Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Outlook... Going Forward

Outlook... Going Forward

Please take note of the following critical facts... that tells of the deep thinking/ strategies/  motivations/ designs, etc. of those folks who would have set me up.


As we approach the run upto the Lok Sabha polls, 2019.

Almost all the major and minor political parties have done their pre-polls alliance. Almost, the seat sharing and finalizing on each and every seat is in the last stages of the political parties / stalwarts.

That means that major parties like the INC and BJP might have decided and finalized on the list of their candidates for majority of the constituencies around the entire country.

The parties might have their own set of agenda/ plank on which they are going to contest the elections.

Whilst doing so... in the process they have no reason to shove me in the public domain. These guys don't want that. Never want that.

Lest that creates some sort of unwanted or veiled threat of any sorts for them, in any which ways.


The date 20th February, 2019 is critical for the BJP state Government of Jharkhand.

Today the speaker of the state legislative assembly, Mr Dinesh Oraon is going to hear or perhaps might give verdict on the FOUR year old ongoing case as regards the legality of the SIX legislators 
who all crossed over from Jharkhand Vikas Morcha ( JVM ), headed by ex-CM Babulal Marandi to join the BJP government. That enabled BJP to form the government in the state of Jharkhand.

I understand, at least three or four of them JVM absconding MLAs are heavyweight ministers.  

Now, the speaker Dinesh Oraon is from BJP party and there is this view that this entire hearing or the legal process/ procedure has been unduly prolonged with certain clear cut motive, objective.

I believe that the timing of the final decision could be NOW... i.e. today.

There is 100 % chance that the speaker might render the cross-over of the six JVM legislators to BJP, as of ILLEGAL nature. This might disqualify them legislators as legit MLAs.

And, there are chances that this might be a ruse for the Jharkhand BJP government to be "self toppled". And, thereby necessitating either President's rule and subsequently there might be fresh 
polls required to be held, in the state of Jharkhand.

So, instead of the scheduled November-December, 2019 state legislative assembly poll ( at the completion of the five year term ) the election might be pre-poned, by clear cut ruse/ design, to  coincide with the Lok Sabha polls.

Chances are... this might certainly happen... going forward.

Question to ask is -
Why would the BJP/ RSS top strategists want to give up on the nearly NINE months of their remaining rule ( till December, 2019 ) to go in for fresh polls in the state of Jharkhand ?

Say... by April or May, 2019 to coincide with the Lok Sabha polls ?

What is the catch ? What might be the core strategy / thinking ??

ANSWERS, might be -

1) The top BJP/ RSS strategists might have preemptively perceived that there might be potential advantage to be gained during the oncoming LS polls owing to the general public sentiment.

But then... how ?

The thought that crosses the mind is... owing to some geo-political moves/ gains/ accruals that might be in the offing. Perhaps, causative or originating as a response out of the Pulwama 
tragedy... is an answer that pops out of nowhere.

There are possibilities that the central BJP government might have an ace up their sleeve... a media hyped winner of sorts... as far as the BJP central Govt. policy actualization goes wrt the Pulwama tragedy and/ or the Kashmir problem.

Whatever they might do... could be a populist measure keeping in view their electoral prospects for LS polls, 2019... playing to the masses !! That's it !!

As we have seen in the case of Uri and the surgical strike.

2) There are possibilities that once the seat sharing is finally over these diverse political party ( joined at the hips ) stalwarts might try putting me in the public domain... the motives and motivations will be all theirs. That's the reason they are delaying putting the spotlight on me, lest it harms their political ambitions/ aims/ objectives, etc. in any which ways.

But then... they might want me to play to the masses.


I see that the NSA Ajit Doval is scheduled to visit my place tomorrow, on some pretext.

This person lacks in moral character and accountability for the tragedy for the Pulwama massacre. 
If that were so... he should have quit his position as the NSA owing to dereliction of duty tantamount to criminal negligence on his part.

Again... it is his failure as also the failure of the home ministry for the muscular policy they have unleashed in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. That has whole scale alienated the local populace.

I see that has simply been done for... clear cut political motives and motivations.

