Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Connecting some random dots.

Several months back, the Jharkhand CM Sri Raghubar Das made a public statement ( perhaps from a dais or some public function ) that sort of implied or pointed fingers at brahmins being involved in 'some-thing'.

If I recall correctly then the word that appeared in the print media might have been "shadyantra" meaning that he implied as to some sort of a conspiracy.

It is another matter that he did not elaborate or even touch upon the underlying subject matter.

And this entire stuff seemed actually out of context.
So, this sounded quite puzzling and raised quite some eyebrows.
Now, those in the know of the matter sure must be knowing the exact context of his public statement and what he had in mind.
I have next to NIL idea.


Now... someone was telling that amongst his five personal assistant ( PAs... are they perhaps of the rank of senior IAS officers ? Maybe. ) four of them belong to bhumihar caste, as someone was telling.

This sort of implies a lot as to who is IN the effective / de-facto charge of his government and in the know of things, apart from the RSS headquarters @ Nagpur as also the state / central command of BJP at the state and central level based at New Delhi and Ranchi.


From the media reports -
Some brahmin people or perhaps organizations ( belonging to a specific region of mid western Jharkhand, bordering the state of UP. I recall, perhaps the Palamau district or roundabout regions. ) protested his statement, threatening to file cases against him and take him to court; lest he publicly apologized.

The print media showed some hues and cries by this brahmin lobby, for a few days. Then the matter entirely subsided from the public domain.

This all sounded rather strange.

And, sort of implied that the CM had some potential knowledge on some sort of wrong doing or something bordering on some sort of conspiracy.

Therefore, potentially did he had hooks on some specific person(s) from the brahmin caste group ?
Highly likely.

The subsequent complete silence, sort of threw up this possibility that... the CM and the brahmin lobby or some certain people... perhaps reached a covert mutual compromise / agreement on this issue.

...this was a question that confronted one.
And, the answer sure seemed like... affirmative.


It is important to note that the Jharkhand CM who is from the Tailik ( teli ) community was able to get the teli caste registered as EBC caste category in the state of Bihar, couple of years back. This implied special benefits for the EBC or MBC teli caste in the state of Bihar.

Clearly, this is only possible if the Bihar CM agreed to this proposal. Which actually is proven so.
Now... many people believe that the actual power in Bihar today vests with the powerful bhumihar lobby; whilst the CM Nitish Kumar simply sits on the throne.

And, again... there is a long pending court case against him, that is sort of used of as a hook to control and perhaps contain the Bihar CM. Many people believe such similar grapevine lores as this.
Seems like the bhumihar lobby might have helped the Jharkhand CM realize this goal of the EBC or MBC status for his kinsmen the telis...  in concert with the Bihar CM, is a conclusion that confronts.

Btw the total prohibition or Sharab-bandi in the state of Bihar has resulted in Bihar prisons teeming with under-trials and convicts who have been arrested/ charged with any sort of violation of any of the sections of the prohibition laws.

...With more than one lakh fifty or sixty thousand people in prisons at one time or the other and doing the rounds of the courts and prisons.

Mostly from poor SC, ST and low caste OBC castes and communities. Almost more than 90 % people in prison on account of the prohibition law violations, belong to this category.

And... the revenue loss to the Bihar exchequer on the account of prohibition is almost INR ten thousand crores per annum. This adds up... on an year to year basis and sums upto nearly INR 50,000 crores over five years. !!

Still, there is a covert network flourishing right under the nose of the Bihar administration and police that is so effective that liquor is freely available in the state of Bihar, at quite some premium.
Perhaps at few times the cost or selling price.

Now... who is making/ sharing/ distributing this money is anybody's guess ?

This all is in... Su-Shasan babu Nitish Kumar's Bihar !!


Now, coming to the main narrative of the Jharkhand CM's off the cuff potentially laden remark...

