Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dicey stuff... This !!



A MUST... FOR THE EYES ( And... brains, thinking, reasoning, evaluation, assimilation, etc. ) OF -

1) All the serving, retired, semi-retired, would-be or aspirant -
a) Civil Servants ( mainly IFS, IRS, IPS, IAS officers ); and 
b) Armed Forces Officers; and
c) Supreme Court and High Court Judges and Lawyers; and
d) From all the Indian Intelligence agencies; and
e) Intelligentsia in the Education domain - teachers, mentors, professors, researchers, etc.

2) Those having deep insight as regards the working of the Capital markets, Currency markets, World Trade, International Finance, Economics and Economic Activities. National Finances.

Working of the Federal Reserve of the USA, Central Banks, etc. ... must evaluate this post.

3) Technical Experts specializing in IT Security and Crypto Currencies. Blockchain development.

4) Better enlightened souls from the IITs, NITs and other such engineering colleges, R&D  institutions and diverse scientific organizations - in the country and around the globe.

5) Religious leaders. Head of socio-religious, socio-spiritual, spiritual Organizations. This includes all the pro-BJP and pro-RSS Hindutva factions, as well.

6) Followers of late Rajiv Dixit. Bharat Swabhimaan Trust Nyas members. Baba Ramdev and his associates.

7) Those in the Government; and all the politicians cutting across party lines.


(( ONE ))

Three set of dices... diversely rolled across different set of time, context, ( underlying intent, motive, motivation ) and space or location ( read - diverse countries )...

Perpetually set in random rotational motion... having the dots coming ON and going off a certain desired complex hard-to-decipher alignments / grid.

With the covert intent of effecting certain desirable results / situation / takeaways / payoff.

Now... this is...
Something akin to what we see in multiple level combinatorial locks.

Wherein, at certain specific combinations resulting in a certain alignment the lock opens and discloses/ unleashes the valuables inside.

Let's try to define or spell out... them dices as -

A) The beginning of the crypto-currency - BITCOIN in the year 2009 by same underground dubious hitherto unknown figure - Satoshi Nakamoto.

Satoshi Nakamoto or a certain set of people... set this dice ( say, A ) rolling on the crypto currencies and blockchain development... way back in 2009.

B) Brexit - consider this yet another dice, shall we ?

Maybe. Perhaps. Why not !!

Prima facie... one expects that the UK economy ought to be seriously harmed by UK's desire and insistence at going ahead with the Brexit agenda; i.e. decoupling the UK from the entirety of EU 
ecosystem - currency, economy, people, etc.

So, why are the shrewd and wily Britishers going on ahead, at all, with the Brexit process ?

Or, is this all... some sort of precisely designed and controlled sham to befool others ??

Is it that these smarties sure are having certain specific goals and hitherto unknown targets ?

What is the catch ?
WHO or WHAT group or groupings set this Brexit dice rolling ?
Say... Dice ( B )

WHEN ? And, WHY ?
In this context... one merely knows of the Brexit vote during June, 2016 !!

C) DemonetizationDice ( C )

Rolled on by our on PM Narendra Damodar Das Modi, belonging to the "nationalist party" BJP.

The self-proclaimed child of BJP.

But, on whose behalf actually... is the moot question ??

Who told or advised or forced him to do so ?
I this context - one recalls that he was fearing for his life and aired his views as such; during the DeMo process.

Telling something like... "These people are very dangerous !! And they may eliminate."

(( remains true that BJP is the political wing or child of RSS.

And, RSS is manned, managed and ruled by brahmins... specifically Maharashtrian brahmins... perhaps Chitpawan brahmins... at the very top echelons of leadership.

And, someone ( perhaps one journalist Dilip Chandra Mandal ) was stating on his Facebook page that there is hardly any representation of the SC, ST, OBC in the top leadership of RSS. He had sort of 
pointed out or lamented.

And, he therefore made out a strong case as to why the SCs, STs and OBCs may or must shun RSS rather than being the foot soldier, at best.


(( TWO ))

The plethora of crypto currencies that have popped up out of nowhere, starting with BITCOIN in the year 2009... have been designed to mimic or imitate the fiat currencies with the additional caveat that they display the traits of company scrips that are freely traded on the stock exchanges around the globe.

Wherein... their valuation is simply determined by the demand-supply needs or exigencies !!

Hence, there is this... Mount Gox exchange for the trading of bitcoin !!

Now, prima facie... this crypto currency stuff ( mainly bitcoin ) apparently seems to be the brainchild of almost the same or similar set of people who designed and implemented the potent stuxNet malware, couple of years back... that was specifically designed with a certain intent.

I would expect them creators of Bitcoin to be covertly the same or similar set of people or team.

Would NOT be surprised if even Indian nationals - NRIs, PIOs, etc. are part of the same team.

Some clique, sort of... ultra smart set of people has to be there.

Again... I had chanced on the internet, that almost two decades before the first crypto currency ( eg. bitcoin ) actually arrived in the year 2009... there was a perhaps (un)classified patents on the US Patent Office ( USPTO ) that made out the case of one such specific crypto currency ecosystem design makeup - system, methods and implementations, etc. the case I am not mistaken, and recall correct.

Again... this bitcoin stuff MUST have been envisioned, designed, developed, tested successfully.

...and made popular by a highly skilled set of people having some sort of similarity in their background.

the BITCOIN sort of displays the traits of a multi level marketing ( MLM ) ecosystem... in the sense that the supposed creator Satoshi Nakamoto of this crypto currency has kept for himself 1 million out of the total 16 or 17 million created so far; out of a total possible creation cap of 21 millions only.

And, the more the valuation of this virtual crypto currency gains...  the more he has a chance to profit from the same situation.

Again, people have this wrongful notion that they can trade in the crypto currencies and their tansaction is hidden from public eyes and knowledge.

This is partly true. But... really not so !! Not exactly.

And, that... they may create a secure bitcoin wallet and carry huge amounts of virtual money almost anywhere... in a wallet that might be resting on a minuscule memory IC chip that may be easy to carry almost anywhere. Say - in a smartphone, as well.
The fact remains that certain global government intelligence agencies can track most or almost all these transactions in realtime.
And, they could probably be aware of who is transacting and how much ?

I would bet that the NSA of the USA and such potent intel agencies must be having near total awareness as regards each and every crypto-currency transaction that was ever carried out.

And, that is still being carried out and that is yet to be ever transacted in a future date.

Again... there are backdoors in all the computer based systems... as also front doors potentially left open to those hyper smart intelligence agencies... who sure ensure this for "certain hyper emergency" situations.

