa and Karnataka state service personnel. This cannot and must not be negated !!
This public disclosure clearly establishes that 'Guru Ji' teacher and preacher Captain AV is some sort of decoy/ representative of the intelligence agencies+police+paramilitary forces+armed forces or a subset part of them all, thereof.
The nation's security and strategic think-tank, basically.

Captain AV's concern and seeking some sort of resolution for the sake/ case of under-trials establishes that... he seems all likely to be representative of... the entire nation's police fraternity.

Prima Facie -
The cognizance must be taken in lieu of this most immoral transigence of the "privacy rights" of the entire family and as also... the extended family.

This certainly reeks of a massive setup/ game by some certain national security agencies. Of course, headed by an IPS officer or a grouping of such officers at the highest levels.

Prima Facie...
clearly pointers to the fact that my computer and router were apparently critically compromised and undoubtedly in some external malicious / malevolent control.
Perhaps surely had been hacked quite a few times.
This is apparently serious and a severe criminal misconduct.

Prima Facie...
This gross criminal mis-conduct... merits all the nuances of the IT Act to be unleashed on the perpetrators.

Including police case like - "Amanat me Khayanat" must have been/ be slapped on unknown criminal-mindset individuals ( hardly matters if they are or were in uniform &/ or boots )... based on my previous blog post as regards 64-Bala n-State, n-Count TabulASSion.

Have the authorities done that ?
Hardly matters whether perpetrators are or were wearing uniforms; and they had special permits / permissions/ privileges, etc. coming from the GoI or the President of India.

Prima Facie... Having hacked my computer system multiple times ?
Now... this was a very serious situation to be into... and there were clear cut dangers that... this situation might certainly could have been used by the perpetrators for committing any cyber crime of the gravest possible order.

<<< FOUR >>>

Now lots of the facts and details are... locked between whatever might have transpired between the 22nd or the 23rd of April, 2014 comment made by one "Sneh Chandel" ### of what might eventually follow... and the 7th of January, 2015 ( let's say ...any day after 6th of January till the 15th of January; the second half of the first fortnight of the month of January, of the year 2015 ) appearance and the message rendered by the BJP politician Arun Jaitley, that I saw ad took note of... on TV. Full of mockery and vainful deceit.

### : I hope that the Captain ( or, even plausibly those in his opposition team ) do NOT come up NOW claiming that the message posted by "Sneh Chandel" was supposed to act as a hook for me... that I latch onto.
Btw - I can easily disprove this entire idea.

<<< FIVE >>>
On the 7th of July, 2016, I had made a post on the blogger.
In context to the same post...
Within the next 24 hours... one upcoming J&K separatist ( who had more presence on the internet, social media ) Burhan Wani is gunned down by the security agencies/ the Indian army; and the entire Kashmir valley remains in deep turmoil for the next 8-9 months.

This turmoil in the entirety of the Kashmir valley lasted... till the beginning of the UP elections ( Q1, 2017 ).
At which time... it subsided off... all of a sudden.
After rendering hundreds of people dead and hundreds of kids/ students/ people blinded by the pellet guns.
What some vile occurence... this ?

Importantly... since the 8th of July, 2016 when Burhan Wai was gunned down... till the UP state legislative elections... the embers of stone pelting incidents, usage of pellet guns to disperse the stone pelting crowds, massive lockdown and crippling of the normal life in the Kashmir valley took place... and kept the embers smoldering.
This, certainly went on to create a massive level of propaganda and hype for the polarization of the voters on communal lines rather than inter-caste lines in the state of UP and around the country... as is normally the situation in most of the BIMARU states and in the rest of Indian states.

<<< SIX >>>
On the ( perhaps ) 3rd of Dec, 2016... I write a post denouncing the demonetization effort.
And, openly support the West Bengal CM's stand on the same issue.

Even the Delhi CM ArkKej, I suggest, is on the right side in opposing demonetization.
Not to forget that... after all he is an IIT, Kharagpur alumni... and quite smart, too.

