Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How the Chhatisgarh centered Kalchuri Kalars perhaps got decimated, a potent theory or fact ?

How the Ratanpur, Chhatisgarh centered Kalchuri Kalars perhaps got decimated ?

Please thoroughly read, understand and try to assimilate the contents of the blogger web link posts given below.



And, there is need to deeply ruminate over the idea and the narrative sewn over these blogger web pages by the author.

In which case, we may be able to come to decipher and understand a few hitherto unknown, unthinkable facts -

We find that the Ratanpur ( located near Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh ) was an ancient seat of Kalchuri royal power and the Kalchuri dynasty. Perhaps this region came under the Kosala janpad or under the Maha Kosal maha-janpad of ancient Bharat.

Note that the Kalchuris ruled from this seat of power at Ratanpur for a very long time... from 875 AD till 1741 AD.

That means that even during the course of Islamic crusades and later during the Sultanate rule and much later... during the Mughal rule... the Kalchuris had survived... and managed to stay put in power.

This tells of their staying power... robustness and inherent strength.
This remains an undeniable and an important fact.
For such a long period of time no other royal family ruled over any region of India.

Not even in the Rajputana regions and no where else, during the medieval period.
Note this undeniable fact.

Please do note -
That even during the Mughal era ( from Akbars's ascension to throne in 1556 AD till the Ratanpur Kalchuri power was decimated by the Chitpawan Peshwas by making use of the Maratha army, in the year 1741 AD ) the Kalchuris ruled vast regions of the present areas of Chhattisgarh and nearby territories, from their seat of power at Ratanpur.

Perhaps the Kalchuris might NOT have been really well entrenched in other parts of Madhya Pradesh, around the 18th century. For, during the previous Mughal regimes, especially of Aurangzeb, etc. they might have been dislodged from power from most of the areas of central India especially Madhya Pradesh.

Again... repeating...
Just some decades before the start ( 1757 AD ) of the Britishers' expanding ruler-ship base in India - the Ratanpur Kalchuris ruled vast areas of territory of Chhattisgarh.

Please note that -
The Britishers, under the guise of the trading East India Company ( EIC ), started implanting themselves on our land with their first winning of the Battle of Plassey, 1757 AD, in Bengal.

They first started with those regions having weak rulers or weak military power- eg. Eastern India and other such locales.
Later on these wily Britishers partly defeated and later forcefully forged key alliances with the more powerful Indian rulers or those having some considerably marked military might eg - the Hyderabad Nizam, Mysore Wodeyar, Marathas, Sikhs and Rajputs.
The Britishers thoroughly defeated the Marathas by cunning deceit and as a matter of pure luck.

The Sikhs were also defeated by treachery.
And, call it a token of reward that one of the Hindu generals in the Sikh army, Gulab Singh, was given the kingdom of Kashmir, Leh and Ladakh ? Perhaps at a nominal price. Was that not ?
But then these cunning Britishers captured the 12 year old boy ( Yuvraj Dalip Singh ) of Sikh Maharaja Ranjit Singh and kept him captive at London, UK for the rest of his life.

( Seems like the Britishers have cut a deal / alliance with the Sikhs. Beginning with World War I, the territory of Canada is today heavily populated with the Sikhs. Someone opines that almost 20 % to 50 % of the population of Canada is Sikhs !! Even the Defense Chief of Canada is Sikh !! Seems or smacks of some covert deal here !! ?? )

Again the wily forerunners of the East India Company defeated a few powerful Hindu kings.

And... later these guys... majorly forged deep alliances with most of the Hindu / Rajput kings of Rajputana and elsewhere in India. As also other kings from Princely states and Nizams
And, these alliances continued well till August of 1947. Who knows... even to this day, they flourish.

Please take note.

Please thoroughly revisit the contents of these two web links, given as above, and deeply contemplate the ramifications thereof.
What is actually implied versus the facts on the ground.

On due analysis, deep thoughts and introspection, investigation, etc. we do note the following facts -

1) The ageing Kalchuri Kalar King Raj Singh of Ratanpur was not having any natural son or daughter. As such, his kingdom was without a natural heir.

2) The Diwan ( or the Chief amongst the ministers or the Prime Minister ) of this Kalchuri Kalar King ( was supposed to be relatively young and handsome - this is as per the brahmin author of the bloggger site - In reality we do not know if he was ugly, plain looking or handsome !! ) and belonged to the brahmin caste.

Perhaps this Diwan's ancestors had previously served with the previous Kalchuri Kalar Kings.

This information reveals that -
In the administration of their day-to-day affairs / kingdom; the Kalchuri kings had given high positions to the Brahmins throughout their kingdom.

And, this seems logical for any kshatriya 'Hindu' king in the running of the affairs of his kingdom.
But what this also implies is that...through the ages spanning several centuries ( ...right from 875 AD when the Ratanpur dynasty was founded till the start of the 18th century i.e. 1700 AD onwards... ) the brahmin caste people were given high positions in the civil and military administration, military, intelligence agencies, Taxation / Revenue Collection Departments, etc. of the Ratanpur Kalchuri Kalar kingdom.

This would imply that the brahmin people had developed a vast network / web of their close-knit kinsmen and their own goodwill and certain set of loyalties in the infrastructural backbone of the entire Kalchuri empire, over a period of several centuries.
Something that we often see with the brahmin caste people, since independence, in modern India.

Cut to today -
These brahmin people are pretty well entrenched, almost everywhere, in the modern Indian system.

3) From amongst the Kalchuri Kalar King Raj Singh's innumerable royal servants... there was one... ( so to say - rather young and handsome - as per the above mentioned blogger ) Diwan ( Chief Minister ).

Now, what this treasonous / treacherous brahmin diwan committed was contemptible, heinous adultery tantamount to most depraved debauchery with his own master's wife.
An act of coldly calculative and morbid treachery with his master - the ageing King.

In retrospect, one can explicitly state that this might have been or was an extremely well planned and executed conspiracy of the highest order, by a group of people, within and outside of the Kalchuri kingdom.