...even though the bitcoin cryptography uses 512 bits Secured Socket Layers ( SSL )... yet we hear the cases of bitcoins being pilfered or stolen from the wallets, the bitcoin exchanges, etc.

This actually certainly implies that there has to be some sort of lacuna in the entire ecosystem.


And, that even the 512 bits SSL is insecure ? is a question that throws up.

That leads to the question - then why are these guys NOT using the 1024 Bits SSL encryption for Bitcoin ??

What could be the catch ??

That might mean that it may not be actually safe owning or dealing with them crypto currencies, unlike paper money.

As far as the secrecy of the transaction is concerned, from the prying eyes of certain global intel agencies and the national Government.

(( THREE ))

Thoughts on the Brexit.

Someone ought to explore this entire Brexit stuff. The gamut of the same...

This rather looks like a dicey digression of sorts... from the mainstream motive/ motivations.

This looks like... totally uncalled for.

Question arises -
Why would the Britishers harm their own interests - their currency, economy and people, the commonly shared European camarderie, etc. by posing as or intending to sort of decoupling with the 
EU ?

Does NOT make sense at all !! There has to be a catch !!
There MUST be a few underlying difficult to decipher themes.
Some sort of strategy !! Some stratagem !! ?? All This ??


An apt analogous context ? -
Those folks who might have studied chemistry would know that each element has specific set of atomic level attributes.

And, two or more diverse elements react and conjoin together to form a compound - a third stuff.  In the process they do dissipate energy as part of the chemical reaction.

This is an important counter analogy -

Similarly... it takes an external stimuli and quite some energies to break this compound and recover the individual elements that went in to constitute this compound or some complex compound.
And... that's never an easy process.


Similar could be this design by the shrewd and wily Britishers...
Having conjoined or associated with the EU for a certain set of well designed mutually beneficial purpose/ objective.

Having dissipated mutual energies in forging the ( now quite stable world reserve currency ) the Euro, strengthening the common European market, expanding and fortifying of the cumulative NATO juggernaut, etc.

...these critical objectives have been satisfactorily achieved to a great extent and overall satisfaction.

These guys are now potentially feigning the entire Brexit story... and the catch is that there has to be necessarily an external stimuli or stimulant or catalyst INCOMING that basically severs their
umbilical cord with the EU.

Without affecting their MUTUAL health. Rather... fortifying them... in the process.

The point is - the shock to the UK currency, UK economy, people, purchasing power, etc. must be desirably borne out by some external source(s) or force(s).

Perhaps, desirably covertly set up by them to in fact do so.
Elicited, forced or cajoled out... shall we presume !!

In this context, there would have been ( there might be ongoing still. And, there shall be, in the future, as well ) efforts to hive or fend off this 'hit' to the UK economy/ currency, etc. ecosystem in a rather subtle way... by way of stealth... and crafty stratagem.

Absorb the same HIT... to emerge out as stronger than before ?
Perhaps, forcibly allow OTHERS to capitulate somehow... and cater to this stimuli / catalyst ?

Who ? Who may ?

I suspect ALL the commonwealth nations... in some form, format or scale... must have provided or are providing or might still provide this injection of stimuli ( in the form of massive staggered 
capital infusion, investments, etc. in the UK economy eco-system and the GBP Pound Sterling currency, etc. )

And, of course, primarily from the jewel in the British Crown... that is India.

What might be the nature of this external force / stimuli / catalyst... the Britishers sure need ?

Ostensibly... that might be -

1) massive inflow of capital into the UK economy,

2) inflowing capital might correlate with any sort of SPIKE or persistence in demand for the UK GBP Pound Sterling currency.

In which case - the creation of a robust demand cycle would go on to strengthen the GBP Pound as a currency against other major currencies around the globe.

Also, somehow or the other ways... strengthen its' position as a reserve currency.

3) Now #2 might mean that the UK Government MUST need to somehow increase their overall currency in circulation.

I suspect that they could have covertly expanded their entire currency base. Say - by covertly printing currency notes, etc. measures and ensuring their circulation /usage in the international markets... while also ensuring that the GBP Pound Sterling gained tangible strength and resilience in the process !!

In this context -
Some sort of balance the UK Govt. and their Central Bank needs to exercise in order to determine the domestic ( UK based ), regional ( perhaps EU based ) exposure versus the international exposure... and... this is certainly a very complex issue.

And, the implementation could be a ratcheted one... tightening the screws by the months... and years... to effect the intended result(s).

Expanding the numerical float of the currency in circulation may be done in many ways - such as the UK Central Bank covertly printing the currency and partly releasing the same to circulation in the 
domestic and international market, etc. ways and means.

This same might be at least no less than 300-500 Billions GBP Sterling Pound !! ... is a recurring thought that assails the mental plane.

And, no less.
All... gradually / covertly exposed to the domestic and international market.

firms/ entities/ governments/ Globalist Organizations or MNCs, etc. might be directed/ forced, invest in the UK assets... and to do so thereby utilizing or gobbling up the GBP Pound Sterling 
denominated assets / currency.

This may sort of create a strong demand for the British Sterling Pound currency.

Repeating, once again...
Something of the order of 300 to 500 BILLION GBP Pound Sterling may be further released to the existing currency pool base...thereby broadening the currency base for the UK Pound Sterling currency.

Whilst... the valuation remains the same or perhaps goes up.

This is tantamount to DILUTING the nett FOREX holding of the others.

Sort of... vacuuming out the wealth and resources from other nations, by grand subterfuge.

Akin to what the US has been doing since decades ?

Prima facie -

Brexit should be having a massive impact on the British currency and the economy.

Did, the UK whither the storm expected out of the Brexit turmoil ?

Perhaps... so. Partly.

The strengthening of the GBP Sterling Pound during Q4, 2016 and later suggests that it actually did so !!

The Britishers might NOT be satiated fully, till date.

These guys might be wanting more stimuli / stimulant / catalyst.
Gut feeling.

How they get it... no idea !!

Perhaps Indo-Pacific and Quad... these guys sure have in mind !!

(( FOUR ))

Talking about the Demon-eti-Sati-On.

The demonetization of the high worth currency notes was unleashed by the present NDA-2 government headed by PM ND Modi on the 8th of November, 2016.

He announced this on national TV around 09:00 PM.

Few important notes/ observations herewithal -

1) Curiously, the very same day i.e. on the 8th of NOV, 2016 saw the birth or birthday of President Donald Trump's presidency.

Donald Trump took oath as President the very same day... PM Modi announced demonetisation.