( Please read the post on demonetisation and the planned de-Aurization of India. @ )
At the same time, in the same post... suggested that... if... the then ailing TN CM Selvi J Jayalalitha comes out openly in favor of the stand taken by the WB CM on the demonetization issue... then there might be some perceived traction and thus some conclusive strengthening and re-inforcement of their anti-demonetization positions/ postures at the national level might materialize.
This could have lent some pressure on the Modi Govt. for some conclusive actions or reconsiderations for rollback of the demon-eti-sati-on rolled out by the Modi Govt. this context.
Curiously and strangely... within 2 days i.e. on the 5th of Dec... TN CM Selvi J Jayalalitha is reported as having passed away. Owing to sudden cardiac arrest !!

This certainly looks fishy. Big time. I do NOT believe this.
Like many others, one is liable to smell a certain conspiracy... that would have meant... suspecting an underlying plot of some sort.
Point is... what if the then TN CM Selvi J Jayalalitha had strongly come out against the demonetization drive of the NDA-2 led Modi Govt. ?

Perhaps a video recording in which she out rightly denounced the demonetization drive... were that to be splashed across the TV and social media screens ?
Well... that might sure have sufficed.

Thereby somehow forcing the Modi Govt. to rethink on this perceptibly fallacious policy ?
Clearly, her premature death... or, murder... obviated and irretrievably damaged the chances for the rollback of the almost wide-scale demonetization rolled out by the so-called "nationalist Govt." of PM NaDa APCO branded Modi... is a question that confronts ?

Selvi J Jayalalitha, being a very strong and powerful leader from South India... had she openly voiced dissent against the demon-eti-sati-on or DeMO campaign... that might have rendered a heavy blow to the sudden demonetisation announced by PM Modi.
I sure wish that she had done that.

<<< SEVEN >>>
The Captain charged or accused me of hitting "Bull's Eye".
( And... hollered black mamba. I told the King Cobra to keep mum and go to Africa to look for them mambas. )

I said nope !!
I further stated...
What I had put forth is already on the internet.

So... I stated - "Bull's eye ain't bull's eye" on the 25th of January, 2017 blogger post.

I am much pained for writing that post ( that was basically undertaken ) in order to disprove the Captain's notion... yet... my gut instinct tells me... that the effort was a waste/ not required/ unwarranted.

Again, I did sense ... that I might have made a mistake in making the post.
For... what I observed... is pain.
For... we might have lost a real friend and well wisher.

Fact remains that...
Blame/ credit, if any, is on the Captain and mates ( or, perhaps his opponents )... and... no ways on me.
...for hollering around "bull's eye", "bull's eye" !! and... circling the dart, etc. stuff... and... thereby provoking me into an unwarranted response.

<<< EIGHT >>>

Around the last days of the Q3 of 2014. Sometimes... during the third week of September...
I get the innate "conclusive understanding" that one set of specific relatives ( going by a certain popular last name ) one of who was rather sort of struggling for foothold in politics, might witness immense 'mischief'... down the line. This is something that could not escape my gleanings and "clear cut understanding".

Call this -
a) gut instinct or feeling, &/ or
b) prescience, &/ or
c) premonition, &/ or
d) reading subtle cues or clues in/ on/ off the air,  &/ or
e) process of gauging out the motives/ intent/ intentions as regards the potential shenanigans of extremely crafty and very base set of people, etc.

Any individual keeping a sharp eye on socially linked state level or regional level politics or political issues/ games/ shenanigans, etc. might have derived the same... off the news churning off the media outlets over the 1-3 months preceding the last week of September, 2014.

It was... sort of... in the air, for those who were a bit conscious to grasp, know and understand.

In retrospect... I do now suggest... golden handcuffs for my relative... the would be and present BJP legislators.

And... in the oncoming times I see one of my relatives who happens to be a newbie/ budding/ sapling of a politician... joining BJP, and... in the process - turning against his powerful party boss/ supremo ( who happened to be an ex-CM BaMa ).