In retrospect, I observe that there is a brahmin politician DaDu ( belonging to that same specific area referred to earlier, in this post ) from the Congress folds, who has supposedly deep access to almost all the upper caste or savarna lobbies as also the SC/ ST lobby ( Lobbies are - caste-wise organizations, political, bureaucratic, police, judiciary, etc. ) in majority of these states - Jharkhand, Bihar, New Delhi and Uttar Pradesh.
This person is also said to have direct access to all the Congress Chiefs, Chieftains and the previous and the current Congress Presidents... it is actually said.

Witness the above facts.

Again, everyone knows that in the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chhatisgarh, etc. states the most of the top positioned Congress and BJP leadership is cumulatively held and led by the savarna upper castes ( brahmin, bhumihar, rajput, etc. ) mainly. Other castes are having nominal presence, in comparison to these caste groups and their powerful lobbies.

Especially, the brahmins are supposed to be calling the shots in Congress and BJP, by closely collaborating.

Jharkhand CM originally hails from Chhattisgarh.

Recently, there was this assembly elections in the state of Chhattisgarh, wherein the Jharkhand CM was also pretty much involved in the pre-polls ground work and electioneering.

What MUST serve as an eye opener is...
In the state of Chhattisgarh which has altogether 90 assembly seats. Wherein almost 35 % to 40 % seats are reserved for SCs and STs alone.

What everyone MUST notice is that the BJP gave 14 tickets to the Sahu telis alone !!

And, similarly the Congress party, etc. gave another 14 tickets to Sahu teli caste candidates alone !!

Altogether, TWENTY EIGHT teli Sahu caste candidates got tickets in the just concluded state assembly elections.

And, there was a great degree of probability that ( once a non entity ) Congress leader Tamra-Dhwaj Sahu would have become the CM of Chhattisgarh !!

Actually, he was supposedly rumored to becoming the Chhattisgarh CM.

And... this almost happened.

But then, the Congress high command ( generally that stands for the coterie that decides or takes the strategic political decision. And - are mostly brahmin, bhumihar, etc. old timers ) and the Congress President decided against Tamra-Dhwaj Sahu !!

But one thing stands quite clear from this entire episode...
Since this never transpired such... that the Sahu telis of Chhattisgarh were given so many tickets in clear cut /  marked numbers as against other potential candidates from other castes and communities... and, this certainly seemed completely out of place and sans any logic...

May one safely deduce that...
The possibility that the Jharkhand CM Sri Raghubar Das was able to cut a deal for his own kinsmen with the brahmin, etc. savarna castes ( manning the top echelons of the BJP and Congress party ) OR perhaps vice versa ?

This thought cannot escape anyone. This is 100 % likely.
There MUST have been some bargaining chip someone held by virtue of their power alone.

Perhaps as a CM ?? is an unmistakable conclusion one may draw.
And, this could be pretty much correct conclusion, based on the observable facts on the ground we observe in the Chhattisgarh elections.


Alternatively, one may note -
In the state of Madhya Pradesh the Kalchuri Kalar population is said to be 75 lakhs out of 7 crore, 30 lakh total population of Madhya Pradesh. This Kalar population is almost 11 % of the state of Madhya Pradesh, where their ancestors ruled at one time.
Yet, the Congress party does NOT give ticket to even one single Kalchuri Kalar candidate in the polls.

And, cut to today Kamalnath Khatri ( who was the late Sanjay Gandhi's class fellow from Doon school days. And, actually originally from Lucknow ) is the latest CM of Madhya Pradesh. Decided by the Congress President !!


Someone ought to do a comprehensive root cause analysis of this entire stuff.

No matter what or whatever one is and no matter where ever placed.

One's Karmas are going to catch up with oneself, sooner or later.

And, one will have to pay mercilessly for one's actions.
Even so... for inactions.

For... inactions are causative of actions by unwanted others !!

For... the law of Karma is difficult to fathom for most people. But then, it is certainly merciless.

... one is going to get what one doles out with compounded interest. Pretty much sooner or... much much later.

This is actually assured.

This is... some observations.

< EndOfPost >

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