Was this a birthday gift ( implies => birth of a new Presidency ) ...some sort of return gift for Trump ?

2) The entire demonetization exercise seems to have sort of effectively helped the US economy and the Fed's monetary policy as well.

In retrospect, this seems like a virtual or quasi Quantitative Easing ( QE )... with the purpose that... the shooting massive demand for the crypto currencies... EASENED the demand for US Dollars 
or other such reserve currencies. The demand for US Dollars was massively relieved in mostly dubious international transactions; as also in within the nation transactions ( this excludes those
place wherein the US Dollar is legal tender ).

Effectively, ( since the cryptocurrencies I believe are certainly from the Anglo Saxon fold. Put specifically - the American fold ) this might have obviated the need for Fed to print fiat US Dollars as part of the regular Quantitative Easing ( QE ) process.

This, certainly has had or might have had... the most salubrious effects on the US economy !!

make no mistakes... <<- My take.

As...even sans a QE by FED,there was more USD $ money in the supply chains... because huge market was channelised or diverted ( mostly by Indians )  towards making popular the usage of crypto currencies.

The truth remains that only Bitcoin's overall transactions topped more than USD $ 1.3 Trillions over one year period during 2017.
This tops the same transactions by Visa and/ or Mastercard !!
Please imagine the impetus the cryptos got !!

3) The effective date of start of implementation of the demonetization was past the 2400 hours of the eight of Nov... of 2016 !! or the start of 0000th hour of the 9th Nov, 2019.

Effectively, till 23:59:59.9999 hours it is the 8th of Nov.

But, even milli seconds past midnight makes it the 9th of Nov, 2016.

So, 00:00:00.001 seconds past midnight of the 8th NOv, makes demonetization as effective.

And, that is the 9th of November, 2016.

In the UK system that may be put as DD/MM/YYYY = 09/11/2016
Does that spell as 09/11 of 2016... on the Indian economy ?
Does that make demonetization a cabal's construct ?
Be your own judge.

I made my conclusions... and hence this post.

Because, in the US they write in the mode of - MM\DD\YYYY and then we had another cabal's construct on the eleventh of September, 2001.

That was 09\11\2001 ... and so, popularly that incident was nomenclatured as 09\11 of 2001 !!

Thus... at the outset... some overlapping signature perceivably exists between these two events.

4) While our much declared adversary ( not enemy ) PRC or China got naturally strengthened as it continued with its massive rate of growth... even the US and Western block of countries gained 
momentum and traction in their economic growth and forecast...

Yet... we slackened ad the economy shrinked as also the GDP, owing to demoetization.

And, there was a direct hit on the entire economy's cycle !!
This remains undeniable.

(( FIVE ))

IMPORTANT NOTE ( Note the chronology )-

1) Please note that the Brexit process was started in the month of June, 2016.

2) In July of 2016, the RSS had 5 day international meet at London, UK headed by the RSS head Mohan Bhagwat.

Not sure in the past several years, how many times the RSS top leaders had their global meeting at  London or in Europe or the USA ? I am NOT aware.

This global meeting certainly might be out of context !!
Again, the question recurrently arises in my mind...

That if I were in a position to give certain covert benefits / concessions/ windfall advantages to a purported adversary or set of adversaries... the same could always be constituent of a SMART DEAL !!

If I or anyone else for that matter were in a certain position of calling the shots... I/ he / she could have made a deal for upwards of... one lakhs to ten lakhs of highest paying jobs and positions in the Western World, on behalf on my "men" !!

...above is a recurring thought.

There can be endless possibilities.

Period !!


3) Demonetization on the Indian economy is EFFECTED beginning the 9th of Nov, 2016 !!

That is... 09/11 of 2016 !!

4) Final Brexit vote was delayed till about March, 2017 .

Make out whatever one may, of this.

What exactly the Britishers might have actually waited for ??

What is the underlying core matter for this dilly-dallying and controlled delay ?

...this question arises in the context to the Demonetization happening in India.

I somehow sense that this Brexit and demonetization could be innately interlinked matter.

5) Since the start or end of 2015 and the beginning quarters of the year 2016... massive ACCUMULATION stage of the crypto currencies might CERTAINLY have taken place.

Rather - THAT really did take place !!

6) Massive run up in the valuation of almost all the crypto currencies takes place.

Between, 2016-2017... One year before and after the demonetization rollout.

The demand majorly and massively created / originated by ( predominantly, perhaps Indians ) -
- the money laundering schemes / havala business,
- smuggling of contraband stuff, narcotics, ancient priceless artifacts’ / handicrafts;
- gold, rare earth, rare and precious gems; 

etc. etc.

...that has origins palpably in/ out of India, mainly !!

7) The demand for crypto currencies subside with the start of the faint or vague murmurs arising out from the folds of the Indian Govt. ( perhaps the Finance Ministry ) and / or the RBI.

This results in the start of tanking of their valuations around after Nov. of 2017 !!

That means, people are getting the cue that some Govt. of India policy is in the offing, as far as regulating or putting strictures on the crypto-currencies are concerned.

So... the Indian citizens, PIOs, NRIs, etc. holding the Bitcoins and other crypto currencies START booking profits. i.e. they exit their holdings of these virtual currencies... DUMPING them in the 

Resulting in a over-supply glut... that resulted in the prices depreciating downwards.

Finally, the RBI / Indian Govt. announces some strictures on the Crypto currencies in India... around the month of February or a month later, of 2018 !!

Well... well... by that time... the party was sort of over.... the smarties got out of it.

And, possibly made huge amounts of money !!

Whilst, the morons or ill informed people around the entire globe thought that surely the Mcaffe Chief ain't fooling and he sure never intends to have a free lunch... whether dead or alive !!

That befooled most of these Bitcoin, etc. investors and speculators !!

This remains the bottomline.

Note - It might be interesting to note WHEN YET AGAIN they start the bull run in Bitcoins, etc. crypto currencies.

ALL the ASIAN, AFRICAN, LATIN AMERICAN, etc. COUNTRIES MUST BAN these crypto currencies.

Blanket ban them ASAP. Make them ILLEGAL.

Then see how these crypto currencies might just evaporate into thin air !!

Correctly telling / interpreting so.

8) Whilst still in the throes of the Brexit talks/ process... please try to understand the UK's strategic desire or need to decouple from the EU as well as NATO.

And, once again project itself as perhaps a STANDALONE power. Apart from the NATO and the US.

I suspect that these guys be eyeing a chunk out of the Indo-Pacific and the Quad that they have in the offing.