Later this political party boss/ supremo was so infuriated that he fought for the same assembly seat against this 'absconding' or turncoat party member ( = my relative ) who was perhaps falsely portrayed ( in the views of his ex-party chief ) as having actively led the banner of revolt against him and his political party.
In the process... the Marvari corporate houses owned media and a section of the press... used each and every effort to browbeat the ex-CM supremo. The idea ostensibly was to create and widen the rift between these two set of people, at the mental plane.
Basically, destroy any sort of previous camaraderie and bonhomie they enjoyed.

Perennial burning of the bridges.
... I clearly saw that happening... ostensibly... covertly perpetrated and orchestrated by some set of external base elementals.
The sparring parties might have remained oblivious to this... apparent fact.
This must have created lots of heart burn.
And a feeling of deep angst was sought to be created between the duo. Specifically so... in the heart and mind of the ex-Chief Minister.

The ex-CM... the party boss, later, somehow lost at the electoral hustings... which might have caused him quite some heart burn and humiliation... thereby the same effect of mutual estrangement... was thereby highly compounded.

Curiously, the ex-CM lost and my relative won to become a BJP legislator. Again... this certainly might have added to ( supposedly an undercurrent of ) mutual animosity and heart-burn in the heart and mind of the much powerful ex- Chief Minsiter.

a process of perennially burning the bridges was rolled out by a set of very base smarties ?

There may NOT be any denying this fact, if one were to draw out the nut-shell of the entire endeavor, in an essence.
Now... this ex-CM was/ is provided with Z category security by the NDA-2 home minister.
And... this ex-CM... left with only two legislators... whilst six out of his eight associates absconded to join BJP before or after the polls to become MLAs... the ex-CM is left with very few options but might be somehow forced to join or revert back to the BJP party.

And... BJP, as usual, has been trying the level best to truncate all the opposition parties everywhere.

This has the effect of dissolving the JVM party in Jharkhand.
Now BJP has to contend with INC + JMM + AJSU only.
But JVM + JMM + AJSU + INC combine would have meant that BJP would be certainly shown the door at the next electoral hustings.
But... JVM is much weakened. And, AJSU also lost a couple of leaders to BJP.
But, no matter what... it might be endgame i.e. game-over for BJP in the next round of electoral hustings.

Now... logically and practically... it is difficult for the JVM party to go from a strength of 2 to 20 in the next assembly elections in 2019. Seems like - JVM is finished as a party ?
But, contrarily... if the same JVM numbers were EIGHT MLAs... then there were fair chances to build up momentum and with some smart alliances... this number might have easily gone from 8 to 20+ plus... statistically speaking... out of 81 legislators.
Those numbers in the range of 20-25-30+ might have made the JVM in mutual alliance with JMM party, a major one to be reckoned with, in the state of Jharkhand.
Seems like... the JVM party led by one ex-CM has been very neatly truncated and LIMITED.

JVM chief seems to have... limited and narrowed down options now... as regards the innings of the party he founded and assiduously nurtured.

What are the chances that a national level political party may use any rules of the book to gobble up a set of smallish regional parties to strengthen itself at the state level ?
Thereby... strengthening itself at the regional level ?
And, therefore, the same act is effectively used as a leverage in strengthening itself at the national level ?

BJP winning and forming the Govt. in Jharkhand... sure helped it in every which way, in the electoral rolls around the entire country.

Whereas, Jharkhand was certainly NO cake walk for BJP in Q4, 2014, as per 'on the grounds' reports.
And... making use of some "cannon fodder" to make the mark ?
Four of the MLAs are my relatives. Who sure seem like they... "have been had, for free."

Used as... doormats or, perhaps as... staircase for others to reach the seat of power... and rule from the helm of affairs of Jharkhand.
What if... the same "cannon fodder" is none other than myself and my relatives who happen to be in state politics ?
And... righteously so... a case of... Bull's eye. Achieved.
I affirm that the chances are ONE... i.e. the probability is 100 %.
Now... this is NO allegation.
A mere cool calculated inference.

Would request the honorable ex Chief Justice of India Shri JS Khekhar ( hardly matters whether he is retired... this POST and all the affiliated blog posts MUST be sent to him by the GoI or any Govt. Official without any DELAY ) to take cognizance of these facts... suo moto... and perhaps order a thorough case he ( or other sitting Judges in the Supreme Court ) sense something fishy here.
Which indeed / sure seems like the case.