This rajdrohi, Kalchuri-kul-drohi, deshdrohi diwan somehow entangled and ensnared the bit younger and ostensibly immature ( in diplomacy and statecraft ) Kalchuri queen in his deceitful charms. And, in the process he was able to procreate a bastard offspring from the queen.

A completely illegal and extremely despicable act in those age and times; even so much so, now.
By this act alone this libidinously depraved and immoral diwan committed extreme high treason.

Highly possible-
that this Diwan's ancestors must have been in the service of the King's family and that only explains that at a relatively young age he was entrusted with the role of being a Diwan of the royal house of Ratanpur Kalchuris.

This extreme treachery against his master - the King must be seen as a vile act of extreme Rajdroh, Deshdroh.
A sinful act that required severest punishment to be meted out to him and his close confidantes and associates.

Now witness...  ostensibly... by crystal clear obvious inference...
the Kalchuri King had lost absolute control over the covert intelligence agencies of his kingdom.

Especially those, that were supposed to be fiercely loyal to him and his kingship, primarily.

And... quite possibly, almost all or all the high ranking or the most important covert intelligence personnel might have been secretly owing allegiance to the brahmin diwan; rather than the regent on the throne - the Kalchuri King.

Only this explains that the King had nil knowledge as regards the going on in his own household. His backyard.

The Kalchuri King Raj Singh was quite oblivious to the fact that the offspring begot from his wife, the Queen was NOT his natural son; rather this son that was supposed to be his... was actually fathered / begot by the wily brahmin diwan.

And, therefore the King mistakenly took this bastard son as his rightful heir... the heir to the Kalchuri seat of power at Ratanpur... and was thus anointed the Yuvraj of the Kingdom.
Kalar King Raj Singh was totally in the dark as regards the extreme deceit, treachery and disloyalty that was served onto him by the diwan and his closely co-operating associates.

This clearly implies and sort of establishes that this errant diwan somehow had complete control, goodwill and the loyalty of the King's / Kingdom's core covert intelligence network and network chiefs. This is a sure shot inference that may be drawn.
The offspring begot from the Kalchuri Queen was mistakenly declared as the Yuvraj... the future king to be... for the kingdom.

4) This clearly meant that... in the case... after the old Kalchuri Kalar king's reign ended ( In case - either he deposed in favor of the immorally begotten Yuvraj or otherwise he himself died that would have cleared the pathways to the royal throne ) the throne would have been occupied by this illegitimate Yuvraj ( born of the unholy, immoral union between the slave brahmin diwan and the dumb headed Kalchuri Queen in matters of statecraft ). due course of time... this brahmin diwan would have ( in effect, by proxy ) occupied the actual seat of power at Ratanpur.
Gradually, going forward... the effective rule/ ruler ship of the Ratanpur kingdom would have slipped off from the Kalchuris and passed on ( gradually... bit by bit ) to a network of brahmins.

In effect, one can definitely summarize that the entire plot seemed like -
- Plotting for covert ruler ship.
- Transfer / Usurping of power from the ancient Kalchuri power center by... extreme ulterior deceitful and highly dubious ways and means.

Down the road, this might have implied complete loosening of the grip of the Kalchuri Kalars from the ruler ship of the ancient Ratanpur kingdom.

All this... in a rather covert manner.
This smacks of a high level conspiracy to the effect of a silent coup.

5) Though extremely late, albeit at the nick of time, the ageing Kalchuri Kalar king Raj Singh came to know that the Queens's son - the Yuvraj was not his natural bloodline.
But, was begot by the brahmin diwan and his own wife - the dumb Queen. 

i.e. a completely illegal offspring born out of wedlock. Of a completely illegal and immoral union.

Now any man would become extremely shocked, angry, depressed, bearing a sense of being utterly cheated, etc. at this treacherous, immoral, despicable, highly deplorable, etc. act.

And, this emerging situation was a serious, severe blot on the ancient Kalchuri royal family.

Very high level of extreme treachery, by covert conspiracy.

If one analyses the entire situation then everything falls in place and is crystal clear -

The Kalchuri King Raj Singh...

His dumb-headed, disloyal wife -
( Who knows she might have been under some tantric spell / charms of Sammohan = Hypnotism, and or Full Controlling power = Vashikaran ? unleashed directly or indirectly by the Diwan onto her ); and

...the deceitfully treacherous, disloyal, snake up the sleeve type... Diwan or Chief Minister in the Kalchuri Kalar King's court.

And, the illicit offspring got from the illegal, immoral union of the Kalchuri queen and this errant, irresponsible and deceitful diwan.

6) This treacherous Diwan ( or, the head among ministers ) had created and spread his own web/ network of loyalties in the civil and military departments/ administration, the covert intelligence agencies, etc. of the Kalchuri kingdom.

...Those whose loyalties vested with the coterie of this diwan and his close associates, rather than being loyal to the Kalchuri King. 
Otherwise, the diwan would never have dared to even think of indulging in such treacherous, treasonous acts.

All this seems like from the realms of improbable.

Again... if we reference the wordings of the blog article... the Kalchuri King Raj Singh and his family and Kingdoms were fatally surrounded by untrustworthy, unreliable dubious characters that were somehow part of high administration in his kingdom.
Most certainly - the brahmin diwan had developed a covert sub network of power structure within the realms of the Kings' kingdom. And, this seems plausible and palpable. Since... he might have enjoyed some sort of goodwill with the masses.

Please take note -
The Kalchuri king Raj Singh was not even left in a position / situation wherein he could mete out harshest punishment to the offending brahmin diwan. For, he might have perceived that the diwan and his close associates might collude with the King's ( and, the kingdom's ) overt and covert enemies and create a revolt like situation to overthrow his rule.

So... instead of taking very harsh measure against the offending Diwan...the King resorted to some lame duck exercise. In the sense that he got the house of the offending diwan blasted by cannon balls.

( This seems like entirely laughable. For... a traitor such as this treacherous Diwan and his closely co-operatig associates had to be publicly executed in the most gruesome manner. But, using cannon balls to destroy his house seems like an extremely toned down punitive measure. Perhaps, the King was rendered considerably weak. )

But what is rather a highly noteworthy point is - this dubious character brahmin diwan escaped unhurt !!

