Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Talking of implants.


...talking of prescience here !!

(( ONE ))

Way back in March of 2014... perhaps during the start of the fourth week I had written a key word in Captain Ajit Vadakayil's blog's comments / message section - "implants".
i.e. there is a potential need to look for "implants" in the Seas.
I recall writing that - there might be implants OR we need to look for implants.

(( TWO ))

Now... cut to those times... and the existing environments...
This thought occurred with much force when I observed that the Chinese leadership had vociferously objected to the American navy's search/ reconnaissance efforts and access to the South China Sea ( SCS ) for the missing MH370.

The Chinese people sort of protested the American presence in SCS, somehow forcing the Americans to discontinue the search ( i.e. - Search and Salvage ) mission in the SCS.

Question arose -
Why the Chinese folks chose to do so was a big puzzle / question ? that remained unanswered to a logical, neutral observer.

Factually speaking, majority of the nationals on the missing, ill-fated MH370 were Chinese nationals... as such, one logically expected that the Chinese would have a co-operative and collaborative attitude and stance with the Americans on this ultra high tech deep sea, much tricky search effort that the Americans were purportedly undertaking.
Now... why would the Chinese take a contrarian stand ? ...this was a pressing question that threw up and confronted.
Probably humbled and crestfallen... these wily and smart Americans had no choice but to move out from the SCS arena... on to the Indian ocean region.

(( THREE ))

And, within a few days we heard and saw day and night, whenever we switched on the TV screen... the never ending American search story unfolding in the Bay of Bengal region.

Whereas, our own Indian government had denied any remotest radar ( either civilian or military ) trace of the missing plane MH370 being ever noticed under any of the Indian territories. Including those in the eastern India, north east India, South Indian radars and those at the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

As such, one observed that our own Indian navy was NOT involved in any search effort/ operations anywhere. Again, this meaningless act would have violated the Indian government's official stand... that we did not receive any trace of the missing plane in our territorial waters or even within the extent of our radar ranges... till wherever it extended.

Clearly... the don't care attitude was displayed by the callous Americans.

For... they did not bother to heed to the Indian government and perhaps had their own ideas... and perhaps plans... or, who knows... plethora of plans.

And... then we heard and saw over TV screens - larger or nearly equal to the map of India the naval warship USS Kidd and yet another fellow American warship straddling up and down the Bay of Bengal... ostensibly for search and salvage ??
Traversing... north to south to north... day in and day out... for almost a week.

As if everything else of consequence was useless to the corporate conglomerate owned Indian TV media as also other media houses around the entire globe.

This high pitched orchestrations and constant media coverage was getting on the nerves... and jarring to moods and sentiments, with too oft repetitions of the same theme through the plethora of massive media offerings - print media, internet based as well as TV channels !!

(( FOUR ))

Perhaps around this time only, one ex-senator/ secretary/ under-secretary ( perhaps Strobe Tablott ) from ex-Prez Bill Clinton's regime sounded out a warning of potential impending attack on the Indian mainland, perhaps using this missing jetliner as a missile. As was done earlier during September of 2001 on WTC in New York, USA.

Now... a slew of such rolling themes unfolding... altogether these massively created some sort of hunches... and, raised the threat perception of the entire situation...  sensing that something was terribly amiss.

And, a few contextual thoughts crossed my mental frame...
... and so... I threw up quite a loaded word "implant" on the Captain's web.

(( FIVE ))

Much later to this ideation ( perhaps a year or two later )... while browsing the internet... I chanced on some web article wherein some highly knowledgeable and learned researcher/ professor from the folds of perhaps USA or maybe NATO was throwing some spot-light on some self powered undetectable sensors that can stay floating at very deep depths in the oceans. And, they stay floating at the same depth and do not change locations.
And, using the power of the order of pico Watts only... that could be used to perhaps detect and therefore be used to track any sort of deep sea sub-surface movements... and the 'use case' thereof for such self-powered sensors was perhaps 'left to imagination'.
Perhaps, what was implied in that article was this... a spread out grid like cluster of those extremely low power consuming, self powered sensors ( using, perhaps the undersea currents or temperature variance/ gradient to self power themselves. In effect, becoming a perpetually powered sensors and/ or relay elements. ) could have wide variety of end usage.
For example - sensing, tracking and reporting any sub-surface ( at certain varied depths ) or surface movement of vessels of any sorts.