But, it could prove to be sort of a quagmire for us Asian countries !! Never ending arms race.

But the, this provides them ample capital to militarise and man - the moon, other planets ad space !!

In this context...
Recently... there was an article on ( Russia Times ) titled "Empire 2.0" that basically detailed that the UK is on an expansive military mode; that is observed AFTER several decades.

The UK has planned or already might have set up multiple military or naval bases at Singapore, Brunei, in Africa ( perhaps Gibuti ? or, Horn of Africa ? or, wherever ! )
Seems like the Brexit churn is militarily empowering the UK once again !!

What a contrarian happenstance... this ??

Who fits or fitted the bill ? That might be of an annual nature ?

Or, covertly paying or muscling up the UK to focus in this entire Indian Ocean and Pacific ocean  areas ?

What covert plans this might boil down to... over the oncoming decade ?

I think this looks palpable as these guys want us ASIAN countries to go on a MASSIVE naval or defense spending spree... to counter the PRC !!

This certainly looks like the juicy meat they surely aim to hanker after !!

Whilst the real underlying aims and agendas might be something really very very different !!

Perhaps, UK is apparently covertly muscled up by the vestiges of OR perhaps the ever-existing colonial ties emanating out of some hidden Common Wealth backbone / infrastructure / ties that covertly persist even to this day ?

That... must be considered.
Well... anything is possible !!


I think- I told in one of my previous posts as to how best to engage and basically bring down the edge ad advantage of the PRC, in every which ways.

I would expect that only right thinking people at the helm, might have done that.


9) The entire backdrop of Brexit process, DeMo, massive manipulations in the spiking of crypto-currencies based on demand flux, etc. might have been used to EXPAND the base of the GBP Pound Sterling and its' effective share pattern percentage amongst the other Reserve Currencies.

And, of course the underlying idea might have been to prop it as a solid / ever potent counter-weight to the Euro.

In fact, counter weight might be wrongful connotation.
The ruse might have been to make the GBP Pound Sterling valuation and total spread EQUAL that of EURO !!

In a rather friendly win-win fisticuff, at the global stage.
Intended result - from the same set of folks / folds of the Western world... we have the US Dollar, the GBP Sterling Pound and the Euro as equally competing ( yet allied at the core ) reserve currencies.

China came up with its' own currency and is struggling with expanding the usage of Yuan as a reserve currency !!

And, in India... our PM from the so-called nationalist party tells our youth of India... "Pakoda Talo !!" i.e. – Make and sell Pakodas.

Whilst he sure sells dreams... pipe-dreams; and the he is rumored to have sold... TEA.

Way to go... India !! ??

10) Btw... coursing through this blogger site... by one Mr VivekAnand Tiwari @ Bangalore...

or, perhaps this one URL -

One notes that there is an article that details that the USA is NOT a country... rather it is a giant Corporation.

And, the President of the USA might indeed be the President of the Corporation.

The owner of this Corporation is the King of England. Edward VIII ??

And, his descendants.

And, the King of England is authorized by a legal deed or document to OWN and administer the lands of Americas since 1608 AD, ON BEHALF OF the Vatican.

On behalf of the covert papal fiefdom... that now straddles the globe !!

I sure do believe VivekAnand Tiwari article as potentially true !!

Which he had sourced from some other blogger site.

(( SIX))

Please do make note of the valuation of British Pound Sterling versus the Indian Rupee, during the year 2016.

Just, preceding the Brexit vote in June, 2016. And... Later as well.
( The data can be cross verified from any currency converter website, having historical data set. )

Value of 1 British Pound Sterling, £ in Indian Rupees, INR...

1) January, 2016
97.7225 to 96.255

2) June, 2016
97.2631 to 90.6883

Difference or Fall =  INR 6.6  approx.

July, 2016
89.2385 to 88.5373

August, 2016
88.1022 to 87.7118

September, 2016
88.9836 to 86.5159

October, 2016
85.3774 to 81.5046

Note -
We do see that the British Pound Sterling fell from INR 97.2631 levels in June, 2016 to INR 81.5046 level at the end of October, 2016.

A difference of INR 15.7585 within five months flat.

If that trend had continued then, the British Pound Sterling would have lost in the month of  November and December, 2016 as well.
And, later also in the year 2017... that trend surely should have exceeded !!

This might have been predictable ...and highly likely.

And, later as well the British Pound Sterling would have substantially lost value as -

A) investors would have lost faith in the currency and the economy of UK,

B) there would have been lessening or slackening of the demand for the British Pound Sterling in inter country and international trade and currency transactions.

That means domestic capital demand would have slackened, owing to UK economy worries and slowdown.

As also, international demand for the GBP Pound Sterling as a currency would have massively fallen down.

C) Anxiety, worries and uncertainty wrt the entire Brexit process.
etc. etc.

3) Now, notice the British Pound Sterling REBOUNDS inexplicably during the month of November, 2016.

Why so ?

November, 2016
INR 81.5167 to 85.6377

Now, cut to November, 2016 -
( PM Modi announced Notebandi on 08th November, 2016 ) ...
...and we see that the downward spiral of the British Sterling Pound is arrested.

And, there is a spike up in its valuation against all the major world currencies.

Here we see the case versus the Indian Rupee.

This establishes there is some sort of inter-linking between the demonetisation and the valuation of GBP Pound Sterling. This remains undeniably so.

This clearly shows that notebandi or demonetization MUST have created a strong demand for the international currencies ( apart from the demand for crypto-currencies at a later stage ) in the 
domestic INDIAN market.

As well as international market / arena.

And, this probable spike in demand for the British Pound Sterling and other such major currencies needs to be properly quantified ad thoroughly INVESTIGATED !!

Which demand might have lasted at least 4-8 months, at least.

Question is -
Did demonetization provide a lease of life to the UK economy and the British Pound Sterling as a viable reserve currency ?

Else, the UK economy could have actually TANKED !!

Did demonetization help the UK economy ?
- by propping up the demand of the British Pound Sterling in the UK's international ( read, based in India ) and/ or the domestic ( from India : by money launderers and hawala transactions; as well as in UK by the frequent flier resident PIOs, NRIs in UK and/ or EU flying to-fro to India during the demonetisation...first six months phase ? ) market ?

In any which ways ?

Someone ought to be seeking those data, stats, quantification and proper analysis of this vital subject matter.

4) December, 2016
INR 86.2903 to 83.482

Data is taken from this URL -

Brexit and foreign currency spike in demand.

Especially, the declining fortunes of the GBP Pound Sterling £ valuation stagnating and stabilizing.