How is that ever possible ?

That is possible if and only if someone had informed / cautioned / warned him in the nick of time. That means those from amongst the King's advisors /confidantes might have preemptively informed the Diwan or his close associates of what might await him and his family.

Very important thought / fact -
Since this errant Diwan escaped unhurt... then it is highly likely that this offender would have certainly left the Kalchuri Kalar kingdom of Ratanpur.

And, highly likely that the Diwan would have gone over to an enemy kingdom of the Ratanpur Kalchuris; rather than a friend or ally of the Kalchuris. And, this seems highly likely and possible.

Please note the context of the Padmaavat movie. Recently.

And, in this context it seems of high degree of probability that this "young and handsome" brahmin Diwan left the Ratanpur Kalchuris' kingdom and found refuge in the kingdom of the Marathas.
Specifically stating, this Diwan might have certainly found refuge at the court of the Peshwa ( Chief Minister or Chief military commander or Senapati ) of the Maratha Kings.

And, as such, every likelihood of this brahmin Diwan relocating to take refuge in the court of Chitpavan Brahmin Peshwa Bajirao at Poona !!

This looks like the most probable scenario !!
100 % so !!

Take note -
The chief military commander to the Maratha kings who ruled from Nagpur, were the Peshwa located at Poona.

And, Peshwa BajiRao was a Chitpawan brahmin.
Incidentally the Chitpawan brahmins were once considered to be of Jewish origin. Or, they were considered to be actually covertly jewish.

( In this context -
There is a story of a ship-wreck off the Konkan coast and that's how the Chitpawans actually landed there. Some conjecture that they were brahmins coming from the Malabar area of Kerala. Other instance claims that they were jews escaping the Islamic crusade from Persia. Not sure whichever / whatever version is right. It is said that - the Deshasth brahmins of Maharashtra considered the Chitpawans as foreign to them and of non-brahmin origin, at one time. But, with the anointment of one Chitpawan brahmin as a Peshwa...the clout, power, acceptability of the Chitpawans grew and their stature grew in the Maratha empire and their acceptance in the societal fabric.
Whatever !! )

Of important note -
Subsequently... in due course of time...

The military general of the Marathas... the Chitpawan brahmin Peshwa Baji Rao sent the huge Maratha army headed by another perhaps Chitpawan brahmin Bhaskar Pant heading it as the Military Commander to attack the ancient Kalchuri seat of power at Ratanpur. This was in the year 1741 AD.

Again... this is a fact that the Chitpawan Bhaskar Pant who was Commandeering the Maratha army EASILY ran over and won over the Kalchuri kingdom at Ratanpur. Thereby bringing to an end the ancient 865 or so years long Kalchuri Kalar royal rule at Ratanpur.

Please take note -
This is only possible if there have been deep pockets of traitors entrenched in the kingdom of the Kalchuris.

Highly likely that very critical military infrastructures, etc. info. was leaked / divulged over to the Peshwas. Perhaps, the Achilles’ heels of the Ratanpur Kalchuris was exposed to the Chitpawan Peshwas... specifically to the military commander Chitpawan Bhaskar Pant.

Perhaps by the traitor, treasonous, treacherous absconding Diwan !! ?? Highly likely.

Who knows that the traitor Diwan might have been the source of such critical disclosure to the Chitpawan Peshwas.

Now... who would believe that an ancient royal dynasty that ruled for nearly 900 years over a vast region would become so weak and inept that they would easily lose to the Marathas ?

There has to be a catch !!  Something is wrong !! Altogether amiss !!

Whilst it is a proven fact that kings and kingdoms indulged in diplomacy, statecraft in several manners. And, oftentimes to safeguard themselves and their interests... they entered in royal matrimonial and military alliances with other near and afar neutral and friendly kingdoms.

Even... mutually strategic revenue-sharing trading and other such alliances existed between kingdoms.

So... apparently it is highly likely that the Ratanpur Kalchuris would have been having alliances with several dozen kings and kingdoms around themselves. Presently, we can say that... especially in the territory of the current Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, etc. they had royal alliances and associations ( matrimonial, familial ties, military, diplomatic, political, etc. ).

This MUST be the fact on the ground.

So, the Chitpawan commander Bhaskar Pant simply winning... sans much resistance, like it was a cake walk... seems highly fishy narrative.
Apparently, there seems to be an undercurrent of play. This remains undeniable.

Question is -
Is this how the last of the Kalchuri kings lost their power and power base ?

Please find answers to this. Someone needs to do some truth exhuming.

Need for critical deep thinking and due introspection is essential.

Another very vital aspect, in this same context / narrative -

The Chitpawan brahmin Peshwas who were headquartered at Poona were the masters or handlers of the brutal, blood-thirsty and ruthless Pindaris.

And, these nomadic vagabond Pindaris used to be a huge collection of diverse set of people of tribal and nomadic nature / origin. These Pindaris used to be extremely cruel and merciless band of marauders. Mostly from the tribal regions of Pakistan ( say, FATA ) and Afghanistan, etc. regions.

In closed formed groups these Pindaris used to loot, plunder and destroy one village after the other. Sometimes murdering an entire lot of people ( especially the male ones ) as part of their minutely organized heist, mayhem and plunder.

Wikipedia tells that these Pindaris numbered around a paltan or platoon of nearly 30,000 or more battle hardened people. And, mostly they were of tribal Afghan origin and majority of them were varied external tribals and mostly were muslims.

They left behind massive loot, plunder, killings, destruction, etc. whenever they visited any human settlement - village or town.
A fearless, ruthless paltan of nearly 30,000+ heavily armed and battle hardened nomadic set of people. They oftentimes indulged in massive slaughter, especially of male beings.

The Pindaris were always on the move. Dispersing and regrouping, and were always on the go. After any incident perpetrated by them, these guys dispersed in all the ten directions and then covertly regrouped before their strike onto the next target.