In light of the Sneh Chandel's comment... one can easily infer that THERE IS A HUGE SETUP.
And... the ongoing strife in the state of J&K has been given undue media HYPER-hype.

This essentially means that there probably is... or certainly seems to be a CONTRIVED PLOT lingering here.
Tantamount to... criminal conspiracy.
This might be affirmed by the 8-9 month silence ( till about 7th January, 2015 when the Jharkhand state government was actually finalized and strengthened ) on the part of the NDA2 = GoI.
This implied that the political derivable had been successfully attained by the ( we may effectively say and state this fact ) RSS stalwarts.
Of course... I might have been the "cannon fodder" used to get at the "BULL'S EYE" for them in the state of Jharkhand as far as government formation was actually concerned.
This is what I could easily make out of the entire episode/ stuff by January, 2015.

<<< NINE >>>
Seems like... four of my relatives who are now BJP MLAs in the Jharkhand legislative assembly... seems FACTUALLY like... they "HAVE BEEN HAD".

Instead of being in the opposition camp... they have been taken 'in' by the BJP, RSS stall warts.
Something akin to controlled opposition that somehow is forced unto one's side ( ...on BJP's rolls. ). But, without being allowed to anyhow grow, mature and having a pre-defined periphery for maneuver.
Sort of... softly handcuffed !!

And... these set of folks happen to be tamed per the wishes and fancies of BJP / RSS top brass.
And... their political careers are made pliable as per the wishes of others... is a question that confronts ?
In retrospect... I suggest... golden handcuffs for my relative... legislators.

In the light of my critical assessment of the Bihar special package announced by APCO branded PM NaDa Modi ( July 2015 )...
I read in the news that...a couple of ministerial berths/ portfolios parked with the Jharkhand CM Shri Raghubar Das went on to add to the heavy weight ( already laden with multiple ministries ) portfolio of already heavy-weight ministers - CP Singh and Randhir Singh ( both are Bhumihar and Rajput by caste, respectively )... as per the media reports.

Perhaps, Saryu Rai ( who is Rajput ) as well ?
This clearly establishes a link between my writings and the negative fallout of the same on some of my relatives who are in active politics... eagerly looking forward to an upswing in their political career / fortunes.

Perhaps... awaiting some promised carrots ??
WHY ? WHY SO ? What's the underlying catch ?
But then... there are others who are the nett GAINERS.
And... I have already suggested ad made this plainly and obviously clear... that those who GAIN... must be... having some linkage with those folks who did indeed somehow set me up in the first place.
Is not that logical ?

Logically deducible ?
Quite apparently so.
... a "first time MLA" ( from a reserved = SC constituency ) who absconded from JVM to join BJP was given to handle portfolios of SIX ministries.
Ostensibly... looks like he might be a more pliable guy... given his inexperience... to be managed by the BJP/ RSS central level stall-warts.
Seems like... a set of the BJP / RSS think-tanks found him way too goodie good.

Now... this gentleman ( SC ) first time MLA turned heavy-weight minister ( of almost SIX ministries ) is so pleased that he wants to construct a mega ISKCON temple in his locality as a sign of gratitude to the priestly class.
Perhaps his handlers in the RSS + BJP combine.
ISKCON might spend couple of hundred crores to build the temple. Perhaps even start some "Akshaya Patra" type ( A revenue churning front of ISKCON ) or mid-day-meal scheme programme soon, in Jharkhand. In case they are NOT already doing so.
Reminds one of the pilferage off the PDS scheme... that is a spinner, of sorts.

Seems like -
the Brahmin lobby, Rajput lobby, Bhumihar lobby, Kayastha lobby have made some interim pact or peace or 'congruence on mutual interest issues' with the SC/ ST lobby.