And, rising once again.
During and after notebandi - hike or decline in demand ( in favor of the GBP Pound Sterling ) for USD $ and Euro € and other currencies must also be considered; and thoroughly investigated.

(( SEVEN ))

There was this exorbitant run up in the prices of all the crypto currencies, especially BITCOIN, RIPPLE, ETHEREUM, etc.
Bitcoin went from around $ 300 - $ 600 levels between first quarter of 2016 ( January-March, 2016 ) to $ 20,000 ( twenty thousand ) levels around December, 2017.

Between the start of 2016 ( as part of the "ACCUMULATION" stage wherein some set of people might have massively purchased and sat on this ad other such cryptocurrencies ) and the final start of decline during NOV-DEC, 2017...

Nearly, a run up or flare up by 30-50 times !! And... NO LESS !!

Why ?

Can anyone explain this, against the backdrop and aftermath of notebandi or demonetization ?

Also, add in the effects of Brexit ?

Obviously, FEW HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS might have been MADE by people holding cryptocurrencies.

There was mammoth DEMAND created, by lack of liquidity of the Indian currency in the Indian domestic market !!

Again, huge wealth could have been siphoned off from the country and the international wealth pool - 
- using crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, etc. to the hands of AT MOST a FEW HUNDRED PLAYERS.

As if taking cues from the murmurs or soft objections from the Indian Govt. ( specifically the FM Arun Jaitley or the Finance Ministry ? ) and/ or the RBI raising eyebrows, etc. the enormous run up of the crypto currencies subsides within a fortnight and at most a month !!

This is indeed correct !!

This indeed establishes that the demand for the cryptocurrencies certainly originated from the Indian domestic market.

Period !!

Question is -
Who investigates and quantifies this MASSIVE wealth exodus from the country ?

Would NOT and NEVER expect either any of - BJP or Congress to properly order and bring the light on this entire episode.

Making the point plain, clear and simple.
Which requires a most thorough investigation.

(( EIGHT ))

Analysis & the deduced Conclusion -
Demonetizations caused severe damage to the Indian economy.


My take -
Demonetization potentially cut the underbelly of the Indian economy.

Based on the certain "ripple effect" quantifications and stats one may say that demonetization did had a NEGATIVE overall impact on the entirety of the Indian economy.

The impact perceivably was tantamount to... a negative GDP growth.

Eg.- if the Indian GDP was say USD 5 trillions, circa 2016.
Then, there is an impact of USD $ 500 BILLIONS or more, then and there itself. And... no less.

Within a year of the DeMo process. And, no less. In fact, the Nett impact might reach an astronomical figure... much beyond this conjecture.

This is the overall cost to the Indian economy that we accumulatively lost upfront, at that instance of time.

Just like a stone we throw in stagnant water... creates outgoing ripples... that hits the shores and then travel back to hit at the source of that ripple.

My take
- greater than 10 % negative impact on the economy perceivable... that goes back to hit at the 2016 baseline stats and piles up there only rather than spreading the losses over the years !!

If we are to add up year to year negative cumulative impact on this front.


And, no sooner did the then RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan ( His term at RBI : from September, 2013 to September, 2016 ) complete his term... then Urjit Patel ( who served the Ambanis and their company the Reliance Industries Ltd, RIL for 11-13 years... ) was appointed the RBI governor almost immediately.

That was... near the end of September, 2016 !!

We see that these guys rushed through... very fast... after the appointment of Urjit Patel... to unleash demonetization... that included printing of fresh currency notes, etc... and within NO 
GREATER THAN FORTY DAYS...these people declare demonetization !!

Why so... ?

Why... this hurry ??

Was that to please Donald Trump or the American deep state who put Trump there ?

The cabal's signature  09/11 of 2016 is indeed there !!

And, now there are some talks of demonetization having been implemented even when the RBI board had clearly objected to the same.

Especially so... when there was hardly enough supply of fresh currency notes.

For... they had to be freshly printed.
If the currency notes had been printed in good numbers, then the economy would certainly NOT have been that drastically hit.
There would have been minimal impact... that would have gone towards the cost of printing fresh currency notes, etc.

But, we do see that this entire demonetization rollout and play exceeded more than the 3-6 months time frame.

Question arises-
Why would there be a need to unleash demonetization... without the substantive number of notes that were necessary to be printed, having been actually printed and already transported to the vaults of the banking system ?

Why create a strong or MASSIVE DEMAND for alternate / alternative currencies ??

What could be the root cause for taking such a drastic decision ?

Again, this QUESTION arises -
Why no one talks of the INR 8-9 lakhs crores NPA that were sitting in the banking sector ?

What happened to those explosive bad loans that became toxic NPAs ?

(( NINE ))


Can anyone tell this...
1) Starting  with the ex defense minister Manohar Parrikar ( a GSB brahmin ) who is reportedly having pancreatic cancer... yet he is still comfortably occupying the chairs/ offices of the CM of the state of Goa.

Still he finds time to flit to and fro to the US, on health checkup, treatment, etc. pretext ?

For an ex-defense minister... I see this as sort of extremely puzzling and worrisome.

Bottomline Question -
Either he is seriously diseased... then he ought to quit his post as the Goa CM and rest and relax and recover from the deadly disease.

Please do note -
Steve Jobs, Apple Chief had pancreatic cancer and even with the best of care and medical treatment he could not survive or be saved.

Point alluded here upfront is -
Manohar Parrikar must relinquish the post rather than keep hanging on to it.

It seems like -
The RSS top honchos might be suspecting or fearing that some Goa based Bhandari stalwart might usurp the CM post /position. So... better to keep it.

Again... one also gets this impression and thought force that is he faking the disease ?

Now... why must he do so ?

What might be the underlying... intent, motive, motivations ?
Perhaps... to frequently fly to the USA on the pretext of medical treatment is the answer that throws up. 


That throws...
the 2+2 stuff... and advanced planning on the "juicy and meaty" Indo-Pacific stuff ??

Who knows... the base reality ??

I, but... conjectured... thus !!

Btw, the US deep state's / war machinery's desire to inflate the national debt in a break-neck manner.

Something like from USD $ 21 or 22 TRILLIONS levels to USD 42 TRILLIONS level... i.e. an escalation of something around USD $ 21 TRILLIONS over a period of 10-12 years time frame mandates an arms race in the Asian sphere.

And hence... this "Indo-Pacific" and the Quad stuff has sort of come up !!... is a recurring thought.

Again, the massive debt is intended to massively fuel the militarization of space, moon other planets.

Sort of creating ultra advanced military bases and massive human colonies on these planets.