One major portion of their loot/ plunder / heist... these Pindaris used to or had to pay to the Chitpawan brahmin Peshwa who was head-quartered at Poona.

In effect, the Chitpawan Peshwa allowed these Pindaris to selectively operate in the Maratha territory... is something which may be safely deduced from this observation.
This was something like state patronage grated to them by the Chitpawan Peshwa, in lieu of the Maratha rulers.

In that case, it is highly likely that instead of disturbing the native Maratha populace... these Pindaris might have been used as an instrument to strike and dislodge those powers and people that were deemed inimical to the interests of the Chitpawan Peshwas.

Who knows... what covert input or signal the Pindaris got from the Peshwa... and vice versa. Now...this may not be... MUST not be ruled out. Because there is an element of mutual gain, observed here.

Seems like -
Basically the Pindaris were used as tools to smother the enemy or enemy territories upfront ( some sort of PSY WAR ), before the Chitpawan Peshwas attacked those regions with a large accompanying Maratha army. Else or alternatively, the task was cut out to them that they thin out or put to rout the remnants of resistance after a successful Peshwa invasion / assault.

In conclusion, we may correctly interpret and establish that the Chitpawan Peshwa was the overt or covert manager or master or handler of these utterly wayward and criminal lot of the Pindaris.
Fact is - the Pindaris fought alongside the Marathas against the Britishers in the final Anglo-Maratha War circa 1818-1820 AD.

Again, of specific note -
The Pindaris were mostly active around the territories of the central Indian provinces and nearby locales.

And, there used to be a great number of Kalchuri Kalars in these areas especially all around the Narmada river belt. Say - in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh especially. As also in the adjoining regions of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, etc.
But, cut to today we do observe that in these locales there is sparse Kalchuri Kalar population, influence, power, etc.
i.e. the Kalchuri Kalars have been sort of cleanly and surgically decimated.

Ever thought... how's that ? How come ? What really transpired ?
And... perhaps after the fall of the Ratanpur Kalchuris in the year 1741 AD... within a span of 50-80 years ( till, say 1818 AD ) these Pindaris unleashed massive havoc in the erstwhile Kalchuri ruled areas and nearby almost all locales.

So, duly suggesting...
that there is a sure need to do an indepth study on these Pindaris.
All their form, factor and scale.

It is yet another fact that much much later...
the Britishers created a special team of military forces merely to put down the marauding Pindaris. And... they successfully destroyed the Pindaris. Perhaps around the beginning of the 19th century. Perhaps after the final Anglo-Maratha war 1820 AD.

Again... NOTE -
Cut to today or looking over the past one century...
The once ruled territories of Kalchuri Kalars is now socially, economically, politically, etc. dominated by brahmin and rajput caste people.

And... the Kalchuri Kalars who were once deemed as of royal kshatriya origin and mettle are now counted amongst low caste... perhaps OBC Shudra caste in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.
How is that ever possible ?
How come this transpired ?

need to...

Exhume the underlying truth, if any...

Need for deep introspection, assessment, evaluation, etc. of  all the known and unknown facts.


One Vital Question -
How come a long term royal people - the Kalchuri Kalars came to be counted as low caste in the Indian social fabric where caste is actually of paramount importance ?

This is what is observed in the case of Kalchuri Kalars of Chhattisgarh and the Shoundikeyas of western Odisha.
That too after 1741 AD... within a span of 50-120 years flat !!

How can this be really possible ?

This needs deep attention and evaluation.

What once used to be dominant position of Kalchuri Kalars...that position has been usurped by brahmins and rajput castes. Especially in those locales of central, south central and eastern central regions where Kalchuri Kalars ruled for several centuries, in continuity.
Please take note.

Vital fact of importance-

In the year 1746 AD...
( Some FIVE years after the ancient Kalchuri empire was finally decimated and eclipsed by a treacherous lot of similar set of associated people in the year 1741 AD ) erstwhile Ratanpur Kalchuri court poet... Pandit Gopal Mishra ( YES !! This is indeed true !! Talk about the inherent disloyalty coursing his veins !! ) brought out a massively acerbic satire titled "Khoob Tamasha".

( translates as -
Khoob - Galore, plentiful;
Tamasha - drama, playful shenanigans.

So... 'Drama Galore' )

...purposefully to destroy the prestige, esteem, high honors, etc. and existing public goodwill of the last of the Kalchuri Kalar royal lineage.

Pandit Gopal Mishra... through his acerbic / satirical / negatively-propaganda oriented / excessively critical publication "Khoob Tamasha" ( 'Drama Galore' ) left no stone unturned to destroy the public image, ancient positive memory and goodwill, etc. of the last vestiges of the Kalchuri Kalar royal lineage in the eyes, mind and heart of the public... i.e. the common man.

See... how much loyalty Pandit Gopal Mishra owed his master - the erstwhile Kalchuri King... in those time and ages ??

Apparently... in retrospect one wonders whether this guy had more sympathy for the erring disloyal Diwan of one of the earlier Kalchuri Kings ?
One cannot but help infer this fact.

Are we aware that after rampaging and bringing down the ancient Kalchuri royal dynasty of around 870 years at Ratanpur, near Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh around 1741 AD... the Chitpavan Peshwa Baji Rao directed Maratha army led by his Military Commander Bhaskar Pant ( perhaps yet another Chitpavan Brahmin ) destroyed and ran over the equally ancient Panduvanshi and Somvanshi rulers of perhaps Kalinga, present day western Odisha.

Esp. those who were ruling for centuries - the western parts of Orissa, adjoining Chhattisgarh.

Those Haihey vanshiya Shoundikeya/ Panduvanshi/ Somavanshi rulers were centered around Cuttack.
( So... the Chitpawan Peshwas wanted to rule or run amok... from Attock to Cuttack. And...they did so !!)
Even today one may hear that the Cuttack people are more aggressive than most other Oriya people.

Again, over the past century or two - the most mineral rich western parts of Orissa has become the  most exploited and much poor, compared to the eastern parts centered around Puri and Bhubaneshwar.

