Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Connecting a few dots.

<< ONE >>

There is a religious/ tantra based monthly magazine published from the state capital of a central Indian state, going by the title "Sadh... Sidd.. Vigy..." ...and is published by a self anointed individual... a guru ji who proudly proclaims his ancestral roots - that of being a suryavanshi rajput, in several of his magazine editorials and articles spread over several years.

If someone takes pride out of identifying with something / anything... let him or her do so !!
Now or never had issues with that.

But what seems and always seemed out of place is his terming/ calling/ defining/ the white race Europeans, Americans, Australians, etc. as ALL belonging to the suryavanshi stock !!

This SURYAVANSHI theme... is one underlying aspect, what anyone may observe narrated in a lots of his articles and editorials spanning the magazines, that have been previously published even over a decade  back.

Those scanned copies of almost all the previous magazines which is stored as PDF, that are lying on a specific website.
The scanned copies of these magazines are spanning more than a decade of the previous prints.

<< TWO >>

This seemed puzzlingly bizarre.
Strange !! Out of place !! Out of context !!

Could not fathom the moot underlying history or logic for such close identification / bonding / affinity.

What might have been implied is that the entire Caucasian stock of people are... suryavanshi only !! ?? is a thought or implied suggestion... that cannot escape anyone.

Question is - WHY so ?

What he knows or is implying that I in all my ignorance am not aware of or know ?

Mulling and pontificating on such out-of-place ideas / ideations / thoughts... a set of few historical facts struck me as being in close alignment, here.

They being -
1) We ought to understand the concept, spread and the gradual expanse/ expansiveness of Aryavarta.

2) The Indo Europeans, Indo Scythians, etc. races must be given a certain thought-over.

Having defined the context of this post... some further related stuff follows...

<< THREE >>

Some excerpts from this following URL as regards the spread or expanse of Aryavarta -


Hindus (including Buddhists, and Jains) are those of myriad religions, worshiping myriad deities, living to the East of the Indus and abiding by the Dharma or laws and treaties of Aryavarta.
India or Bharat (the empire founded by Bharatha in post Rig Vedic or Yajur Vedic period) was part of Aryavarta (the peoples following the laws, treaties and chivalric code of the Aryans), which stretched from North Western Europe through the Middle East to South Eastern Asia with its heartlands in Central Asia.
Owing to several reasons such as prowess of arms, environment/geography or civilization, Aryavarta never included South Western Europe, North Eastern Asia, the Sahara and Sub Saharan Africa.

History, peripheral expansion and localization spawned many different cultures, ideologies, wars, and revisionist treaties birthing religions, beliefs, nations and rewritten (politically expedient) Histories.

But echoing at the roots of all this lie the same fundamental codes of law and chivalry, and the covenant of Brahman, through Prajapathi, to the Sapta (Seven) Rishis (Sages): Man is a divinity created by Brahman to build a paradise on Earth on the three pillars of Sathya (truth), Shiva (virtue) and Sundara (beauty) within the ambit of the Dharma (divine law) of Dana (generosity), Daya (compassion) and Damyatha (self discipline/moderation).

<< THREE_A >>

Further, one may also go through the following URL -

One may look for the ideas/ concepts of -
- Rig Vaidik period.

( Take note -
Suktas in the Rig veda and their sound intonations closely resemble those of the Jewish Zend Avesta.
Contrarily, one may state - vice versa. )

One may listen to the Youtube videos on Zend Avesta and observe this close resemblance.
- Aryavarta
- BrahmVarta , etc.
This is very informative piece to get some correct facts.

<< THREE_B >>

Please note -

It is highly likely that at a certain period of time, these regions were NOT part of Aryavarta-
- perhaps those territories to the south of the Narmada river ( Sahastrabahu's capital Mahismati was located in the north of Narmada river ); as also
- the current states of Bengal, Nepal, North Eastern India, Odisha, etc.