And then... I do recall that specific article on the internet that portrays the experiences of the grand-daugther of the US ex-President Dwith D. EisenHower !!

Indians... especially the "non-smarties" MUST search... visit and read that same stuff... and the implications thereof.

i.e. What the smarties have in mind.

2) ex-defense minister and current Finance Minister ( FM ) rolled in one... ( yet another GSB brahmin ) Arun Jaitley had had kidney transplants some time back.

And, even then he is able to function quite well as the FM !!
What robust health, indeed, he surely must be having !!

And... you see this personality also uses the same as a pretext for frequent flying to the US and London, UK and perhaps Davos... and...

You see...
our lawyer from the RSS folds... Arun Jaitley was so much considerate for Vodafone, UK that he fought for them the INR 14,200/- crores tax liability ( this has ballooned to INR 22,000 crores with interest, as of today ) AGAINST the Indian government. This was during the UPA period.

In effect... he fought FOR a British telecommunications company... AGAINST the Indian government ( that is representative of the Indian interests and the Indian people ) to harm the interests of the
Indian state !!

Someone ought to ask him... where his true allegiance lies ?
Or, with the BJP ? or, with the RSS ?

Whither... ??

3) The Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj ( yet another brahmin ) did also reportedly  had kidney ransplants.

Not sure... if she is also jet setting to the US, UK, etc. locations.
Would not be surprised, if that were indeed the case.

a) Why only heavyweight brahmin ministers are having serious health problem ?

What is the catch ? What is going on ?

Are, they faking it... is the moot question that confronts.

And...  then these guys are found flitting to-fro to the USA.

Our country medicos not good enough ?

Our country's Air and water not good enough ?
Or, what ?

Still... they latch on to their respective positions. Instead of taking break and resting.

b) If BJP does not have suitable and well qualified replacements for such seriously ailing ministers... it is best for BJP to disband as a political entity... rather than seek another term in the oncoming 2019 elections !!

Stating this... plain and clear and upfront !!

These guys are certainly NOT at all good for being in the helm of affairs of running the country... is the impression anyone gets... especially so for 2019  onwards.

And... this sounds rather true.

I suppose... your time might be actually DONE !!

There is NO dearth of talented people and personalities in this country, who can do much better in case ever given a chance.

And... you people had a fabulous chance that you FACTUALLY BLEW UP !!

Such set of people MUST never be given another mandate. NEVER again... in the oncoming decades !!

I state thus... because in retrospect I feel I made a mistake in supporting you people.

Going out of the way while doing so... that I had NIL intention of ever doing.

Because I have always stayed off the political grid / beasts.
Got nothing doing with them folks, thus far !!

But then... they used me as canon fodder !!

(( TEN ))

I had first disclosed part of this article via some limited social media... in the last week of Nov, 2018.

Since, the police and intelligence agencies sure do track myself and my every move.

So... they might have reported... upwards... !!

Within a fortnight, I observe that Mr Urjit Patel, the RBI Governor EASES himself out of his position at RBI.

He resigns, way... all too sudden.

I suggest that that my bare basics post, in part, might have caused extensive rethink among some top honchos or stall warts.

Some close knit clique... perhaps.

From BJP, RSS think-tank combo ? Or, from wherever ?

Which might have forced him to eject out... before it was time... !!

(( ELEVEN ))

The way the demonetization was announced.

With the Chiefs of all the three wings of the Armed Forces - the Army, the Navy and the Air Force summarily being summoned at the joint meeting with the Government CCS representatives.

And...this was widely reported in the media / press.

That... sort of gave the impression that this was actually a national security situation.

Perhaps an emergency like situation.

That warranted such an extreme action / step.

My own limited understanding tells me that the NSA Ajit Doval must have been instrumental in effecting this decision.

After all he happens to be the NSA stalwart.

Again, he reports to PM Modi or perhaps to the home minister Rajnath Singh.

But then, since this was an economic decision with potential serious law and order issues escalating forth and potentially widespread chaos around the country... one may safely deduce that the following people did had a major say in this massive decision -
Primarily... the Cabinet Committee on Security ( the CCS ).
Now since the CCS is having these people -

a) Chaired by the PM - Narendra Damodar Modi ( Modh Ghanchi Vaishya, a pseudo OBC );

perhaps the NSA Ajit Doval  ( Brahmin ) as a MOST ABLE implanted adjutant.

b) Home Minister - Rajnath Singh ( Rajput )

c) Finance Minister - Arun Jaitley ( Brahmin )

d) Defence Minister - Manohar Parrikar  ( Brahmin )

e) Foreign Minister - Sushma Swaraj  ( Brahmin )

These are the people who are responsible and accountable for the Demonetization drive.

Primarily, the brahmin-rajput folks at the helm of the governance/ government vetted it.

If we have to leave out PM Modi, for the moment.

Who was perhaps... sort of told to announce the demonetization, and play to the masses.

And, of course the RSS as an organization and RSS Chief stand answerable and accountable.

Not to forget - the three Chiefs of the three wings of the Indian military apparatus.

That means that either they might NOT have the requisite vision to object... or were just meekly following orders and staying in an alert mode ?

Would NOT conjecture on these folks, in uniform.

You see... they are supposedly sacrosanct.

(( TWELVE ))

West Bengal CM had taken the correct vociferous stand in strongly condemning and denouncing the demonetization unleashed by the central government.

Apart from the massive hit at the economic activities, owing to near depletion of liquid / fluid / buoyant capital in the markets / economy... throughout the entire length and breadth of the 
country... there was this dire distress / possibility of crop cycles going awry / wrong.

Resulting in serious agrarian distress... and potential agrarian crisis, going forward. That was sure to hit the state and country's economy.

The ripple effects of the same might still be felt, nearly 27 months after the demonetization drive by the central NDA-2 government.

Since the farmers had no cash remaining with them to pay for -
a) the seeds
b) insecticides and pesticides,
c) fertilizers,
d) perhaps the daily wage earning farm labor ( there was no cash to pay for them )

again... the potato season in West Bengal had a real chance of being totally spoiled for the farmers.

And, in retrospect, one can state this without any iota of doubt that the crop yield / production  DID indeed take a direct hit.

Resulting in losses or minimalist gains, at best, for the peasants.

The West Bengal CM Mamta Bannerjee's rightful posturing saw the Modi government alarmed.

That might explain that the posting of the Army personnel at the toll gates, all around the state highways of West Bengal took place... when the tempers around the entire country were running high.

This was a sort of pressure tactics unleashed on the West Bengal Government to sort of... buckle down...

