Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Invasion of Privacy, Critical TabulASSion

Invasion of Privacy, Critical TabulASSion

Attention -
For the attention of ex-CJI J. S. Khehar.
And, other senior Supreme Court and High Court Judges and counsels.

This is TabulASSioned right from Captain's blogosphere ( ).

And, this actually meant that Captain and his mates have a perpetual eye on me and all my family members.
All means - ALL !!

After all, Captain AV and all his mates... loves watching and... WATCHES !!!

(( ONE ))

Several months back, one evening I stood in the kitchen area. Baked some toasts or bread.

Applied some Amul butter on the toasts and ate them.
The very next day, I read on Captain's blog that he's talking about the harms of the Amul butter.

And goes on to gloat about virgin coconut oil.
And, the efficacy of the same in treating or containing the Candida yeast infection, etc.

(( TWO ))

Captain AV had once bitched on his blog-site about some aspect of the husband wife intimate moments.
I made out that it pertained to me. I could clearly relate to the same, as a context from the exact previous day.

Apparently, this means that he and his mates are able to deeply and keenly watch.
With ease...
Inside the premises...
…whether one is eating, shitting, having sex, sleeping, bathing, waking, engaged in normal chores, reading newspaper, even while I am typing this post, etc.

Actually... everything these guys may possibly hear and see.
Means... everything that is happening inside a building. Any building. Around the country.

This means that the Americans are also watching, in real time.
That means the 5-Eyes and the 12-Eyes consortium countries, too.
Perhaps, the Russians too ??
That means "Full Spectrum Surveillance" POLICE STATE is in complete 360 degrees operation !!
...around the entire world.

And, NSA's Echelon program as also Woodepecker, etc. program captures all the Tera Bytes of data every day.
And, their supercomputers and intelligence agencies' analysts look for the metadata as also... specifically all those "targeted individuals".

Almost everyone of even little consequence is being watched by the Big Brother.

ALL that the ultra high tech intelligence agencies may require is -
a) Electricity / Electrical / Wireline / Wireless signals,
Using the same as carriers of the collected data, from a target source.
b) Smartphone, feature phone,
c) TV,
d) Laptop, Computer monitor, etc.

(( THREE ))

I have a worship room that I keep under strict lock an key... lest 'some unwanted element' lurking around enters the room.
In which case I would consider it defiled.
So, I have made it a habit that everytime after I padlock the room...

I make it a point to cross-check that the room is indeed pad-locked, in case I chance to cross by.
Rather than the room be left open by any remotest lapse.
Though there was never any question of any lapse.


Per my tabulASSion logs...
I have indeed observed in the Captain's blog that he is referring to the same situation. And, trying to corroborate it to some psychological bent of mind or condition. Paint it as some sort of a psychological / psychiatric malady.

Well there is NONE. Phut teacher Captain.

I do this specifically for the likes of you... the day I want...I will switch off this forced habit once and for all.
OK Chief.

When one is faced with cunning people, whilst one's online... surfing the sea; and in real life too, one may encounter or confront dicey folks who but destroy one's peace of mind and well being...
...then there is no harm being doubly sure that an event does not occur ( = unwanted element defiling the room or place of worship, while it is mistakenly left open ) owing to any remotest lapse.
This is an afterthought, meant for consumption.

Captain or those affiliated to the Captain keep a keen watch on me and my entire family members.

What is their interest ? Why they must do do ? Who authorizes them ? And, on what pretext ?

That, only they must explain.

(( FOUR ))

I try to pass of the details of how the intelligence/ security agencies watch in real time to my family members.

I try to explain to my mother and my brother's wife.
I have tried explaining to my wife almost countless times.
None of them believe.
They want proof.

And, these people see no reason why anyone would violate their privacy... their inviolable sacred space.
They consider it all... a figment of my imagination.
I am rather a realist.

(( FIVE ))

Even after close scrutiny, I do NOT observe any palpable surveillance equipment or systems that could have been planted inside of my rooms.

How they are able to watch ?


I suggest Internet of Things ( IoT ) nano technology based Audio Video ( AV ) devices and systems that are right within our premises.

Obviously... throughout... the entire world.

Perhaps, they have been around since couple of decades.

Only thing is we see them as some regular stuff.
- CFL bulbs, LED bulbs, Mercury Tubelights,
- TV,
- laptop, Computer monitor,
- Smartphone camera and microphone; Feature phone microphone, etc.
- mirrors.

Electricity / Electrical / Wireline / Wireless signals of any sort in one's vicinity... so to say.

...these things... sure do capture my mental frame work.

< EndOfPost, EoP >

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