Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Please DO take Note !!

Please DO take Note !!



Aftermath of the India-Pakistan war that lead to the creation of the nation of Bangladesh in  December of 1971.

The succeeding election in 1972 saw Indira Gandhi return with thumping majority as a powerful  figure at the national level.

Preceding that, her political situation was shaky, sort of not really all too bright.


Preceding the Kargil war in the summers of 1999, the BJP and associates were on a rather weak  political footing.

But, owing to the nationalistic fervor/ pitch generated in the aftermath of the Kargil war that  cost us upwards of 1200 lives... the subsequent election was a cakewalk for BJP and their close associates / allies.

They emerged stronger and pretty well entrenched in the LOK Sabha polls and thence on went on to rule comfortably, with clear majority, till the year 2004.


Godhra incident in the last week of February, 2002 saw an entire train bogey torched.

And the around 70 passengers or more were burned alive.

Some sort of conspiracy... that ??

Cannot judge !!

But then...
Subsequently, there was large scale Hindu-muslim riots in the state of Gujarat.

Now... in the subsequent Gujarat state legislative elections the very same year 2002... BJP beat the competition to emerge out as the largest party.

BJP was able to firmly entrench on the Gujarat electoral politics.

It resulted in the most unlikely demise of ( the remnants of ) tried and tested electoral formula of FOUR times Gujarat CM Madhav Sinh Solanki... that of KHAM ( Kshatriya-Harijan-Adivasi-Muslim ) !!

The INC powerful boss had used KHAM to stay at the helm of power for nearly two decades, in Gujarat. KHAM went phut.


BJP is able to form a government in the state of Jharkhand in the year Dec, 2014.

No one thought that they could so easily do so. Yet that was rather surprising.

The caste groups - brahmin, rajput, bhumihar and kayastha form at best 6 % of the state population... yet these folks are pretty well entrenched in the administration, police, judiciary, etc. of 
the entire state mechanism of Jharkhand.

And, these people have got altogether 6-7 MLAs out of a total count of 81 MLAs in Jharkhand.

Still... they have got nearly FOUR or more heavyweight ministries in the current BJP government.

At the same time, it seems most plausible and apparent that these same folks might have politically cut down / downsized and,or perhaps utilized my relatives/ caste men MLAs; in order to furthen their own political might and mettle. This is the pressing question that arises recurrently; especially to me.

My kinsmen in the state assembly who number 4+2=6 total !! Say !!

That's not really a bad number.

When, politician Arun Jaitley poured out on the TV on/ around the 7th of January, 2015... then I knew immediately... some political folks might have had myself hooked up for their selfish, sinister motives/ agenda !!

Hardly matters whether they were from the BJP or Congress.


Cut to the first week July of 2016 ( perhaps the 7th of July, 2106 )... I had made a post on this same blogger site.

And... the very next day one upcoming Kashmiri separatist Burhan Wani was gunned down on the 8th of July, 2016.

This certainly might not have been mere coincidence.

What about say... some sort of reciprocation... to that same post ??

But... why my post ? still eludes me.

Subsequently... there was heavy unrest in the entirety of Kashmir valley that lasted for several months... up to the UP state assembly elections in January / February 2017.

The stone pelting incidents and the sporadic usage of pellet gun by the security personnel lasted several months, but somehow they tapered off with the onset of the UP state assembly elections in 
January / February 2017.


Mean-while there was this Uri terrorist attack that occurred on the 18th of September, 2016.

Wherein around 18 Indian soldiers were martyred by a rampaging set of terrorists.

Lots of questions remain unanswered to the day, as regards this entire Uri plot.

Things appear way too dicey.

Subsequently, the Indian army conducted a surgical strike on the 28th or 29th of September.

The media kept on gloating about this surgical strike as if it is the BJP Govt.'s achievement.

They even made a movie - URI.


Meanwhile PM Modi announced demonetization of high denomination currency notes on the 8th of  November, 2016.