I sense that this enabled them to put heat on my kinsmen/ caste men in the state of Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

In the state of Jharkhand... one may easily make out that my relative MLAs have been wickedly used and then marginalized by certain people belonging to potentially certain specific dominant castes, that owe allegiance to the ruling party; at the same time they are also pretty well entrenched in other parties, as well.

This is a big win for the same political strategists.

The psychological implications are immense. I repeat IMMENSE. They have sort of routed us at the mental, psychological plane. Sort of... mentally subdued the entire set of people/ caste group.


Whilst... there also remains this possibility that I might raise rather ticklish, sharp questions that they must cumulatively suppress by what-so-ever means possible.

And... sure, they will.

But then... raising such questions and once my kinsmen come to know the dire situation we people are exposed to ( they certainly will come to know by October of 2019 )... then the political  outlook / chances of quite many of the smarties might bite the dust.

There are chances that them smarties might be routed at the hustings. For sure.

There are these chances that the public sentiment might seek some basic political changes. So that politically weaker set of people get better representation.

And... this is something that the smarties do not want to happen. This might spell the endgame for them.

That might EXACTLY explain the potential preponing of the Jharkhand state legislative assembly elections.


A) Gravity of the matter can be made out from the fact that even after nearly FIVE years... none of my family members are aware as to how their overall privacy has seen the most serious / heinous breach by the state and/ or central intelligence agencies.

This tells that we as a community remain as... sort of a sitting duck for the endless shenanigans and games of the others.
Why... that must be so ??

B) We note that there are at best FIVE pretty strong lobbies in the state of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand.

And they are - SC/ST, brahmin, rajput, bhumihar and kayastha lobbies.

Again, in the states Madhya Pradesh, Chhatisgarh, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan, etc. there are THREE very dominant lobbies; viz. - brahmin, rajput and SC/ST.

There have been several instances of (c)overt tie-ups between them.

Off and on... for special, specific motives and motivations.

There is NO OBC lobby.

Avarna hindu OBC groups account for nearly 54 % and above of the entirety of the population of India.

C) One must note that BSP supremo Mayavati is representative of the SC/ST's ( mainly dominated by Jatavs in her party the BSP ) and then there is the Brahmin lobby by covert hand duly represented by Satish Chandra Mishra.

Of course, there is this hook on BSP supremo as regards the Tajmahal issue. Few set of people in the police, judiciary might have a hidden ace up their sleeve acting as a hidden hook as regards
managing the BSP supremo goes. Something akin to controlled opposition ??

D) Same is seen in the case of Akhilesh Yadav of SP. Seems like rajputs have lot of influence in the SP fiefdom.

Starting with the influence of Amar Singh and Dimple Singh, etc.

E) As regards RJD... the only person to be able to suitably challenge PM Modi and BJP/ RSS has always been the ex CM Laloo Prasad Yadav.

Incidentally, he is kept behind bars on the charges of "Chara Ghotala" or the Fodder Scam.

Interesting to note that the BJP central minister Giriraj Singh ( who is an upper caste bhumihar ) relative perhaps his co-brother happened to be the special CBI judge who pronounced the jail term
to Laloo Prasad Yadav, and sent him to imprisonment.

Apparently... cut to today, Laloo Yadav is languishing in the Ranchi prison. And, instead of being heavily involved in the party politicking and preparing the ground to ouster PM Modi; he has been made to be out of the entire picture.

Quite possibly... he could be easily compromised while he is in confinement.

Finding mutually agreeable terms to find the least gain with those who might have conspired to put him there, in the first place.

So... he might at best be presented forth at the last minute... as a controlled opposition.

I sese that the section of these five lobbies might have reached a covert agreement / consensus in playing around with their political/ social aims and objectives. This looks like plain and clear.


After the demonetization posts on the 6th and the 14th of this month... I probably stand out as a REAL whistle blower... NOW !!

And, the Indian state MUST ensure my protection and well being as well as that of my family members.

Again... I hereby declare...

if by any chance I or any of my family members are harmed in any which ways.

Per my belief and suspicion -
The same must be construed as coming from any or a combinations of these set of people in the following order, as of today -

1) Mohan Bhagwat ( the RSS supremo ),

2) Rajnath Singh ( the Home minister ),

3) Ajit Doval    ( the current NSA ),

4) Prashant Kishore ( the master political strategist of the BJP, RSS ).

