Thursday, February 14, 2019

Addenda to the Dicey Stuff... This !! Post


A MUST FOR THE EYES ( And brains, thinking, reasoning, evaluation, assimilation, etc. ) OF -

1) All the serving, retired, semi-retired, would-be or aspirant -

a) Civil Servants ( mainly IFS, IRS, IPS, IAS officers ); and 

b) Armed Forces Officers; and

c) Supreme Court and High Court Judges and Lawyers; and

d) From all the Indian Intelligence agencies; and

e) Intelligentsia in the Education domain - teachers, mentors, professors, researchers, etc.

2) Those having deep insight as regards the working of the Capital markets, Currency markets, World Trade, International Finance, Economics and Economic Activities. National Finances.
Working of the Federal Reserve of the USA, Central Banks, etc. must evaluate this post.

3) Technical Experts specializing in IT Security and Crypto Currencies. Blockchain development.

4) Better enlightened souls from the IITs, NITs and other such engineering colleges, R&D  institutions and diverse scientific organizations - in the country and around the globe.

5) Religious leaders. Head of socio-religious, socio-spiritual, spiritual Organizations. This  includes all the pro-BJP and pro-RSS Hindutva factions, as well.

6) Followers of late Rajiv Dixit. Bharat Swabhimaan Trust Nyas members. Baba Ramdev and his associates.

7) Those in the Government; and all the politicians cutting across party lines.

If you have got to this post. Please circulate this one around, as also the previous one on the  Demonetization.

(( ONE ))

Notwithstanding WHATEVER the intent, motive, motivations, design the NDA-2 Govt. headed by PM Modi and his close knit set of coterie might have had the fact remains that owing to the 'well designed' effects of the demonetization by some pretty smart alecks, there certainly undeniably was-

1) Creation of MASSIVE deficiency in the SUPPLY of liquid capital in the form of currency notes in  the entirety of the Indian subcontinent, to the extent of upwards of 86 % !! Say 90 % !!

2) Creation of MASSIVE DEMAND for alternative fiat currencies - especially the Foreign Currencies and MOST specifically we do sense and conclude that the demand FULFILLMENT is majorly effected by the GBP Sterling Pound originating from with the Indian subcontinent ( India, Nepal,  Bangladesh, etc. ) economy;

Implying, MASSIVE flight of capital from the country to offshore locations. Especially UK and UK friendly or affiliated territories.

3) Creation of MASSIVE DEMAND for alternative/ pseudo or crypto currencies that are basically of the nature of stock/ scrips that are effectively backed by nothing ( rather by the most canny subterfuge of unduly created media hype and the theory of demand and supply. Born out of or breeding Greed, profit motive and speculation, etc. ) -

Especially these crypto currencies - BITCOIN, RIPPLE, ETHEREUM, LITECOIN, etc. There might be countless other crypto currencies that remain in the covert sphere.

To the extent that the valuation of these pseudo stocks falsely portrayed as some sort of crypto currency ( in the form of digital blockchain etc.; and which is MOST dubiously ill secured )went to

at least up to a HUNDRED and at best a few HUNDRED TIMES all within a span of 3-4 years.

In this time frame2014-2017 !!

Especially, during the year 2017 !!

4) Severe setback to the entire "India Story".

The entirety of the Global Capital lost confidence in the India story. There was a massive element of fear, anxiety, betrayal, lack of future vision, etc. that kept on lingering for several months.

The Govt. of India headed by RSS/ BJP stallwarts by means of the demonetization unleashed a sense of massive distrust in the Foreign Investors - Institutional, FII and Direct, FDI; by their irresponsible ( perhaps, by design ? ) mode of running the country /economy.

5) Massive havoc on the actual economic/ GDP numbers.

And, the effect and after effect thereof - creation of massive unemployment, under-employment, etc.

To the extent that, there are allegations even after 27 months that all or almost all the Government numbers are totally fudged up and made up !!

etc. etc.