I put out a post on the 3rd of December, 2016 opposing demonetization.

The very next day or the day after... Selvi J Jayalalitha is spuriously dead.


In the UP elections, the BJP portrayed and projected the face of OBC heavyweight Keshav Maurya for the post of CM.

But, then once the BJP government is formed... they install Ajay Singh Bisht "Yogi" as the CM.
During whose rule there are innumerable extra judicial police encounters that have happened.

And, after decades... the brahimn, bhumihar and rajput folks have come to rule the roost... at the helm of affairs of the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Just see the transfer/ posting of these caste folks and decide the truth.

That might surely serve as an eye opener as to who actually rules in the name of BJP/ RSS.

Investigate / look at the caste wise intake ( especially of - brahmins and rajputs ) at these places -

1) Judicial officers at the Lucknow High Court,

2) Judicial officers at the Allahabad High Court,

3) Professors appointed in the Gorakhpur University.

That figure serves SURELY as an eye opener.


(i)   The ratcheted stone pelting incidents and sporadic usage of pellet guns by the security personnel,

(ii)  the Uri terror attack that was followed by the Indian army's surgical strike; as also

(iii) the demonetization ( note-bandi ) and its' after effects.

... effectively helped some crooked political fellows to successfully create -

a) a Hindu-Muslim divide narrative,

b) Bring to focus the Kashmir issue and the issue of Pakistan,

c) Black money eradication, etc. drive was tom-tommed that basically served to remove the liquid capital from the hands of anti-BJP front ( SP, BSP, INC, etc. parties / fronts ) to effectively gather resources to fight the UP state election.

They anti-BJP factions might have succumbed to these cascading machinations.

The resultant cumulative outcome is... BJP won and formed government in the state of UP.

More importantly - the brahmin, bhumihar, rajput, etc. folks have certainly come back to occupy the ruling chair after nearly two decades. With unbridled power at their disposal.



No sooner did I put out the post on demonetization on the 6th of Feb, 2019; please notice the following -

a) I observe that a heavyweight minister from Jharkhand goes to Delhi and meets important people. 
Then, within 1-2 days another rather heavy weight central minister goes to Patna and meets a set of  another heavy weight folks.

Now... this might have led to the scuttling of the "... Adhikar Mahasammelan" that my caste men planned to organize on the 17th of this month, after perhaps decades, at Patna.

Lots of work and energies by innumerable people had gone into it. All that ultimately amounted to nought. Someone tells that - the venue was cancelled by the state government, at the last moment.

b) One national spokesperson of BJP holds a mammoth meeting some few hundred meters from my residence.

They organize an immense brain-storming and strategy session, accompanied by several district and state level BJP/ RSS leaders.

I see that posters of certain two MPs hoard the roads.

That gives the impression that the entire session was actually organized by these two folks only.

Caste-wise - one of them is bhumihar MP another is rajput MP !!

While the national spokesperson perhaps happens to be brahmin !!

This is data.


No sooner did I put out the addenda post on demonetization on the 14th of Feb, 2019 around the noon time ( the article date shows as 13th February. Perhaps the US Pacific Time. Not sure if someone 
changed it. Means someone might have access to my account - username and password !! I would not be surprised if that is really so. )...

please notice the following -

Within few hours we see this horrendous / gruesome Pulwama tragedy.

Apparently... the focus on the Demonetization fiasco is totally cut short !!

Now...who has time to focus on the Demonetization posts ??

Who does a root cause analysis and investigates this Demonetization ??

The entire context and the running narrative has been made to be changed !!

Discussion on a vitally serious issue is scuttled, somehow !!

A section of intelligentsia must have got a - thought reset.

I suggest - please do focus on the Demonetization fiasco as well !!

Lots of "stuff" might tumble out... and the future events/ motives/ motivations, etc. of certain set of people may appear rather pretty much predictable !!


Please look up the references part...

Ostensibly... the incident at Pulwama looks like a pretty thick plot.