The Odiya Shoundikeyas declare that they are of Haihaivanshee Kshatriya origin. There are people who may not recognize their claiming such.

Yet, must see their Facebook wall at -
"Nikhil Utkal Shoundik Samaj".
The concentration of Shoundikeys is more in western Orissa; someone was telling.
And the eastern parts near the sea shore are dominated by -
- the brahmins,
- another new set of rajputs; and
- the Kayasthas ( PattNaik , say ) .

And, just imagine this - the perhaps Kayastha London educated Biju Janta Dal ( BJD ) supremo Navin Pattnaik knows only English language. Navin Pattnaik does not know Oriya language, someone was telling.

Yet, he is the  CM of Odisha since the past 12-15 years.
I suggest - perhaps courtesy the EVM machines ??

In Odisha - the total Haiheya Kshatriya Shoundikeya population is, cut to today, may be deemed OBC Shudra category  by the brahmins and their close associates.

But the caste groups of - Oriya Brahmins, Oriya rajputs and Oriya Kayasthas have managed to keep the Shoundikeys down and out of the entire power structure. Till date. As someone was observing.

As regards the origin of the Peshwas who were reportedly Chitpavan brahmins.

And, many people have this theory/ belief/ opinion that the Chitpavans were of basically Jewish origin.
...Of middle east Asia origin and descent.

In this context... please take time to read this learned person Prof. Rajendra Prasad Singh ji's ( Professor Rajendra Prasad Singh is a multi linguist and ancient history researcher. Knowing as many as 95 languages. ) article at -

Please make sure to read the comments section.
Where someone has commented thus...
People who do NOT know their real history cannot make or recreate new history.

And... if Chhatrapati Shiva Ji Maharaj actually knew or was reminded... how the Mauryan empire was decimated and destroyed, then the Chitpawans would not have been entrusted to Peshwai, in the Maratha empire.

So, each society / set of people needs to know their real / true history.

Not what is written and passed off as history by neo historians.
...those belonging to a specific breed and lineage.

That's why -
The society needs to know the factual history.

This holds true for the Kalchuri Kalars, Kalals, Kalwars as well.


Until and unless we know the history or real ancestry of Peshwas who were Chitpavan brahmins - we would not know how the Kalchuri Kalars lost their Kshatriya royal rule/ status/ power/ kingdom and became liquor brewing and selling "so called" low caste shudra people.

In light of this information provided by Prof. Rajendra Prasad Singh - please note that the nearly 865 years old Kalchuri rule at Ratanpur ( near Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh) was ended in 1741 AD by two set of diverse brahmins in palpably plausible mutual collusion with each other -

1)  5-40 years before 1741 AD, the brahmin head of ministers or Diwan of Ratanpur kingdom did RAJDROH / DESHDROH with the Kalchuri Kalar kingdom / King Raj Singh.
The errant diwan illicitly begot a son from the Kalchuri queen. This illegitimate heir was to take over as the next Kalchuri ruler of Ratanpur. Was... already declared a Yuvraj.
See 1st Jan, 2008 post at -

2) Chitpawan Peshwa was the commander in chief of the large Maratha rule / army.
The Peshwas who were Chitpavan brahmin, used the Maratha army to destroy the Kalchuri seat of power at Ratanpur, Chhattisgarh.
( As also, the Somavanshi or pandav-vanshi rule/ ruler of Orissa centered around Cuttack were defeated and decimated. )
Thereby, bringing to end the ancient Kalchuri Kshatriya rule.

3) If one watches the movie Padmavat. Then what role Raghav Chetan played in getting the Khiljis to invade Chittorgarh, Mewar...
Similar role the Rajdrohi Diwan must have played... in getting the Chitpavan Peshwas to invade the ancient Kalchuri empire at Ratanpur... is the recurring thought.
Essentially, were the Chitpavan brahmins from Persian region ? Does that means that they used to be basically from Iranian, Syrians, Israelis, Iraqis, etc. territories ?

Self Question -
Getting the point trying to make here ?



1) Can anyone tell -
When the author titles his blog article "Niyog ka Shraap"... he does not explain as to why...
The shraap ( = curse ) of the priestly class ( implies mainly the brahmins ) never affected the fortunes of -
- the Islamic Sultanates,
- the Mughals,
- the Britishers.


But then, the curse ( even when this is not the case of Niyoga. But plain adulterous treachery. ) of the Diwan brahmin was able to destroy an ancient Kalchuri royal lineage ?
How much base or debased these guys are going to be in interpreting a specific situation / scenario ?

I would summarize thus -
the ancient Kalchuri royal house / lineage was eclipsed by a lecherous, debauch, base, mean, sinner, treacherous Diwan and his never ending conspiracies and shenanigans. And, this guy had pretty close associates in near and afar / distant lands and kingdoms.

Especially so... amongst the Chitpawan Peshwas of the Maratha empire !!
Period !!

2) Please take note. Important pointer -

Today Maharashtra has nearly 30 % or 31 % Maratha people.

Recently, the Maharashtra government has decided to give the Marathas a total reservation of nearly 15 %.
In the central Indian provinces and territories where the Pindaris were most active ad indulged in massive looting, massive man slaughter, pillage and plunder, etc. ( parts of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, eastern parts of Maharashtra, northern part of Karnataka, western parts of Odisha, huge parts of Andhra Pradesh, etc.) and where... once there used to be considerable Kalchuri Kalar, Goud population.

Cut to the 20th century or today... these locations the Kalchuri Kalars have been numerically cut down to size. Bereft of any power and prestige.

Today these locales are dominated over by the combination of brahmins and rajputs. 

Someone needs to appropriately exhume the truth as to why the Kalchuri Kalars became so powerless in these locales ?
Especially, starting with the rise of the fortunes of the Mughals.
And, massively during the times and tidings of the Britishers. Wherein, a specific set of those "chosen" people who were loyal or associated with the Britishers were given Thikanas, Riyasats, Jagirs, small sized kingdoms, etc. in a great many locales throughout central and eastern India. This... eventually, gradually and effectively changed the power structure between a set of people.