I see them as a combination of those people cutting across political party affiliations and belonging to the specific caste group of : brahmin + rajput + bhumihar. From around the country.

The Home Minister/ Ministry and the NSA MUST ensure the safety and well being of myself and my family members.

Putting plain and clear.

I suspect that there might be a stage managed attempt to eliminate/ silence me at this or a future stage.

Because I sense that I may no longer serve the purpose of those who have actually set me up, in any which ways, in the first place.

Fact is - I could be toxic to them, in all due probability.

Secondly, if the Jharkhand assembly is dissolved in the near future then my relative MLAs utility is as good as over for them !!

They can always give the ticket to someone else and get a new set of legislators.


Few days back there was perhaps a stage managed game played out at the top levels or helm of the CBI.

Why I suggest stage managed ?

Well... I have this repetitive feeling that those top officers who could have been have involved in any which ways in UTILIZING me and my relative MLAs for political objectives of BJP/ RSS... have sort of eased themselves out of their top notch slots, by whatever ruse.

So that the focus and accountability does not reach them, at this stage.

This potentially looks like an entirely stage managed plot.

Why I suggest so is - till date no law enforcement agencies ever approached me.

But then, few days back I received a call while sleeping around 01:20 AM.

I picked up the call. No one spoke from the other end. This lasted for 15 seconds. Then I hung up.

The next day, on TrueCaller I checked that the number is registered as "CBI Inspector, New Delhi"

How base these set of people are going to be ?

This is really way too pathetic.

Catch hold of Sneh Chandel... who knows… his connections might certainly covertly reach till Rajnath Singh and Ajit Doval. Who knows - even Mohan Bhagwat and RSS ??

Who knows - even Prashant Kishore too ?? These are the thoughts that confront me.


Looking at quite a few of these situations and scenarios, if in the case that -

1) Jharkhand assembly polls are pre-poned to coincide with the LS polls,

2) If I or any of my family members are harmed in any which ways.

3) Even if both these things do not happen... in the near future.

Since the potential collusion of the people belonging to certain well defined lobbies predominate the security agencies /intelligence services at the state and/ or central level.

And, these people have been watching me and keeping and storing videos of all the facets of my live as also that of my family members.

More specifically even the female members of the entire family.

I make a sincere appeal/request to all the Kalchuri Kalars, Kalwars and Kalwars alos the hindu avarna OBC groups to consider the manifesto of the RJD supremo -

"The hindu avarna OBCs MUST get total reservation and political representation, as per their actual population numbers. Percentage wise."

They MUST fight for the same and ensure it.

The key point is - if SC/ STs are getting the same since the last 80-90 years then why NOT the hindu avarna OBCs ? As, RJD leader Tejashvi Yadav has been holding out !!

This makes best sense.

Let the 2019 polls be all about SOCIAL JUSTICE !!

I hope the message reaches all the people from these 6000+ caste groups that belong to avarna OBCs, ASAP.

Someone... please ensure that this reaches them, well in time.

And, sure... the REGIONAL PARTIES might throw up gems of leaders at the central stage.


1) The nation MUST NOT be swayed by BJP/ RSS / PM Modi's response to Pulwama as also any policy change on the status of Kashmir !!

The BJP/ RSS duo stand answerable to the entire nation for - DEMONETIZATION they unleashed on the Indian economy.

That was factually...the 09/11 of 2016 !! on the Indian economy.

2) Again...  ask for your share in the SOCIAL JUSTICE plank... and ye ALL OBC folks shall know whether your enemies are indeed any of muslims or Kashmiris or Pakistanis or the Chinese ??

Immediately you will come to know and FEEL the HEAT !! Way too... goody good !!

Satya Vachan !!

Why NOT demand this avarna OBC folks !!

Especially from the erstwhile BIMARU states.

The states of - Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhatisgarh, West Bengal, Orissa, Uttarkhand, etc. OBCs MUST DEMAND and get their requisite share that is eaten by other folks.

Seek NORMALIZATION ASAP. Within the civil services and judiciary and all aspects / facets wherein due representation may be required !!


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