Lot of questions need to be answered. But those who are liable to answer these they want to parry or deflect these straight queries and reset the nation's focus onto something else... as if an underlying agenda already sits at their hands... been at the back of their minds... since a while ??

... is the impression one gets.


There are folks surmising / saying... an insider job or Whatever !!

Apparently, the intelligence agencies failed.

Therefore the onus and heat MUST be on the NSA Ajit Doval.

Who else is liable to be answerable ?

For that please refer the Reference URLs below.

Plainly said...
The government officials and the government of the day must remain accountable to the people that have put them on the ruling seat.

There seems to be none of that accountability.

Rather... there seems to be unbridled haughtiness and a don't care attitude.

Intent on resetting the entire focus somewhere else.

This is not good for the future health of BJP or even the RSS and as also the nation.

The government officials must remain answerable and accountable to the people who voted them to seats of power.

But, I sense that instead of being accountable the NSA Ajit Doval is gloating over the "dangled unseen carrots" that he sees coming from the US NSA John Bolton.

My take...
US NSA John Bolton is NOT there to help NSA Ajit Doval... or Modi!!

But he is out to seize the first opportunity to insert the US toe ( thereby to get a toehold ) in domains where the US has had little or no say or influence in our own sphere of influence.

This is gut feeling. An alternative thinking.

In the process he might intend to exact his own pound of flesh... as is always the American wont and always the covert design.

Who knows... this could be the typical cabal's construct. Let two sides fight out... and the third set of parties makes profit out of the entire situation.


Let's see how the BJP responds to the Pulwama tragedy ?

The Uri way ?? Or, by way of rescinding Article 370 and or 35 A ?

Either as a prelude winner of sorts to the LS polls ?

Or, do they have some other hidden ace up their sleeve ??

Whatever these people do... I hope the nations wins.

No matter what... these people must not fail. That would be really sad.

Some contextual news worth referencing, off the web -


Pulwama attack: Punitive action by India must begin at home – against negligent officials

Sanjiv Krishan Sood -

Sanjiv Krishan Sood is a former Additional Director General of the Border Security Force who retired after 38 years in service.


There is absolutely no doubt that the political leadership and policy makers in New Delhi, and police and security officials on the ground – all of whom allowed this massive tragedy to happen 
under their watch – are guilty of criminal negligence.


...these leaders are not up to the task entrusted to them and must be sacked.


Additionally, militants do not operate out of despair. They operate whenever they find that security forces have let down their guard. They attack security forces at their weakest point after meticulous planning and preparation. This is why security forces in Kashmir cannot afford to let their guard down even for a moment.



Pulwama attack: What was the national security adviser doing, asks Mamata Banerjee


West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Friday said the terror attack in J&K on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama which claimed 40 lives was due to “intelligence failure” and demanded that there be three-day nationwide mourning to show respect to the slain jawans.



Pulwama Attack: Why Nobody Is Questioning The Intelligence Failure?


The responsibility should not be left to just the officers in charge. Remember J & K is under Governor’s rule. Home minister Rajnath Singh is directly responsible for this intelligence failure. 

So is National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of India, Ajit Doval. Ultimately Prime Minister Narendra Modi is responsible for this intelligence failure. The Modi government should answer these questions, take responsibility and Modi should resign.


Dr. P.S. Sahni
February 17, 2019 at 11:38 am

Since the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir has admitted to intelligence failure, the Supreme Court of  India could suo motu initiate an enquiry through a duly constituted SIT to pinpoint the guilty persons howsoever highly placed.



Pulwama: CRPF Wanted Air Transit For Attacked Convoy, Was Ignored


Intelligence Had Inputs on ‘Use of IEDs’ 6 days before Attack


Retired IGP, CRPF VPS Panwar, who had been a convoy commander in the Valley, told The Quint that an attack like this shows complete security failure and that it seems the senior officials ignored intelligence inputs.