This was rightly protested by the WB CM Mamta Bannerjee.
Then, there were reports of the military personnel resorting to illicit collection of toll tax, and filling their own pockets.

And, reportedly, in a way sort of creating some sort of ruckus and obstruction in the free flow of traffic within the state highway network.

This seemed palpable and potentially likely that a military takeover might take place in the state of West Bengal, at the instance of the central government.

Were the Army Officers partaking in this entire episode were certainly following the orders of their Army Chief, sitting at New Delhi ?

Perhaps so !!

Now... who advised or told the Army Chief to enforce rules... thus... in the state of West Bengal ??

Was it either of Ajit Doval ?

Or, was it the Vodafone's ( UK ) hire at one time - lawyer turned 
failed politician ( for he lost the electoral hustings... at Amritsar ) Arun Jaitley ?

Or, did the order came from the RSS headquarters at Nagpur, ...and thus advised Ajit Doval ?

Or, was there a super pool of people monitoring the entire situation, round the clock, around the entirety of the country ?

This Demonetization requires a thorough investigation.

For... this is certainly smacking of potentially... something... of the gravest order.


If I recall correctly... then on the 3rd of December, 2016 I had written out on my / this same blog post... calling for the ailing Tamil Nadu CM Selvi J Jayalalitha ( She might have been the best PM of India... perhaps after the late PV Narasimha Rao ) to lend her support to the West Bengal CM Mamta Bannerjee... in denouncing the demonetization announced by the NDA-2 government headed by PM Modi. Actually... both of them to team together in opposig the demonetization.

Alas... apparently someone surely wanted to thwart her overtly denouncing the demonetization drive enforced by the NDA-2 government.

For... on the 5th of December, 2016 the nation comes to know that Selvi J Jayalalitha had passed away owing to a sudden cardiac arrest or some other health complications !!

I NEVER EVER believed this story.

I DO BELIEVE and hereby do suspect and state this without any iota of doubt that she might have been "cleanly" done away with or terminated !!

The moot idea could be... even a recorded and televised opposition to the demonetization ( from her hospital bed ) would have certainly turned the entire Tamil Nadu people... perhaps the entirety or majority of the people of the South Indian states against this demonetization drive unleashed by the NDA-2 government.

Anyways, the Kerala CM and the Kerala Finance minister were anyways opposed to the demonetization drive.

Obviously... some extremely powerful group was potentially behind her inexplicable premature death... is a deduction one may surely draw.

Then... we had a British doctor Dr Richard Beale, from London, UK monitoring the health of Selvi J Jayalalitha.

See the contextual convergences !! This ain't a mere chance.

Dr Richard Beale, from London, UK... from the same land of Tom, Dick or Harry !!

What was he doing here ?
What business he had ?
Who, actually appointed him to look after the health and well being of Selvi J Jayalalitha ( while she was supposedly recuperating at the Appollo Hospitals ?? ) giving out his own narrative on her death !!

Why... a UK based doctor ??

Who believes this ?


By the way... connect the thread or dots please...

One British or Angrez doctor...

...the ongoing Brexit process...

...the covert massive influx of slush capital that might have gone on to prop the GBP Pound Sterling... and strengthened the UK economy

...the unleashed massive explosion in the valuation of almost a wide range of crypto currencies, starting with BITCOIN, RIPPLE, ETHEREUM...

( tantamount to value creation out of thin air and effectively vacuuming out NO LESS than USD Dollar 400-700 BILLIONS from the global flow of wealth !! Note this. )

Couple of years back, I was browsing the internet as to how come the late Rajiv Dixit might have been "taken out" by his one too many enemies ??

For he too, suffered a cardiac arrest and was reportedly dead because of that.

But his entire body had taken a bluish or blackish hue... suggestive of foul play. Some sort of toxic substance might have been used on him... is a thought that repeats.

That time... I chanced on a certain plant that is found predominantly in western Europe the extracts of which if given to an intended target...  the target suffers a fatal cardiac arrest.

The only point worth noticing here is that - no post mortem can ever establish that there was ever a foul play.

Meaning that a post mortem may NOT detect the traces of that plant extract.

So... even though a proven murder... the same cannot be established clinically, scientifically, forensically, medically, etc.

The point here... that might be implicit !!


In Nepal, specially the Terai regions... the Indian currency has been in free usage since time immemorial.

Nepal recently imposed restrictions in the usage of Indian currency above the denomination of INR  100/-

That means INR 500/ -and INR 2000/- are no longer to be deemed as legal tender in the state of Nepal !!

The reason being... Nepal Government is reportedly holding undisclosed amounts ( some say, upwards of INR 8,000 crores ) in the high value Indian currency notes that were demonetized by the Indian government.

And, the report says that they are stuck with that same money as the Indian government is NOT exchanging the same with the current legal tender.

That is effectively junking THAT MUCH huge amount of money that is lying with the Nepal government, on behalf of the Nepalese people.

Logically, one may expect that this contentious issue might damage the mutual relations between us two neighboring countries.

And... as a result PRC may take advantage in forging closer ties with the landlocked state of Nepal ?


But, then, there is ANOTHER SIDE to this entire story...

Lots of these useless high valued demonetized currency notes that are still lying in India and are freshly discovered/ uncovered by the day... are being reportedly channelized through a covert network, to Nepal.

And, deposited there.

And... one of these days...the Indian government MUST have to take in all this Indian currency lying with the central bank or the government of Nepal !!

There is NO way out. This MUST happen.

Else, there may be other ways to make good the effective loss, on this count.

Why does the Indian government not do this upfront ? Why is the India NDA-2 government delaying this possibly necessary action ?

Either they do this or perhaps some future Indian government must have to act on this contentious issue later !!

What is the catch ? Where is the catch ?

This throws yet another question - who owns or manages this covert network in India that is collecting and funneling all these worthless/ demonetized  high value currency notes to Nepal ?
And, what is the sort of money these guys might make out of this entire collective effort ?

This smacks of a colossal scam !!

Recently it came in news that someone was caught in Nepal with around INR 23 lakh of these high value worthless demonetized currency notes... while in the process of smuggling the same from India to Nepal !!


The entire context / episode / story seems apparently shady like this...

Two set of guys set up a meeting.

What might have transpired... follows -


NO. 2 : 10,000 diRhAMs !!

NO. 1 : OK !! BUT THEN... 5,000 diRhAMs... MINE !! AND, 5,000 diRhAMs... YOURS !!


NO. 1 : Right O !!





...What a waste of such a massive mandate !!

That might have continued... for a while !! But... may not or MUST NOT !!