(( SIX ))

The above also reminds that- somewhere else on the web... I ran into an article that stated that the Chinese navy has very high degree of surveillance capabilities in the entire stretch of the SCS.
They have sort of "grid-locked" or grid-mapped the entire stretch of SCS and nearby maritime arenas.
By "grid-locking" for surveillance... they have embedded or implanted ( floatable at certain depth ) almost stagnant implants some 3 or 5 km below the surface of the sea. These implants are positioned to repeat at specific fixed or variable distances and serve as listening/ detection/ tracking/ surveillance devices that is highly effective in minutely detecting and reporting sub-surface deep sea or on-surface movements of any sort.
In effect, what was implied was - the entire SCS is under massive and strict surveillance / observation by the Chinese military.
Above is an instance of what sea based embedded devices or implants can achieve.

The, so to say "implants" !!

(( SEVEN ))

Further... after reclaiming an island in the SCS and land-filling it and building an airstrip on the same by the Chinese military, a few years back.

Recently chanced on the following news... that the Chinese are planning or already building fully submerged naval posts... to be constructed on the sea floor... highly secure manned observation posts - military or naval bases.

To basically monitor the naval traffic, etc. of the entire or perhaps a stretch of the SCS... while sitting at the bottom of sea !!
Who knows... they may have many such sea bed located bases in the pipeline !!

(( EIGHT ))

The Russian president revealed during March of 2018 that the Russian military have successfully developed underwater/ submarine unmanned drones that are nuclear powered and do not require any onboard manpower to operate or maneuver i.e. they may be remotely maneuvered and directed onto the intended target.
The same unmanned drones may be used as torpedoes.
Alternatively, if laden with proper payload - they may be used as missiles.

The range of these underwater unmanned drones may be a few hundred of miles. Who knows, the effective range might exceed... more than ONE thousand mile.

(( NINE ))

Recalling... a tsunami struck the coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Sri Lanka, etc. locations on the 26th of December 2004. This caused immense destruction of tens of thousands of human and cattle lives. And, causing property damage worth tens of thousands of crores in its aftermath.

And, it seemed strange that subsurface volcanic eruptions deep below the surface of earth in an earthquake prone zone in Indonesia, some 2000-3000 km off from peninsular India... might unleash such powerful waves as to cause catastrophic damages in the south eastern coastal belts of peninsular India. Never happened in the past century. In the last hundred years or so !!
Some low grade tsunami, having origins from the Indonesian archipelago, was reported nearly a century back.
This current tsunami looked out of place and at odds with the consuming world reality and somehow seemed linked to some covert global geo politics.

Then.. the thoughts had crossed my mental plane... what if the shore based Kundakulam nuclear power plant located in Tamil Nadu were hit by giant tidal tsunami waves ? Well... that did not happen !!