Transporting the jawans by air will not only solve the above security loopholes and be faster, “it is also cost-effective although it shouldn’t be a concern for the government”, said the senior CRPF 



Veterans point to Intelligence agencies failure in Pulwama terror attack


Lieutenant General Mohan Bhandari (Retd.), who has served in the Valley during the insurgency, said that about 3-4 hours before the CRPF convoy is scheduled to move, a road opening party clears the path.

Led by a senior-rank officer, the road opening party looks for landmines, instals jammers and sanitises the zone. That apart, there are umpteen check posts and soldiers who guard the convoy.


Former director-general of CRPF and ex-DGP of Punjab Julio Francis Ribeiro, who was in service during the Punjab insurgency, said, “Suicide bombers are considered the worst terrorists, they are 
difficult to stop. But how can explosives be ferried across the border with a militant when infiltration has been tightened. Usually, intel agencies on the ground are razor sharp. How did they fail? How did they go blind in the entire preparation.”



Pulwama attack exposes intelligence failure: Uddhav


Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray on Friday questioned the effectiveness of intelligence agencies as they failed to prevent the Pulwama terror attack, which cost the lives of 40 CRPF personnel on Thursday.

“All the citizens have only one demand: instead of issuing verbal threats, a final solution has to be reached. This is not only a terror attack; the intelligence agencies have been blown to smithereens. If they could not gather the intelligence about this attack beforehand, then one has to question what work were they doing?” Mr. Thackeray asked.



Pulwama Terror Attack is India's biggest failure of intelligence since 26/11


Pulwama attack raises questions on Kashmir’s intelligence and security structure


Jammu & Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik said Friday that intelligence failure was partly responsible for the attack



Pulwama attack: Intelligence failure… we are at fault also, admits Governor


“The fact that we did not know that there was a fidayeen among them is also part of the intelligence failure. I can admit that.



Pulwama attack due to intelligence failure : Mamata Banerjee


KOLKATA: West Bengal chief minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday said the terror attack in J&K on a CRPF convoy at Pulwama which claimed 40 lives was due to "intelligence failure" and demanded that there be three-day nationwide mourning to show respect to the slain jawans.

She questioned why the Centre was not declaring national mourning for the CRPF jawans and said "Will mourning take place only when political leaders die?"

"I demand 72 hours mourning for the ultimate sacrifice of the soldiers. At least for national respect. Only one flag is not enough for it," she told reporters after returning from New Delhi.

Banerjee said that the government as well as all the political parties should put a stop to all  scheduled programme in view of the terror attack.

"I am sorry to see that the prime minister inaugurated one project today. After any serious incident takes place, we should avoid political programmes and government programmes. Why have they
(Centre) not declared a three-day mourning?

Describing the attack as "the biggest" one after the Uri terror attack in 2016 and said that people should not do politics with it.




Contributor to several liberal media outlets and a TEDx speaker and Fellow, Sanjukta Basu, went to the extent of suggesting that the terrorist attack was a conspiracy hatched by...

    Could this be a conspiracy? The man can do anything.

    — Sanjukta Basu (@sanjukta) February 14, 2019

The insinuations made in the tweet are horrible. Basu wants people to believe that the Indian armed forces murdered their own soldiers at the behest of Narendra Modi.



The only worthwhile TAKEAWAY from this URL is below -

He said PM Modi is using five techniques in his election campaign i.e. to escalate tension on Pak-India border, create a war like situation, instigate Muslim-Hindu clashes, create impressions of  surgical strikes and to do few Pulwama like attacks.



Information minister of a neighboring hostile country -


"If this [attack] is orchestrated, then we need to see who benefited from it and that appears to be Modi who is contesting elections and losing. It seems that he is desperate to create a conflict,"  the information minister added.



Jammu and Kashmir: The Political Consequences of the Pulwama Attack

By Andrew Korybko



This is the only article / author that casts BJP's electoral prospects in a gloomy light.

Factually, this is not agreeable.

Seems like... this person lacks understanding of the Indian political system, which is unlike the Western or developed nations.


< EndOfPost >

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