There are many more points to be considered.

(( TWO ))

Recently, while browsing through one of the websites -

There was a mention of the following web link, in one of the articles -

Charles Savoie’s historical chronology, The Silver Stealers.


Now this happens to be a very comprehensive and elaborately written article.

And, it takes quite a lot of time to thoroughly read this lengthy article.

Yet, some underlying mainstay themes, having a historical precedence with well defined outcome are 

1) Demonetization; its precedents in modern history over the past 100-200 years.

2) Demonetization of silver and gold ( which used to be the reigning currencies at that instance of time; rather than fiat paper currency that is the norm today ),

3) Tweaking/ tinkering with the economic cycle of DEMAND and SUPPLY of precious metals and currencies to unleash havoc/ as also to reap massive gains in another distinct region(s) across the globe.

i.e. one's loss is other's GAIN; conversely someone's gain is another's LOSS.

At the end of the game money and wealth ownership MUST be a zero sum activity. Right !!

But then...
it remains yet another fact that many countries print and circulate their currencies out of thin air; and thereby increase the effective/ cumulative float of their currency in circulation.
Both domestically and globally.

Thereby, diluting the effective nett worth of the same currency held by other external entities ( eg. - consider the FOREX holding of any third world or even developing country or economy ).

4) As a tool for wreaking havoc on the economy of a state/ nation.

Even affecting large swathes of population.

Even as a covert design for gravely affecting the demographic profile of a specific region.

5) As a tool for destroying the naturally growing economy and the populace; inflicting damage to the economy at an unprecedented level. Underlying reason(s) could be one too many / myriad.

etc. etc.

(( THREE ))

Some food for thought based on the following nuggets/ snippets out of the article at that web link -

Charles Savoie’s historical chronology, The Silver Stealers.

Prima facie… cannot verify the data and facts presented on this web link. Would expect that most of it is indeed true.

But, sure they do stand as SERIOUS food for thought.

Perhaps they remain the historical truth.


Britain’s attack on the world’s silver money system, starting in India in 1926 with the decision of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency.


Britain’s attack on gold in September 1931, exacerbating the depression; seizing gold from American citizens in March 1933, and seizing silver in August 1934 to the extent of 113,031,000 silver ounces; driving China off its silver standard as of November 3, 1935 through the Silver Purchase Act of 1934


Demonetization of silver by England was originally worked by a few powerful financiers who saw an opportunity to more than double the value of their personal fortunes if silver could be demonetized in England, Germany and the United States. Backed by those who held mortgages on property throughout the world and who saw in demonetization the opportunity to double the value of their loans, the most powerful system of propaganda ever organized was put in operation.  It involved the reiteration by propagandists unhesitating in their methods, by the exercise of every conceivable form of political and financial pressure.  England’s action was one of combination among A FEW POWERFUL INDIVIDUALS WHO WERE WILLING TO WRECK THE WORLD IF THEY COULD DOUBLE THEIR PRIVATE FORTUNES. There was an immense fall of prices and extreme suffering resulted.”


Walker, who was born in 1847, commented on the bitter hardships forced upon Americans by the Crime of 73, of which he was a victim (silver demonetization in the Coinage Act of 1873) ---


The Gold Standard Adopted by Britain---most of the developed and nearly developed world followed suit in the 1870s.  As a result, vast quantities of demonetized silver flooded the world market, depreciating the currency of India and China, the major nations outside the hegemonic gold bloc.  
Under British domination and the new gold standard, the value of India’s silver standard rupee fell by over one third between 1873 and 1895. The consequent inflation due to silver depreciation 
destroyed peasant savings and pushed peasant households into a usurious credit system. The British tax system took much and gave back little. The planned neglect of irrigation and other  infrastructure by the British was to push Indian farmers into the production of cash crops. This and other similar policies dramatically undermined village and regional economy. It should also be noted that during the period from 1757 to 1947 there was no increase in per capita income.”