Those who once ruled... became the ones who were lorded over.
A simple analogy -
An escalator going down...
Versus... parallel
An escalator going UP.

Taking, an entire "set of people group" down versus those that went up ( for they might have cunningly allied with the Mughals and the Britishers ).
Food for thought, here.

3) In this context, please take note -
Is the brahmin blog author trying to fully justify ( just like Pandit Gopal Mishra once did in 1746 AD through his creation "Khoob Tamasha" ) the treacherous / treasonous, adulterous brahmin Diwan as if he was actually right ?
Obviously so !!

At the same time he expends all his energies in falsifying and bringing down the Kalchuri lineage and people and trying to pass off the destruction of the ancient Kalchuri kingdom / king as the "curse of a Niyoga", in effect.

Is that because - just because this "so called ill defined Niyoga" is by a brahmin Diwan ?

By the way, there are certain strict rules for Niyoga.

And, one is that the husband MUST consent to this sacred act for prolonging the natural bloodline and the consenting male MUST be from the same family tree.

None of the pre-requisites for Niyoga are met by the brahmin Diwan !!

In fact, this was not the case in this matter - this was never Niyoga !!

Rather, an illegal, immoral wanton act on his master's wife by the errant Diwan.

Question -
Imagine if the King was of brahmin race and the Diwan was of Kalchuri Kalar origin.

What this brahmin blogger might have judged ?

Facts on the ground...state otherwise... to what this blogger has to state. He falsifies facts.

Crafty, shameless, treacherous, slow poison sort, sweet poison sort of servants... if one makes the mistake of hiring / trusting them... then one may be completely routed.

Similar to...
the way the ancient Kalchuri Kalar king, his family, close near and dear ones and his kingdom were utterly, thoroughly, completely destroyed.

4) In the previous ages almost a majority of the Ayurvedic or Naturopathy Vaidyas ( physicians ) and especially the King's Vaidya - the RajVaidya used to belong to certain specific caste.
If I am not mistaken then mostly these people belonged to the brahmin caste.

That would mean that the king, queen and the entire royal family were treated for any/ all ailments by the RajVaidya, mainly.
That means that even a pregnant queen or any female in the royal family were administered any / all medicines by the RajVaidya mainly, in case of any malaise.

So... anyone in the royal family with any malaise / disease getting fully diagnosed and cured or languishing in perpetual disease... was fully at the whims and mercy of the RajVaidyas.

Again, there was this common practice of getting the food in the royal kitchen to be cooked by brahmins alone.
The brahmin cooks served as the regal cooks. Mostly so. This was even so, till recently.

Again... any newborn in the royal family could be easily administered anything right or wrong stuff... to tinker with the newborn's life and health in any which manner.

Again... there are absolutely thousands of ways to eliminate a new born baby, as per the ancient Ayurvedic, alchemical, toxicology, etc. concoctions or even by means unhealthy combinations of food and / or water and / or any other fluids.

So...  seemingly a certain set of people were slowly at work to gnaw at the roots of the Kalchuri Kalars...slowly ad slowly.
Gradually working since centuries to strike when the timing was ripe ??

And, the Kalchuri Kalars were totally in the dark about what was actually / factually cooking behind their back. Till it hit them with full force and totally destroyed them. Once and for all.

This entire episode has been defined as "Curse of Niyoga" by this biased blogger !!

This is blogger and people like him are certainly not and never trustworthy.

5) Take note- within the next 70-150 years these guys totally uprooted the ancient Kalchuri Kalar king, kingdom and their men.
In 1741 AD the Ratanpur Kalchuris lost their kingdom.

The British East India Company ( EIC ) made their first gain of foothold via the Battle of Plassey, 1757 AD in Bengal.
Within the next hundred years... i.e. by 1857 AD the Britishers had made massive gains in over lordship over the entire Indian subcontinent.

Extending from Burma in the East Asia to Afghanistan in the Western periphery.

Then, the sepoy revolt of 1857 was used to divert the rule of the entire Indian subcontinent from the EIC to the British Crown.
Curiously, in quite a lot of these campaigns - the Britishers found tried and trusted allies in the Sikhs, Marathas and Rajputs.

During this high paced fast moving power play / interregnum... the ancient Kalchuri Kalars became a liquor selling caste.
Since then... and even as of today... their rightful place is occupied by brahmins, half-brahmins, rajputs and kayasthas in several north Indian states.

Getting the point ??

There is an inherent need for deeply delving the subject matter, analyzing, in retrospect... the entire plausible sequence of events.

6) One of the most knowledgeable and awoke person from the Kalwar / Shoundikeya community, at the start of the twentieth century was Dr Narayan Chandra Saha from Bengal.
He labored very hard and published a book on the history of the Kalwar / Shoundikeya caste people in the year 1906 AD.
An online link to Dr Narayan Chandra Saha's book, that he wrote in the year 1906, on the Kalwar / Shoundikeya caste is given below.
This narrative covers a span of more than 3000, 4000 years and more -

This book is going to expose to us the real face of those forces, over the past 800-1200-2300 years in majority of the Indian states, that considerably weakened the natives.

Hinduism started gaining ground in India, over Buddhism and Jainism, in the 8th century after the advent of Adi ShankarAcharya from Kerala.

Also there was evolution of caste system by vested interests, for their selfish motives, needs and benefits.

Wherein these vested interests ( who were basically / originally from the middle eastern Asian regions ) invited or perhaps imported external barbaric, nomadic, martial, etc. type races from the vast central Asian or Caucasian highlands and as also from the middle eastern and western Asian regions.

...inserted and injected in the Indian social framework, gradually over a period of several centuries. And... millennia.

Of course, these races were initiated and deployed as the new guardians for them and their key assets / concerns.

And, these assimilated people gradually started serving especially as the guardians and protectors of the brahmins, Hindu temples and their related properties and wealth.

The new set of incoming myriad warrior classes and castes gradually established themselves as the new rulers. Even, falsely laying claims on certain ancient lineages.