In fact, lots of such non-Aryavarta territories were ruled by -
- Asuras,
- Tribals, semi-tribals.
- Rakshas, etc.


or else, these locales used to be pretty dense forests.

The expanse or extent of Aryavarta... gradually seeped into the present Indian territories, over millennia, is a recurring thought appearing as a plausible theory !!

<< FOUR >>

Regards Indo Scythian people -

Scythia region is probably the central Asian territories that is centered around the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

Perhaps inclusive of these locations -
- southern parts of Russia, Crimea; and
- Uzbek-istan, Krygyz-istan,;and
- Kazak-stan ( derived from **Cossacks or = Kozzaks or = Kazak. ); and
- Mongolia, inner Mongolia, etc.


** Must find out the detailed history of -
- the Cossack martial people that ruled vast majority of parts of Russia between 8th and 12th / 13th century AD.
- As also the Slavs. The Slavic race and those people and their history.

<< FOUR_A >>

About the Khazarian Jewish mafia... MUST read at -

Note -

Caspian Sea in central Asia, might have been named after Kashyap rishi.

<< FOUR_B >>

Please take time to read this...

Yalta World Order : Do you know what NWO means and why it is called like this ?

Author of this article is - Dr Irene Caesar, PH.D.
Dr Irene Caesar regularly writes at -

On her same blog, read the 14-Feb-2014 article -
- Vedas and Yoga were created by Russians on Vimanas.

<< FOUR_C >>

Reference words - Cossack
MUST EXPLORE - Sviatoslav I of Kiev .

MUST see his picture in Wikipedia, whether he actually resembles a brahmin / priest or not ?

See his clean shaven head and his Shikha or Kudumi or Churki.

Again, he is always dressed in white attire.
- Scythian / Saks / Kas-Saks /  Kazaks
Cossack-Stan aka Kazakh-Stan.

<< FOUR_D >>

Kolchuga armor-
( iron netted - which is national Russian armor. )
...was also mainly worn in Afghanistan and Rajputana, actually came down from Cossack-Stan = Kazakh-Stan, Uzbekistan, Fergana, etc. regions to India.
...During the medieval periods.

Sher Shah Suri wore it.
Who else used Kolchuga armor ?
I recall that the Hindu Rajput kings in Rajputana and where else ?

Find out more on this.

That web site also claims that -
Russian language is identical to Sanskrit. Almost 70 % .

<< FOUR_E >>

Some References worth going through -

1) Read the book by the brahmin devta - Bal Gangadhar Tilak -
"The Arctic Home in the Vedas" published in the year 1903.

2) Kurgan Hypothesis
Evolution of several languages, owing a common root, is only possible by the mass exodus / moving out or to-fro movement of... same or similar set / race of people.

Refer the map in Wikipedia for the growth and development of Indo-European languages.

Highly likely that the movement of those people emanations from the central Asian plains / steppes / prairies followed the same pattern towards -
a) South Asia
b) Middle East Asia,
c) Eastern and Western Europe,
d) Russia, Inner Mongolia,

etc. etc. regions / locales over millenniums.

3) Indo Europeans  

<< FIVE >>

There was a movie centered around a Hindu king from the suryavanshi or solar lineage ( perhaps the Rathores of Jodhpur ) and his mistress. This was released around the year 2000. Movie was Zubeidaa.

In the movie, it is shown that the King and his mistress perhaps died in a chopper crash, while he was enroute for some electioneering/ campaign trail to seek election as a public representative.

Ostensibly... this sort of establishes the widely held narrative that the king perished in the chopper crash along with his mistress.

But, few years back there was a small piece of news that appeared in the smallish sidelines of a local newspaper. This news had to do with either the forensics of the crashed chopper else perhaps it was a DNA test on the two highly charred bodies that were found inside the chopper and were supposedly that of the King and his mistress.

This news clipping said either of two things ( I am not able to recall the correct one ) -

1) The crashed chopper was NOT exactly the same ( What was implied might have been - it might have been similar or same make; but not the same one the king flew that fateful day ) as what the King had flown out on, that fateful day !!