The ongoing sloganeering / narrative sounds ever so more HOLLOW now !!


There was a report that said that lakhs of crores were deposited in the banking system, exceeding the total number of currency notes that were ever printed and were supposed to be in circulation.

Surely... these might be or might NOT have been fake currencies.
The question is who printed these currency notes ??

And... why ?
This is the flipside of the story...  wherein the GRAPEVINE was that some legitimate looking currency were ILLEGALLY printed in clear case of DUPLICATIONS ( same numbers, serial numbers, lots, etc. )... and had entered the banking system and the economy.
Probably what rumor mongering went was... this was illicitly printed and put into circulation by closely colluding corrupt officials, entrenched politicians, workers at the mint / currency printing presses - Whether in India or abroad, remains the moot question ?

And... this was one of the targets of the demonetization drive.
But then... how this may be quantified ??

Would not agree with this topic. Yet mentioning this grapevine, here.


Looking at this potential duplications of a genuinely printed currency lot... ...that is the reason I had suggested putting of -
- QR codes,
- barcode scans,
- micro-dot sized micro-chips, etc.

...on each and every legitimately printed Indian currency notes.

This makes counterfeiting all the more cumbersome and difficult... for these machine readable / scan-able and identifiable currency notes !!

This might serve as a tabulASSion effort for the banking system, to take stock, of the entire float of the currency notes going round at any point of time, or in a specific geographic or financial 
hub / region.


We take the specific case of some datum from the historical valuations of this crypto currency -  Bitcoin.

During the year 2015 : -

01-Jan-2015 : $ 217.4
01-Jun-2015 : $ 262.9
01-Oct-2015 : $ 316.0
01-Dec-2015 : $ 429.0

Almost DOUBLED during this year 2015.

During the year 2016 : -

01-Jan-2016 : $ 365.5
01-Jun-2016 : $ 674.7
01-Oct-2016 : $ 704.1
01-Dec-2016 : $ 966.6

Almost TREBLED during this year 2016.

During the year 2017 : -

01-Jan-2017 : $ 966.2
01-Apr-2017 : $ 1435.2
01-Jun-2017 : $ 2420.7
01-Aug-2017 : $ 4718.2
01-Oct-2017 : $ 6458.3
01-Nov-2017 : $ 9907.0

Eventually, during the month of late November or December of 2017 the level reached was almost USD $ 20,000 !!

Bitcoin valuation almost SHOT UP TO TWENTY TWO times the valuation at the beginning of the year, in the year 2017.

Who knows...
The months and years preceding the Demonetization announced on 08-NOV-2016 could have been the ACCUMULATION or vesting period.

Wherein, lots of people bought and possibly held the crypto currency.

And, as the valuation started picking up onwards... the holders might have started selling the same to book enormous profits.

Say... out of the total 16 or 17 million bitcoins mined so far... supposing that on an average...  some large set of people purchased 5 to 8 million of the BITCOINS and sat over them.

Later, they sell the same when the price rockets quite high around US $ 10,000 / $ 15,000 or $ 20,000 .

Then an effective gain of the order of at-least US $ 500 to 19,000 may be assumed on every bitcoin sold !!


If we take an average profit of US $ 5,000 per Bitcoin sold... then the effective net profit made by a collective group of people could be =
a) 5 million X US $ 5,000 = US $ 25 Billions
b) 5 million X US $ 8,000 = US $ 40 Billions

That might be quite some amount.

Now, if the average nett profit were US $ 10,000; then we may double the TAKEAWAY.

i.e. ranging from US $ 50 Billions to US $ 80 Billions.

Whilst, a seasoned set of traders ( sort of... acting in unison or concert ) and having a deep inherent underlying knowledge of where the demand-supply emanates from...  and as such the valuations could be heading for...

...might have very well made no less than several times this baseline numbers... that could possibly run into couple of HUNDRED BILLIONS of US Dollars, at least.

Something of the order of nearly US $ 300-400 Billions !!
And, that possibility could be highly possible.


No sooner had I written concisely on this same issue on a limited social media around the last week of November, 2018... then I observed this -

1) The then RBI Governor Urjit Patel quit his position within around 15 days, I had  raised this issue.

2) RSS supremo made a visit to a few districts of Jharkhand, around the start of Dec, 2018... the idea was said to be a religious visit at the Jyotirlinga at Dev-ghar.

He made a few stopovers... at one or two places !!

I noted that in media.

Then, within a few days only ( at best, 2-3 days )... there was a new senior IPS officer posted at my location.

Now, the Jharkhand DGP is brahmin.

And, RSS Chief has ensured two senior IPS officers at my location are brahmins, too !!

Perhaps reporting directly to him ??

Something ought to be cooking. What is the catch ??

What made the RSS supremo hasten to make or direct some critical changes, as thus ?

What might be cooking ? What plans they may have ?


Art of the Deal... reminds of Trump.

...Deal of the Century... reminds me of someone else ( Who ? )

...these are the words assailing my mental frame... since quite some time.

(( TWENTY ))

These following people owe the people of this country a proper and most thorough explanation ( lest there might be an investigation by a non-BJP as well as a non-Congress third front government in the future; made up of regional parties. If this does NOT happen in 2019 then the same will happen for sure after the 2024 elections... or even earlier to that )  -

1) The RSS Chief and the top leaders in his organization - the RSS.
2) Ajit Doval.
3) Arun Jaitley.
4) Manohar Parrikar

( If he cannot properly air his views, owing to health issues then for what purpose is he still remaining sitting as Goa's CM ? What justice, if at all, is he doing to the people of Goa in serving them ? )

5) Rajnath Singh ( He may be excused for the moment to put forth or share his views. )


This post is NOTHING against the current government... rather it is meant for the consumption of those set of people... WE THE PEOPLE... have propelled by voting... to the seat of power in 2014.

BJP, RSS may possibly act against me.

But then, that might indeed prove that -

"Dal men Kaala nahin Hai !! Yahan to POORI DAL HI KAALI hai !!"

Btw the Congress stall warts MUST NOT feel elated or excited over this post.

My position wrt them remains the same as was in 2014 !!

I is time for the regional parties to group upon some common minimum program and get at the seats of power of running the country as a massive coalition.

Because, prima facie...
even with a JUMBO mandate... the NDA-2 has apparently failed on almost all the counts ( jobs, economy, make in India, etc. )

And, they potentially failed when they hastily implemented the demonetization drive.

Please prove me - my thoughts and reasoning as wrong !! I might relent.

Thanks !!

< EndOfPost >

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