Mostly, these external races ( mostly Indo-Scythian ) were those of - shaks, huns, kushans, yui-chis, Turkish races, Mongloid races, Indo-greek and Indo-roman mixed breed races, race of people from middle east Asian regions encompassing the current Iran, Iraq, Israel, Syria, etc. countries. etc.

...over the past 1200-1500-2300 or so years or more.
In this same process - degrading, debasing, demeaning, etc. the entire native / similar ethnic castes /communities over the length and breadth of the entire land. Spread over millennia and several centuries.

How's and why's thereof...  are almost well detailed in this book.
Several of these facts can be redrawn and inferred by a perceptive and questioning, inquisitive mind.

Ram Charitmanas written by Tusli Das Dubey.
etc. granths have been doctored and custom tailored by vested interests ( viz. mostly the purohits and the priestly classes ) to suit the selfish needs, requirements and interests of these vested people.
This is a fact, that no one can deny.

7) We ought to understand the concept, spread and the gradual expanse / expansiveness of Aryavarta.
Some excerpts from this following URL as regards the spread / expanse Aryavarta -

Hindus (including Buddhists, and Jains) are those of myriad religions, worshiping myriad deities, living to the East of the Indus and abiding by the Dharma or laws and treaties of Aryavarta.

India or Bharat ( the empire founded by Bharatha in post Rig Vedic or Yajur Vedic period) was part of Aryavarta (the peoples following the laws, treaties and chivalric code of the Aryans), which stretched from North Western Europe through the Middle East to South Eastern Asia with its heartlands in Central Asia.

Owing to several reasons such as prowess of arms, environment/geography or civilization, Aryavarta never included South Western Europe, North Eastern Asia, the Sahara and Sub Saharan Africa.

History, peripheral expansion and localization spawned many different cultures, ideologies, wars, and revisionist treaties birthing religions, beliefs, nations and rewritten (politically expedient) Histories.

But echoing at the roots of all this lie the same fundamental codes of law and chivalry, and the covenant of Brahman, through Prajapathi, to the Sapta (Seven) Rishis (Sages): Man is a divinity created by Brahman to build a paradise on Earth on the three pillars of Sathya (truth), Shiva (virtue) and Sundara (beauty) within the ambit of the Dharma (divine law) of Dana (generosity), Daya (compassion) and Damyatha (self discipline/moderation).

Further, one may also go through -

Look for the ideas / concepts of -
- Rig Vaidik period.

Take note -
suktas in the Rig veda and their sound intonations closely resemble those of the Jewish Zend Avesta. One may listen to the Youtube videos on Zend Avesta and see the closest resemblance.

- Aryavarta
- BrahmVarta , etc.
This is very informative piece to get some correct facts.

Please note -
It is highly likely that at one period of time - the regions to the south of the Narmada river as also the current states of Bengal, North Eastern India, Odisha, etc. were NOT part of Aryavarta.
In fact, lots of such non-Aryavarta territories were ruled by -
- Asuras,
- Tribals, semi-tribals.
- Rakshas, etc. people.

or used to be pretty dense forests.

8) Regards Indo Scythian people
Scythia region is probably the central Asian territories - around the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

Perhaps inclusive of - southern parts of Russia, Crimea, Uzbek-istan, Krygyz-istan, Kazak-stan ( derived from Cossacks or = Kozzaks or = Kazak. ), Mongolia, inner Mongolia, etc. locations.
Find out the detailed history of the Cossack martial people that ruled vast majority of parts of Russia between 8th and 12th / 13th century AD.

As also the Slavs. The Slavic race and those people and their history.

8.A) About the Khazarian Jewish mafia at -

Note -
Caspian Sea in central Asia, might have been named after the Kashyap rishi.

8.B) Please take time to read this...

Yalta World Order : Do you know what NWO means and why it is called like this ?

Author of this article is - Dr Irene Caesar, PH.D.

Dr Irene Caesar regularly writes at -

8.C) On her same blog, read the 14-Feb-2014 article -

- Vedas and Yoga were created by Russians on Vimanas.

Reference words -
Sviatoslav I of Kiev

MUST see his picture in Wikipedia, whether he actually resembles a brahmin priest or not ?

See his clean shaven head and his Shikha or Kudumi or Churki.
Again, he is always dressed in white attire.

-- Scythian / Saks / Kas-Saks /  Kazaks
Cossack-Stan aka Kazakh-Stan.

8.D) Kolchuga armor-

( iron netted. which is national Russian armor )
was also mainly worn in Afghanistan and Rajputana, actually came down from Cossack-Stan = Kazakh-Stan, Uzbekistan, Fergana, etc. regions to India.
...During the medieval periods.

Sher Shah Suri wore it.
Who else ? I recall that the Hindu Rajput kings in Rajputana ad perhaps else ?

Find out more on this.

8.E) That web site also claims that -
Russian language is identical to Sanskrit. Almost 70 % .

9) Some References worth going through -

9.A) Read the book by the brahmin devta - Bal Gangadhar Tilak -
"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" published in the year 1903.

9.B) Kurgan Hypothesis

Evolution of several languages, owing a common root, is only possible by the mass exodus / moving out or to-fro movement of... same or similar set / race of people.

See the map for the growth and development of Indo-European languages.

Highly likely that the movement of those people emanations from the central Asian plains / steppes / prairies followed the same pattern towards -
a) South Asia
b) Middle East Asia,
c) Eastern and Western Europe,
d) Russia, Inner Mongolia,

etc. etc. regions / locales over millenniums.

9.C) Indo Europeans  



Cut to today -

The Kalchuri Kalars, Kosre Kalars etc. of Chhattisgarh have become socially and educationally backward set of people.
They are counted of as low caste OBCs by the other upper castes... specially brahmins and rajputs.

Question is -
Whether the muslims destroyed them Kalchuri Kalars or their power base ?

Whether the muslims or the tribals or the SC, STs converted or re-branded them into low caste liquor selling shudra social group ?

Or, whether after being dethroned from the position of power and authority these set of people lost their means of livelihood; and became unemployed or unemployable and then somehow decided to move on to being full time involved in agriculture and / or perhaps selling liquor ?