HSBC, Britain’s opium bank for China that sucked countless thousands of tons of silver out of the Far East.

( Note : Britain gained foothold in Bengal in the year 1757, Ref - Battle of Plassey and the  Britishers ruled the subcontinent till 1947. Vacuuming massive quantum of wealth out of the entire subcontinent. )


Henry P. Fitzmaurice (1845-1927) the 5th Marquess of Lansdowne, who was British Viceroy of India, 1888-1894, closed the Indian mints to the free coinage of silver as of June 26, 1893.

Central banking---creating money from nothing, was understood to be more profitable than silver mining! 


Has many times rendered valuable service to the United States government since the Civil War, notably in flotation of government bonds in 1876, 1877 and 1878 and also 1895, when his firm floated the $62,000,000 gold bonds issued by the Cleveland administration to restore normal Treasury surplus of $100,000,000 AND THEREBY SAVED THE TREASURY FROM A SILVER BASIS.”


By attacking silver and shoving it out of monetary matters, the way was cleared for gold to be attacked!


As was intended from the beginning, the central banking system would militate against the use of precious metals in the payments structure until everything was fiat! Cortelyou became president of Consolidated Gas Company and chairman of the Republican National Committee. Many of these late 19th century to early 20th century Pilgrims Society members were back of the Gold Standard Act of 1900, which facilitated the march towards fiat currency by minimizing silver.


“The Mirrors of Wall Street” (1933), page 45, said of Morgan’s firm---“There is hardly a spot on the globe where civilization has blazed a trail that the firm does not reach for its tithe.”  J.P. Morgan, among a handful of the greatest gold manipulators in history---


Gold Standard Act of 1900, which facilitated the march towards fiat currency by minimizing silver.


Having established background for Charles Conant (above right), let’s consider his actions against silver as money; it’s reasonable to regard him as a Pilgrims Society functionary. Someday when full lists become known his name may appear. Conant was a member of the anti-silver American Economic Association and of President Theodore Roosevelt’s (Pilgrims Society) Commission on International Exchange which "advised" various governments to drop silver and go to a gold only basis the rub being (as we will see later, the same thing happened in British India) that citizens of those nations couldn’t readily exchange their paper notes for hard gold !  Conant "persuaded" the Philippines after the Spanish-American war, to go cold on silver...


A nationalistic Hindu source has this to say about British actions in literally dragging the world away from the use of silver as money at the close of the Napoleonic wars in 1816---

“The Gold Standard Adopted by Britain---most of the developed and nearly developed world followed suit in the 1870s.  As a result, vast quantities of demonetized silver flooded the world market, depreciating the currency of India and China, the major nations outside the hegemonic gold bloc. Under British domination and the new gold standard, the value of India’s silver standard rupee fell by over one third between 1873 and 1895.  The consequent inflation due to silver depreciation destroyed peasant savings and pushed peasant households into a usurious credit system.  The British
tax system took much and gave back little. The planned neglect of irrigation and other infrastructure by the British was to push Indian farmers into the production of cash crops. This and other similar policies dramatically undermined village and regional economy. It should also be noted that during the period from 1757 to 1947 there was no increase in per capita income.”


Let’s look briefly at Charles Arthur Conant (1861-1915), a financial commentator and economist who was a delegate to the Gold Democratic Convention of 1896, organized against the silver movement led by William Jennings Bryan.


Britain’s attack on the world’s silver money system, starting in India in 1926 with the decision of the Royal Commission on Indian Currency; the Crash of 1929, facilitated by Federal Reserve policies; the Great Depression, caused by Britain’s attack on silver; Britain’s attack on gold in September 1931, exacerbating the depression; seizing gold from American citizens in March 1933, and seizing silver in August 1934 to the extent of 113,031,000 silver ounces; driving China off its silver standard as of November 3, 1935 through the Silver Purchase Act of 1934


Walker, who was born in 1847, commented on the bitter hardships forced upon Americans by the Crime of 73, of which he was a victim (silver demonetization in the Coinage Act of 1873) ---