This might show up even during the 2019 polls. Refer - SC Mishra, from BSP's Mayavati.
Whither goes or went the OBC lobby ? Well... that does not exist !!
Way to go... !!
seems like my MLA relatives "HAVE BEEN HAD" by some top BJP ( perhaps... even RSS ) stall-warts/ think-tanks/ strategists/ "Rana-neeti-kartas"... also some set of Special Interest Groups ( SIGs ) in some other political parties... ( Perhaps in covert collusion with some "assets" on the Captain's team...) probably already used or even now using me as some sort of cannon fodder... is a conclusion that does NOT evade any keen neutral observer.
This is no mere allegation. Seems like an open fact.
No one can, but, deny the same conclusion.

<<< TEN >>>
( Gujarati ) Dhokla.
Coincidence... this... retirement of the honorable chief justice of SC - CJI JS Khehar  on 28th August, 2017 ?
And, the standoff at Doklam went phut... same day !!

The thought oftentimes buzzed in my head countless times that once the honorable Chief Justice of India Shri JS Khehar retires on the 27th or the 28th of August, 2017... then or thereafter the chances of Dhokha-La standoff resolving might materialize.

I COULD NOT comprehend the precise reasoning for that prescient repetitive thought... that ever pervaded my mental plane throughout late July and parts of August, 2017.
Though I had a set of guesses all piled up... like the oncoming crucial BRICS summit during the first week of Sept, 2017 in the PRC, had to somehow materialize... the publishing of this exact blog post by myself, etc. etc.
But, then, I was NOT really surprised ( or, was I ? ) by the GoI announcement on the 28th of August, 2017 as regards resolution to the Dhokha-La stand-off between the two countries' armies.
If the BRICS summit was NOT there during the first week of Sept, 2017 in the PRC... then the chances of the so-called resolution might have taken at least another 15-20 days or so ? My prescient observation/ take.
Few days later... again... I was surprised by the INC lawyer turned politician Manish Tewari's article on the DongLang ( PRC term : the Dog-Lung ) situation wherein he seems to be openly contradicting the publicly espoused GoI position on Dhokha-la.

<<< ELEVEN >>>

I have seen BJP politician Arun Jaitley, on TV, trying to shove down ( into... whose ALL collective psyche and consciousness ? ) some propaganda stuff / info. in the first fortnight of the month of Januray 2015.

This incident happened on national TV. Perhaps RSTV or LSTV channels... around/ on the 7th of January, 2015.
After a lapse of almost EIGHT - NINE months since these guys came to power on 26th of May, 2014.

I have alluded to this matter earlier, in a separate post.
In case one forgets-
And, this RSS affiliated lawyer ( turned Finance minister cum erstwhile Defense minister ) belonging to the so called nationalist party BJP had... fought against the UPA Govt. for the RS. 14,200/- crores ( this has ballooned to more than INR 22,000/-crores as of today; including the interest on the tax claim ) that were due to the Indian exchequer by VODAFONE UK... apparently was mocking me during his live 'act'.

I recall all this... as if it was yesterday.
Not sure... where this lawyer politician's allegiance truly lies ??
This also makes his party's master organization's role a suspect in appointing him to a ministerial role ?

<<< TWELVE >>>

Again... in one of the relayed TV live programs, the current Indian NSA Ajit Doval talks of his Golden temple engagements... in the process he sounds out an overtly ( perceptibly to the intended 'live' audience ) veiled threat ( of having the power to liquidate anyone on mere suspicion only ) to the perhaps intended 'live' audience.
Whilst ... teacher Captain and mates might be looking very closely at the body language of the intended 'live' audience, meanwhile.

I recall the context.
I state thus... for a specific reason.
Whose mind games... this ?
This guy is a third rate moron.

On yet another instance... I have observed on TV... the Congress or INC MP Ajay Kumar ( an ex-IPS officer turned MP from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand... a national spokes-person for the INC party... promoted to the Congress party chief in charge of the state of Jharkhand ) discussing about the Public Safety Act ( PSA ) of the state of J&K.

Whilst some 2-3 other invitees ( perhaps, mostly from the state of J&K ) are also part of the discussion.
I switch cut out the endless crap... assailing me.
Now... was this grave discussion to be an informative exercise or part of a psyching out activity... essentially... a part of Captain's games ?