2) The preserved samples of the charred remains of the two bodies were DNA tested. And, the DNA samples did not match that of the king or his mistress.

One of these... thereby, clearly establishing that the charred remains perhaps belonged to a decoy set; perhaps set up to give the impression that the king and his mistress got charred to death, in the chopper crash and the ensuing fire.

What is palpable ad logically deducible from this news is that the King and his mistress DID NOT die in the chopper crash.
That, indeed they were alive, even after the chopper crash.
Perhaps, this entire episode might have been plotted as a decoy, and served as sort of a escape route for the couple.

Even if the king deeply loved his mistress and wanted to stay together as a family... where would he have needed to leave for ?  For, he would not be staying in India any longer.

One may suspect that his best friends, well-wishers, aides, confidantes, etc. might have provided full support to the king. In fact, served his orders and abiding with his wider interests. 
Possibly, the king would have left India and settled in a foreign country.

To lead discreetly and peacefully the life of his choice... with his beloved mistress... this is a thought that pops up.

Were I in his place, I might have landed and settled in any of these locations -
- some far off suburbs of London, City of Lodon ( CoL ),
- South of France, Rome ( Italy ),
- Boston, Chicago, New York, etc. locales.

But then, the moot question lies -
In what all royal families the king would marry off his subsequent progeny ( with this mistress ) ?

That might mean that he might have created new network within the existing royal family of the Europeans ?

Some sort of matrimonial alliance between the royalties of India and European blue bloods ??

This might sound as a conjecture. A mere passing thought.
This has no easy answers, for those not in the know.

If the above conjecture were to be true...
... then the royal lineage folks would look and act as the natives i.e. the Europeans amongst whom they grew up and possibly inter-married. Talk of an alliance... here.

This stuff is pretty heady and loaded.

<< SIX >>

The Sikh empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh was defeated by treachery.

But then, the cunning Britishers captured the 12 year old boy ( Yuvraj Dalip Singh ) of Sikh Maharaja Ranjit Singh and kept him captive at London, UK for the rest of his life.

Seems like the Britishers might have forced or cut a deal or alliance with the Sikhs.

Much before as also after World War I, instead of the battle hardened Sikh combatants returning back to settle in India... many of them moved on to settle in Canada.

oday, the territory of Canada is heavily populated with the Sikhs.
Someone opines that almost up to 50 % of the population of Canada is Sikhs !!

Even the Defense Chief of Canada is Sikh !!

Very Important Question arises -
Do the British alliances and treaties with the Princely States continue to this day ?

<< SEVEN >>

The Battle for Haifa.

Lots of kings and princely states provided huge assistance to the Britishers in their efforts during World War I.

Either they provided the Britishers money or with manpower or with both.

Sort of... they allied or partnered with the Britishers in this cumulative effort.

Notable amongst this set are -
- the Nizam of Hyderabad,
- the Wodeyars of Mysore,
- the suryavanshi Rathores of Jodhpur,
- perhaps the Sikhs, etc.

And many such princely states provided all sorts of support.
One of the key element during the World War I or was creating the ground for the future creation of the state of Israel.

Capturing the territory from the Germans. In this context, must refer to - The battle for Haifa.

Evidently, the suryavanshi Rathore troops might have played a key role in evicting the Germans from Haifa. And capturing this key town for the Britishers.

This marked the beginning of British control over parts of the territory, that later went into making a part of Israel.
This act ultimately culminated in the creation of the state of Israel, post World War II.

What is the probability that ( covertly ) some of these Indian kings, princely states were or still maybe / are part and parcel of this banking cartel aka cabal i.e. the fiat money banking system and the oil cartel companies ?

Well...nothing may be ruled out.
Then... what might be the implications for others if this conjecture might be deemed as true or were indeed true ?

And... importantly...
Do the British alliances and treaties with the Princely States covertly continue to this day ?

This post is partly... all about that.

< EndOfPost >

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