But then, one does recall that the same sort of deadly tsunami unleashed by the near the coastline sub-sea earthquake ( occurred within a few miles off the Japanese sea shore ) in the territorial waters of Japan on the 11th of March 2011 caused high tidal waves to quickly reach the core of the nuclear power plant. Thereby causing massive damage to the Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Extensively damaging the nuclear core...
Causing the highly radioactive Uranium rods at the core of the nuclear plant to become unstable and successively melt away. Resulting in massive nuclear radiation fallout in several hundred square kilometers around the same locale. To the extent that the very same nearby and afar areas had to be completely evacuated owing to nuclear radiation and contamination.
At one time, the total risk mitigation, etc. expenditures o the Fukushima nuclear reactor core rupture amounted to almost USD $ 200 Billion Dollars and was mounting upwards.
This was the datum I chanced on 2-3 years back. Who knows, cut to today, this figure might be nothing less than USD $ 250-300 Billion US Dollars !!
That might not be actually surprising.
Of note would be the website ( recollecting here ) - that attributed the deadly nearly 8.0 + on the Ritcher scale near coast sub-sea earthquake to ionospheric tinkering by some malevolent vested interests.
Perhaps... the globalists. Using some such technologies as or similar to the much known and maligned HAARP.
Point being alluded to here is... the Fukushima catastrophe was alleged to be a 'designed' one i.e. a creation of elites for profit motive.

Moot questions -
1) If the globalists can have free run in 2011. Perhaps in 2004, as well.

Then why not in 2014 ? or, later as in 2019 ?

2) What if the Indonesian earthquake was caused by a critically placed "implant" some few kilometers down the surface of earth ?
Effected by some... implanted explosive agent ?
Perhaps near an earthquake fault line... bordering near a volcanic region to multiply the resultant explosive effect ?

( These were the thoughts that assailed the mental plane... in the aftermath of the 26th Dec, 2004 tsunami in parts of Tamil Nadu, Sri Lanka and Pondicherry )

(( TEN ))

The plethora of diverse items, above, lead to the following thought matter - implant !!

In fact, the limited knowledge and perception threw up or flashed this same thought as a word way back in March, 2014.
Exploring the same topic here.

Implants may be of varied types. Mostly the navies might use diverse set of implants -
1) Sensors - for detecting, tracking and reporting the presence of manmade vessels in the high seas.
2) There could be explosive mines stationary implanted at certain depths in the water with the intention to serve as either a deterrent for enemies; else as a death traps for reconnaissance/ spy/ stealth/ sonar-proof submarines or underwater unmanned drones.

(( ELEVEN ))

There is the possibility of implants in the form of a multistage unmanned drone vehicle.

Say - in the form of sturdy capsule lying on the sea bed. Ostensibly implanted by malevolent party in the periphery of another nation's territorial waters or near about the sea shores.
Such implants may lie there for a couple of years or perhaps even decades.

Again, there is this possibility of some nations indulging in - underwater terrain mapping.
Like we have remote sensing satellites making use of Geographical Information System ( GIS ).

There could be... ultra high tech advances in the sonar, etc. technologies.
Deep sea mapping, under water mapping technologies, etc.

Minutely mapping the contours, terrain, topography, etc. of the expansive under water regions below the ocean's surface.

This is like accurately recording the sub-surface regions in the oceans... as if there were NO water remaining in the seas.

Imagine - that the entire water from the seas, oceans is fully gone and what we get is plain visibility of the underlying terrain. Visibility is - as if there was plain air.
The moot underlying idea is... nations or some malevolent third parties might indulge in such efforts sooner or later.

Again, the above info. may be used by hostile nations or malevolent third parties to probably identify critically strategic locations ( the Achilles’ heels of their friends and opponents !! Mark this. ) around the vast expanse of the seas... say what about near the top-end of the huge mountains that may be jutting out from the bottom of the ocean.

Yet these mammoth mountains are pretty well submerged under the ocean.
Say - lying meters down from the surface till a few thousand meters.

Now... any malevolent nation or third party may -
1) Drill huge cylindrical holes and construct a safe capable structure therein. Something akin to a missile silo.
2) Implant an unmanned multi-stage drone in this concrete ( say ) silo; some meters beneath the 'effective surface of the submerged mountain surface'.
3) Then cap ( to make the earth on the mountain surface appear as it was before ) this drilled-in silo that resides meters below the submerged mountain surface.

And then... no one knows that there is something lying there. Perhaps... lying... for years... for decades.
This unmanned drone may have been designed to be utilizing solid state fuel or using liquid propellant as fuel.
( We observe that the Russians have made nuclear powered long range underwater unmanned drones or submarines, as they publicly announced in March of 2018. ).