I guess... both. But, those in the know... sure do know.
And... well.
Whilst... the Captain and mates or perhaps those that are his clear cut opponents... watcheth-ed.
Perhaps conceived and planned the entire stuff/ plot ?? !!
Looks like 100 % clearly so.


Once Again... Recalling of... Critically Important Observation...
The IAF recruited three women as fighter pilot officers, almost two or three years back.
This is surely a top honors for these women and their entire families, relatives and caste/ clan/ district/ state, etc.
At the same time... I urge those having any true or potential heart-burn and mis-givings ( and... I am sure there certainly will be thousands and thousands in our much veneered armed forces ).... one must look at this entire episode closely to glean if any close knit set or group of people/ people groups/ caste/ caste groupings/ regional groupings, etc. sure do call the shots in the armed forces' hiring process ?

If that is in any which ways implied... ?
1) Does this imply that some set of smarties or a SIG might be pretty much well entrenched in the Indian armed forces... and therefore as a (c)overt group do they call the shots ( as a close-knit or a covertly covert naturally implicit group ? Mutually scratching each other's back ? ) at the top echelons of the nation's security apparatus ?
This is a critically important question to ask and seek an answer to !!
2) What about the influence of the Defense Ministry and Defense Secretary, if any, in the entire hiring process ?
Even in the promotion and critical placement of the armed forces officers and security/ military intelligence personnel ?
3) What about the prevalence of the same or almost similar hiring situation in our national security / intel agencies ?

Important Addenda -
Caste-wise - the three recruits apparently seem like they belonged to :-
...brahmin, kayastha and rajput girl from ( perhaps ) north India... inferring from their names, alone.

<<< THIRTEEN >>>
The above is rather an important observation. Actually... a critical observation.

For we sure do know that a closely held group of NO greater than 200,000 Britishers...
- officers, soldiers, administrators, judges, etc. ruled over the ENTIRE Indian sub-continent for almost 2-3 centuries.
Right since... 1757 AD onwards... till 1947.
And... they depleted or vacuumed out the wealth of the entire nation to overseas locales.
There is NO strength in numbers.
As, we Indians ( even of the undivided India ) have demonstrated time and again.

So... risk mitigation poser raised here...
MUST we allow any remotest scope of repeat of the same in another form, format, factor, scale and/ or context... in the Indian landscape, post independence.
In terms of specific caste people getting deeply entrenched in any critical systems of the country.
Why must this be allowed AT ALL ?

The people of the entire nation must understand that there MUST be no such covert groupings in our national  / regional security agencies and our paramilitary forces and our armed forces... that might act in any which ways against the nature and the spirit of the union of India... i.e. what stands for the entirety of the people of this country !!

Context of this Post ...
An apt pretext for this post, or... context for whatever has preceded till this point... and what is to surely come down later on... is the baseline narrative starting -
a) Q3, Q4 of 2013,
b) Q1, Q2, Q4 of 2014 ; &
c) Q1 of 2015 .
Here - the contextual narratives churned out by the Captain, his blog, the MSM and the GoI during Q1, Q2, Q4 of 2014 & Q1 of 2015 are really important. And... must need to be recalled and recounted.

Those past narratives may be tried to be overridden ELSE might have been already overridden by another set of fresher narratives... per Captain's ( or, those on his opposite camp ) goals and objectives and agendas, or lack thereof.
So... now... going 2- 2.5- 3- 4- 5 years back in time as a reference point... to cobble up and putting forth this post.

Again... we have seen that Captain has an action item wrt the fate of under-trials... in the process he and his close pals/ mates also risked becoming under-trials for good ?
...had the IT Sec 66A NOT been actually scrapped, is a question that confronts.

I suggest that the Captain and mates, somehow, decided to have the IT Sec 66A rescinded by the GoI/ SC... for good. Might have actually contrived so... to save their ass and skin.
And...  mine, as well.

The apparent fact is... they wanted me to fight this out in court of law. In the process... become a public figure.
The Jharkhand state government had even made arrangements to this effect. I knew this, when I observed that one lady IPS officer who I understand is a distant relative was made the IG, Prisons. But, generally that position vests with IAS officers.
I recall / noted / observed that the few rajputs had been protesting her appointment for whatever reasons.
Perhaps that was a pressure tactic. More so... or, might be so...  for the consumption of my relative politicians. Yes !!

