Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cascading Narratives.

A set of cascading narrative seems to have emerged out of some certain random thoughts and ideations.

...those I have somehow tried espousing some of them... by putting these forth through this blogger posts; and even by the means of having written certain messages to Captain AV @

Some of these same varied topics, those that might have been alluded to, are broadly enumerated as follows ( Now... this could be of interest to a diverse set of people. ) : -

1) Vedic humped cow.
Preservation of... Vedic humped / Indian Cow.
A2 milk, benefits.

Plastic free environment.
Water wars.
Replenishing the ground water table.

3) Non GMO food and food chain.
Organic food-grains, fruits and vegetables. Need for going Organic.
Exercising due caution even... whilst allowing GMO crop trials; especially that are tightly owned by foreign neo-imperialist organizations and some such...their front companies; thereof in lieu of those who want to use this as a leverage tool during times of war / famine / monsoon failures, etc.

- Kabaddi, Boxing, Wrestling, etc.


6) Development of a domestic Military Industrial Complex.
Non reliance and trust on the imported hi-tech weaponry.
Especially, majorly those having electronic, IC components.

Now... who ever sensed a veiled reference to Nostradamus ?
Perhaps some Hindutva ( or, perhaps Hindutwat ) stall warts ?

This may certainly be of some vital, albeit veiled, national security consequence.


Vivid or lucid dreams.
Shabda Brahma. And... Mantras.
What about -
Nih-Shabda Brahma.

In implicit context - Rumi and Kabir.
21,600 cycles of breathe, per day.
Being aware... in the 'present'. Breathe awareness.

11)  Repeated Hacks, What NeXt

12) Dharma and "Sarva Dharma Sambhaav"


14) Currency as a commodity
Currency Reserves.

'Extended' or 'Extensible' South Asian Currency Union or;
South Asian Currency Union - AryaVarta, AryaMan - a Currency Union.


15) On... GM Seeds/ Food/ Crops
...impact on economy.

16) Repeated ( Computer ) Hacks, OLD LOGS...
- Plausible hacking incidents.

17) Legal Aspects... and Fishing

18) n-State or n-Style 64 BALA TABULASSION
- Incidences of plausible computer and router hacking incidences and/ or remote intrusion activities on my computer and router.
Illegal login into my or a related e-mail, etc. account or set of accounts.

19) Current regime missed out on this one ??
After the petro-products, ICT imports makes the most of our import bills.

Therefore, a maturing domestic semiconductor industry set-up was to be a / is a big requirement for the country.
Semi Conductors Corp. of India Ltd ( SCIL )'s IC- fabricating lab, in Mohali, Punjab gutted. Sabotaged. ( Perhaps in 1984 ? )

20) On EVM manipulation and the threat of the same on a 'healthy' democracy.

21) Gold... Black Gold, Yellow Gold.

22) SUN and the Aaya Ram Gaya Rams

Sun of Comes. And... Sun of Gones.

23) Critical, Important tabulASSion Issues & Logs

24) De-Dollarization.
Currency War.

Threat to the World/ Asian/ Indian economy.

25) Judicial Overreach - Supreme Court Judgment on the Road Accidents;

And relocation of liquor outlets from National and State Highways. Beyond 500 meter. Ineffective judicial directive. Impractical.

26) Expected... from the new UP Government.
- 2 Child policy. 

Two Child policy, at the national level.

27) Dangerous Habit/ Addiction .
Drinking piping hot beverages - tea/ coffee/ flavored liquid.

Acid Reflux. Reflux Esophagitis.

Causative of - stomach ulcers. That might lead to sphincter ulcer... leading to oesophagal cancer.

28) Who Actually rules ? - An eye opener.

29) Served on THE Table... nay... Plate
Plausible solutions... thereof.

30) My observations...
perceived... right from all the form of media... as specifically regards... the annulment of IT Section 66A. Perhaps Section 124A. etc. , as well.


In case, if I were...
... in anyways charged with any violation of any Indian laws, rules and/ or regulations ( that is in direct or indirect breach/ contravention/ contradiction of the India Constitution ) which might have entailed any of - complaint(s)/ charge(s)/ case(s), etc. leveled or booked specifically against myself... wrt my any of my online activities ( esp. any/ all of the comments or messages shared with Captain AV and any/ all of my blogger posts ); specifically those made... till May, 2014.

Having observed the flagrant violation of mine and the entire family's privacy by the Govt., enabled by the State agencies ( not sure whether this comes from district/ state police, central intelligence agencies like - IB, CBI, etc.; military police, or the military intelligence ? )...