So, is that how the brahmins thence proceeded forth to rebrand them as low caste/ Shudra category  people ?

Now, one must deeply question and figure out -
Why today in Chhattisgarh, after the Kalchuri Kalars lost power in 1741 AD, within a period of 70-150 years they are rebranded as Shudra varna low caste people ?

( I guess the royal family / historians especially from the OBC Maratha lot may have some clue or insight, in this regards... to this specific question. Whether they share this info. or not is the moot question. )

While... at the same time... during this same span of time the brahmin & rajput combo has gone on from strength to strength and sure do rule the roost in these territories.

These folks ever so remain in close / covert co-operation. Does not matter to them if one rules or the other, or else together they rule. Though, outwardly they fight for one upmanship.

for a root cause analysis to find the right questions. The right questions only may propel one towards more rightful questions... that leads towards the rightful answers.


Again, another question -
At one instance of time the Marathas defeated quite many Hindu kings of India. As a result of which they built up a huge empire that covered the Rajputana ( Rajasthan ), the central Indian plains, part of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, etc.
In fact, the Chitpawan Peshwa Baji Rao I is supposed to have fought and won FORTY battles at a stretch. And, he is said to have never lost a battle or war in his entire lifetime or military career.
Evidently - the Marathas routed or conclusively defeated the Hindu Rajput kings of Rajputana, as well, at one instance of time.
But then, the Marathas heavily lost to the final cumulative British onslaught during 1818-1820 AD.

That completely routed and eclipsed the Maratha empire. Cut to today - the Maratha people are predominantly confined to Maharashtra only.

Whereas, contrarily...
How come the Rajputs of Rajasthan and elsewhere in India "came up" and re-strengthened / re-fortified themselves during the subsequent British rule ?

But somehow... the Kalchuri Kalars were never able to recover from the fatal blow that the Chitpawan Peshwas gave them... ostensibly using the Maratha army in 1741 AD.

And, of course there apparently was some sort of massively widespread campaign for terrain carving by the Pindaris... right from early 1700s till perhaps preceding the year 1820 AD !!

But then, after the 1820 AD rout of the Marathas... today the Marathas do NOT rule the roost in Chhattisgarh. Though they might have been around for nearly 70-80 years.

But apparently... the rajputs and brahmins dominate... in overt and covert unison. That seems apparently so.

Similarly, in fact, we do notice that the rajputs meanwhile re-entrenched and fortified in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh, etc. regions during the British rule that spanned over 2-3 centuries.

Who believes that the Kalchuri Kalars were so weak that even after ruling nearly 900 years in Chhattisgarh ( 875 AD to 1741 AD ) they had a fundamental structural weakness and finally succumbed to it... implying / that means that they were completely routed once and for all ??

There seems to be a serious flaw / lacuna / hole in the entire narrative.

Now... who is going to tell the fact ??
Need some truth exhuming !!
Where is that... Captain ??

Someone must do an in-depth study, analysis, exhuming the facts, etc. from the veil that hides the underlying truth.

Whilst... knavery / falsehood might be ruling the roost...  and going around as truth.

During the course of the British rule... most of the -
1) Thikanas,
2) Riyasats,
3) Jagirs,
4) Small and medium sized Princley states,
5) Small, medium and large Zamindaris

etc. etc. were mostly given / allotted by Britishers to -

A) close, loyal and trust worthy allies ( mostly military ),

B) those set of smart people having the proven keen acumen and administrative abilities to maximize the revenue collection for them, on behalf of the EIC / British Crown

C) Those who commanded a sizeable military manpower with them. And, could part with a sizeable number of their personnel to the Britishers in times of need i.e. in due course of running a military campaign,

D) Those who had lots of money to give the British on an annual basis ( upfront down payment as an investment ) and then collect the tax/ revenue from the localities/ territories given to them by the Britishers.

etc. etc.

We find that especially the hindu rajput chiefs, chieftains from the Rajputana, etc. regions were appointed in huge numbers for manning/ governing/ ruling/ revenue collection purpose, etc. in large numbers all across - Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Bengal, North East India, Bihar, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, etc. territories.

If the reverse was ever true ?

i.e. the kshatriya people from Chhattisgarh, Bengal, North East India, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, etc. territories were they ever given territories to rule / govern in western Uttar Pradesh or Rajasthan or Uttarakhand ?


With the result that over the oncoming century or so these implanted people were able to firmly entrench themselves and their own lot in these localities.

Now, it is but quite natural that their ancient rivals/ enemies were necessarily rendered weaker by the day, in all those locales these people governed or commanded. This is but a natural, logical observation/ deduction.

Who knows -
the close co-operation of the priestly class might have been utilized to rebrand "them common enemies" to be of - low or lowly origin.

Just to socially demoralize/ ostracize/ degrade them.
The same technique is observable even today.

Just to give a few examples. I cite some links below, I had chanced upon.

Refer the website -

Someone was telling me a few days back that beginning the 18th century AD ( Trivandrum or was it Travancore ? ) was run over by one Marthanda Varma.

He took the help of the British East India Company to firmly entrench himself. In the process he destroyed the power of the Thiyya, Ezhava, Nadar Chief, Chieftains as also their small and medium sized Kings / Kingdoms from a vast space.

In the process, unleashing massive atrocities on these noble / aristocratic people of yore !! From noble brave warriors... they went on to become wretched people in the entire territory for almost TWO centuries.

All this happened... some 250 years back.

In retrospect... one sees that the timing of the fall of the long ruling Kalchuri Kalars of Chhattisgarh and that of the Thiyyas, Nadars, Ezhavas of Kerala and Tamil Nadu has some sort of resonance / coherence. 

Seems like - the Chitpawan power and the Namboodiri power coupled with some sort of backing from the externals ( we see them as - Chitpawan Peshwa heading the Maratha Army and Britishers' EIC ) sealed their collective fates !!

Will these diverse set of people ever rise up again... to their lost positions of strength... and nobility... and high honors ?? !!

Point to ponder !!

< EndOfPost > 

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