Again, alternatively... case Captain AV is a SUBSET of the system and there is an opposite camp to him then people from THIS camp tried to hook myself and Captain AV with the same hook.

In the clear cut case of - win all, nothing to lose game / stratagem.
Now... the really important question...

Did the Captain coerced or provoked me ( either implicitly or explicitly... or in any which manners ) in consenting to be writing at the ToI bottom 'wall' as a part of a crusade against a certain individual ?
This master provocateur sure wants strict loyalty from his online mates, followers and blog readers ?
Frankly... I did never write any times at the ToI wall. Never would.
Maestro... aka Zigi Chief !!
Though... as desired and directed and coaxed by him... I wrote at his wall.

Coerced or provoked by his request ? Or, as an act of loyalty ? Or... just to keep a word ?
Or, as a matter of pure naiveté.
Be your own... keen judge.

This apparently harmless act ( actually a request or a demand fulfillment ) ... harpooned... nay torpedoed his 'kum akal' tanker... as the Chief often-times claims.
Coming from a catamaran... nay - cat... 'maran' ( = killer ) ?
Who believes this ?
No one does.

I suspect his opponents have used a set up.
In fact, sure I do recall the ex defense minister Manohar Parrikar ( a GSB ) exulting... and this appeared in the newspapers too ... "Kaante se kaanta nikalega" !!

<<< FOURTEEN >>>
No doubt... Sec. IT 66A was scrapped to save Captain and mates from harm's way ??

NO !! I had been setup to fight that legal battle !! Perhaps so !!
Actually... the Captain and mates had or might have contrived to get the IT Sec 66 A annulled.
Perhaps... there was a meticulously laid out plot to effect this ?
( Looking at Captain's concern for the under trial prisoners )
Btw... did Captain and mates face invasion of privacy in any form, format and scale that they were NOT aware of ?
Anytimes... in this specific context ?
I affirmatively believe and state so - NO.
This... certainly implies a very base and bordering-on-nonsensical conspiracy.
The nature of the conspiracy I have clearly alluded to, earlier. 100 % correct.

By the way - these some set of retards have had me and my entire family ( without my knowledge ) walk through a "LIVE MEDIA TRIAL" that sure could have lasted several months.

And that is still ongoing in a differet form.
They have changed the nomenclature.
"Face of... "
Total nonsense !!

Invasion of privacy in one's private space is a very serious offense.
A 'certain' rule book states - "death penalty" to the willful offenders/ perpetrators.
No questions to be ever asked.

Divine retribution is down the line. Surely... from the spiritual realm. Be fore-warned and advised thus.
You have set the ball rolling that destroys your families. Just a matter of time... this is a oft repeated thought. Hardly matters the numbers.

<<< FIFTEEN >>>

You see what ?
Our NSA Ajit Doval gets the entire J&K border laser fenced the Israeli way using imported Israeli laser fencing technology.
The cost of this project is supposedly INR 7,500 crores or INR 75,000 crores.

Not sure on the actual numbers. But then, it is pretty high expense.

Question -
If the Israeli laser fencing were so effective then why does US President Donald Trump want to build a STEEL WALL on the USA-Mexico border ? Perhaps around or under USD $ 5 Billion dollars.

This clearly means that the Israeli laser fencing technology might not be the best answer for the cross border infiltrations.
Then why are we expending time and energies in this stop-gap effort ?

Someone ought to ask the NSA Ajit Doval.

...As also - the current Indian government.

Btw the Chitpawan brahmins have their origin from the middle east ( ME ) Asian terrains and territories. Almost the same territories... Israel has been carved out and sits today.

RSS is manned and dominated by brahmins... esp. Chitpawan brahmins at the very top  of leadership.

Refer the book - Indica from Megasthenes ( who stayed in the court of Chandra Gupta Maurya ); on this count... that talks about the origin of brahmins and exodus towards the Himalayan regions over a period of time.

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