...I had indeed approached and duly consulted a senior lawyer.
I ensured that this lawyer was from a depressed caste/ class; since these people are very sensitive to such instances as these.
I related to him what I had been facing... in terms of gross violation of my privacy. And, the plausible reasons for the same.
He nodded some new found awareness, as regards the modus operandi ( i.e. the inconceivable hi-tech ways and means of violation of anyone's privacy ); and, how he is aware that such things ARE really really possible.

But then he questioned me thus -
1)  How do you establish or prove the same ?
2) In that case, who is going to believe you ?
3) What proof you have ?

For -
One first needs to have some conclusive proof as regards the same; then only one can proceed.

For that one needs to do some RTIs' filings, in lieu of fact finding effort.

But then, the Govt. may not respond and sit on the same RTI enquiry for months or years.
Then what will you do ?

In that case -
You cannot do anything.

Because, when one approaches any court of law, they will ask for verifiable facts, witnesses and evidence(s). Which you may not have.

4) Again - how does one establish this that the Govt. of India has a motive to watch you.
5) Why would they want to watch you ? Why ?
He further added -
You are nothing special to them. And, do not mean anything to the Govt. of India.

If anyone has any court cases or police complaint/ case/ FIR, etc. pending against you then one is supposed to be summoned by court, etc. sooner or later.

And, the police would have certainly come to your residence looking out for you.

So... do not be under any confusion and illusion; since no one approached you or you did not get a summon or notice, etc. better to get this whole stuff out of your mind. No one has nothing against you. OK.

And, in case you so choose to approach the police station to enquire regards the same - they will laugh at you. And, they might get suspicious that you must have done something wrong.

And then, the chances that these people get you into some new sort of problem is something that cannot be ruled out.

For... you really have no idea how good or bad our system is.
We deal with these in and day out; and... we know better. So... better to... stay off.

And... You shall be safe.
For me... that was like hitting a dead end.

Prima Facie :
In light of the learned lawyer's advice and counsel, the very plausible idea of the very existence of police/ public/ judicial/ para-military/ military, etc. related issue(s) against me... were summarily indecisively dropped by me, for the moment. As, they seemed like non existent. Imaginative. Going by his counsel.

Why I state this is...
In case, if any active cases, complaints, etc. have been filed against me after or during the second half of 2013...

Then, in that case...
MUST smack of a deep rooted conspiracy against me and my entire family, if I were to be in anyways wrongfully referenced, cited, etc. with probable ( even palpable ) violations of either or both or any of these Indian laws.

Or, any rule, regulation, legislation, law etc. in/ under any territory that is administered by the Govt. of India.

Or, for that matter, violation of any rule or law... from anywhere... around the world... on account of or back referenced to my blogger account.

And, the subsequent Supreme Court rulings... in the annulment of these laws - IT Sec. 66A and/or   perhaps also SEC 124 A
( Why I assume Sec 124A is I have observed Captain Ajit Vadakayil making the observation that Deshdrohis have no privacy and no right to privacy. I sensed or assumed that he was perhaps referring to myself. )

Question is -
But, why ? Because I can conclusively establish and prove that none of my posts can be attributable to RAJDROH or DESHDROH. Whether one calls sedition or treason. That can never happen. Never.

I exhort anyone who is patriotic to establish that.
Excepting the stooges and dalals of political parties.

Captain AV has been the causative source and sink of all my posts.

Nature of conspiracy :
1) Plausible - Motive, motivations :
Captain's and his mates’ anxiety to bring down the number of under-trials in the country, anyhow.
His marked... intent, motive and motivations... in this context.
There must be an RTI as regards the number of people booked in India, under Section 66 A on an annual basis. State wise as also the national level data.

Now, the cost of maintaining / feeding... such vast number of under-trials.

2) Motive, motivations :

Political Conspiracy.
Palpable by certain political parties ( and caste overt and covert groupings ) at the state, regional and the national level.

3) Motive, motivations perceived by myself :
Palpable conspiracy that is tantamount to high treason.

As the INDO-PAK borders have become HOT; as compared to the previous UPA regime.

And, the chances of recurring border skirmishes and cross order firing, etc. between neighboring countries have risen during the NDA regime.War mongering. Underlying objective remains #2.

31) Human Rights abuses perpetrated by the Captain and mates.

... by his mates that are on the same team but are opposed to him and his ideology, ideologues, etc.

For... Captain AV has boasted giving me a bloody nose in the process.

( Six sixes in six shots... thereby giving a bloody nose. )

< EndOfPost >

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