“As if they had been a row of bricks, banks all over the United States fell down.  Immediately those who had been living from hand to mouth began a struggle for existence.  Depredations occurred.  I personally saw a procession of starving workmen---estimated to be 10,000 in number--- tramping along the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal begging for food, ready to work for a wage that would barely keep body and soul together.  There were four batteries of artillery sent down from Washington to protect the houses and property of the Baltimore & Ohio Railway.  MEN COMMITTED SUICIDE BY THE THOUSAND.  Everywhere hopelessness and despair settled over the country.  Pressure was exerted by banks upon all who refused to accept England’s single gold standard.  The effect on India and China will never be known in their fullest horror.  The immediate depreciation of their only stock of money, silver, stopped trade and starved whole provinces.  IT CAUSED MILLIONS OF DEATHS.”


(Silver had huge support in France, but not among the corrupted, infiltrated, bought-off leadership. Adverse financial conditions of the period were caused by demonetization of silver. Then the crooks blamed the victim for the crime!)  Yes, any bankers anywhere would be tempted to act against hard money, even had Britain never existed.  It would take another essay to discuss the Latin Monetary Union, which lasted from 1865 to 1927 (when Great Britain’s silver attack intensified).  These nations used silver and gold coins for currency and included Belgium; Italy; Switzerland; Austria; Greece; Bulgaria; Romania; Serbia; Montenegro; Venezuela; San Marino; Vatican State; and France.)


Just after members of The Pilgrims Society of Great Britain wrecked the world economy by demonetizing India’s silver and dumping it on world markets and going off the gold standard in September 1931, members of The Pilgrims Society of the United States moved to seize gold and silver from Americans! They additionally conspired to drive China off its centuries old silver standard, badly damaged by Great Britain’s attack against silver, by means of the Silver Purchase Act of 1934, which while helping American mining interests, sucked so much silver out of China that by November 3, 1935, China abandoned silver money. Huge amounts of silver were still widely dispersed in China, later seized by the Communists, and gradually dumped (leased) onto world markets at the behest of these Pilgrims Society members with their control over the offices of the President and the Secretary of State, and helped along by means of front organizations such as the China-America Council of Commerce & Industry (Thomas J. Watson Sr. of IBM and The Pilgrims Society) and successor
organizations including the National Council for U.S./China Trade (William Alexander Hewitt, Pilgrims Society, director Chase Manhattan Bank and A.T. & T. who married into the Deere fortune of agricultural equipment manufacturers) ---

(( FOUR ))

Though I have not read this book yet, that I chanced on the same a few days back only.

Reference Book -

The Big Reverse: How Demonetization Knocked India Out !!

- By

Meera Sanyal

I heard of
Meera Sanyal recently. And, also learnt that she died recently.
RIP to Meera Sanyal. 

I suggest that she might have been exposed to some deadly pathogens that could have caused her some disease that eventually caused her death, eventually.

And this same is highly possible.

TAKEAWAY ( of this Post ) -
We see that demonetization is having a historical precedent as a tool for creating MASSIVE demand and supply situations that was / might have been potentially used by some certain embedded unscrupulous elements to make massive GAINs.

Again... there are endless possibilities for gain and loss.

One may say... this entire things smacks of...

Something sort of a HEIST.

( Never a windfall. A windfall is by luck, by chance... sent by GOD for past good Karma. )

A HEIST is oftentimes the creation of wily, shrewd, sagacious, crafty, vile, evil set of people !!

But know this...
In due course of time the luck of EVIL runs out.

Natural law and justice prevails.

MUST prevail.

...Make hay while the SUN shines.

I see that ALL YOUR time is/ has sort of run out NOW.

It is just a matter of time when this becomes plapable/ crystal clear.

Till then... you ALL may carry ON with your Karma... for which do rest assured you get paid back with compound interest... perhaps so... from the Spiritual Realm !!

< EndOfPost >

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