And, the chances are that apart from the localized controlling unit to this 'implant', the main controller unit to this implanted unmanned drone may be located thousands of kilometers away.
In which case this drone may be remotely activated, started ON, softly expelled from it's 'hole' in the silo after the due 'uncapping' ( where it was remaining covertly implanted and staying 'put' since the past several years ), fired ON and remotely controlled and maneuvered ( underwater or in the air ) towards either any of the following potential targets -
a) under sea vessel,
b) on surface naval vessels or air borne crafts flying over the sea,
c) nearby coastal regions of a country,
d) may cover an entire country.

Depending on the effective range the "implant" has and the sort of payload it carries.
The payload of this underwater deep implant could be any of -
1) torpedo,
2) conventional warhead,
3) nuclear warhead,
etc. etc.

(( TWELVE ))

Just trying to make out the case of extremely dangerous implications of having such "implants" in the sea that may be controlled by some malevolent elements.
Say... talk about those who want to rule the world in a unipolar setup ?

Let's see an example.
Let's say two nations are sworn enemies.
Down the road...
In the case if there is... some sort of mutual hobnobbing, cross border flare up, or short scale conflagrations or low grade/ scale war between them.

Then a third malevolent party ( ostensibly friendly to either party ) may try using such 'implants' by some ruse on any of these countries to cause some sort of devastation, in such a way that the other devastated country presumes that it is the other belligerent country that has drawn the 'first blood' which was entirely uncalled for, given the circumstances.
So, in reaction there is a to-and-fro flare up, from the aggrieved end.

And, as usual, the malevolent third party supplies arms and ammunitions to both the parties to fight each other out to complete rout.

So, while the two warring countries deplete their wealth and resources fighting out each other... this covert, unknown malevolent agent makes hay... while the SUN shines.
And, in the process gets massively fattened in the process. For, its' well being is tied to selling arms and ammunitions to third world ( mostly ) Asian nations.

An example follows -
a) Say... a submarine is torpedoed.
b) A naval harbor is attacked.
c) A coastal area or any city or town is attacked using such an 'implant'.

Frankly, there are nations that could be capable of even spoofing the submarine signatures. Just guessing here.
So as to maliciously surreptitiously pass on any such signals that may be intended to be interpreted wrongly by the aggrieved or wronged party's sonar system, etc.
Say, there is an incident in the coast of country X; and the subsequent intel by its' own military intelligence tells the top stalwarts of country X that their enemy country Y's submarines were reportedly recorded as being 'potentially observed' near the incident site.

This might indeed be some fake extrapolation of the intelligence data.

While, the reality might be that the party Z maliciously used an 'implant' to create a "situation".
Now, neither the top leadership of country X or that of country Y may suspect the party Z of playing mischief / being truant.
But, this Z... is habitually of truant nature. And, it plays. And is known to play all sort of games.

In effect -
There is a potential scope of... creating and causing never ending bad blood /enmity / rivalry, etc. between nations and certain set of people.
Getting the point and the pointers !!

If anyone thinks that this is out of fiction.
Well... all the latest of arms, ammunitions, military technology and techniques are basically someone's ideations /thoughts, etc. that were materialized in due course of time.
And... they very well look or  looked like fiction at one time.
The fact remains that... NOT really espousing any such dangerous, stealth system.

Rather, the entire tenor and focus is on serving as an extreme CAUTIONARY note towards the sort of naval challenges we may have to be prepared to face... going forward.
Because, if this stuff appears / appeared in my head some five years back.

Then, sure... rest assured - others might have been having the same thoughts at almost the same instance of time.
Maybe... much much earlier.

There are malignant people who all... thinks, plans and acts... much ahead of times !!

I just projected the key word then, to be interpreted.

Elaborating on that same underlying thought... thought processes... as of today.

< EndOfPost >

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